Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 556 I'm Solving Your Problems!

Will Auceptin's current image is a child, so the emotions he shows are relatively relaxed and lively. He rolled his cute eyes in a very humane way, and said:

"Aren't you still here!"

Louise continued to maintain a faint smile, and replied:

"I have a reason to come."

"Then why did you come?" Will Auceptin asked.

Louise raised her eyebrows slightly, looked suspiciously, and asked with a look of disbelief:

"Don't you know why I'm here?"

Unexpectedly, Will Auceptin shook his head slightly, bit his finger cutely, and said sincerely:

"I do not know!"

I don't know how many years I have lived, but I am still cute! Louise pouted secretly, and ended the tongue-twister-like conversation just now. Although she didn't quite believe Will Auceptin's denial, she still took the initiative to explain her intentions, saying:

"Just now, Botis, the 'Saint of Mystery' from the 'Aurora Society' happened to find me on my head while looking for the 'Dice of Probability'."

She deliberately emphasized the word "coincidentally", and then described:

"Botis said that he found the breath of fate in me, and he wanted to take me away to see Ouroreus."

Will Auceptin looked indifferent, as if what Louise said was just a trivial matter that needn't be taken care of, he waved his fleshy little hands, and commented indifferently:

"Since you appear here, doesn't it mean that Botis has failed!"

Then, he looked at Louise with a slightly surprised look, and said with some emotion:

"It's not bad. Being able to get out of the hands of a 'mysterious mage', it seems that your recent adventure is not a small one!"

Hearing this response that seemed to be praising, Louise couldn't help but be taken aback. Is this the point of her words?

I went from Nantianmen to Penglaixi, and you actually asked me if my eyes were dry!

Huh, but the meaning of Will Auceptin's words seems to indicate that he doesn't understand what happened to him after he left Backlund. Is this true? Or is he pretending to be suspicious?

Louise couldn't tell the difference, but that's another question. What needs to be done now is to clarify the point just now, so she stared straight at Will Auceptin and said:

"Why, there is the so-called 'smell of fate' in Botis's mouth, my lord 'Snake of Destiny'?"

As soon as these words came out, Will Auceptin immediately put on an unbelievable look, as if he had been greatly wronged and questioned, his tone seemed a little excited, his eyes widened, and he said in shock:

"Don't you think I did it?"

In fact, Louise didn't blame Will Auceptin for this matter. After all, if this was His arrangement, then it shouldn't be Botis from the "Aurora Society" who found her, but It should be the demigod of the "Life School".

However, finding the breath of fate and finding the "Snake of Destiny" to solve it sounds so pleasing to the ear!

Even though she didn't have much doubt in her heart, Louise never showed it. Instead, she glanced at Will Ansey with a half-smile, spread her hands and said:

"I'm only a Sequence Five, and I have no resistance to the abilities of angels, so I can't say anything."

It sounded like he was playing tricks. Will Auceptin's eyes froze for a second, then he sighed, and asked helplessly, as if he couldn't do anything about you:

"What do you want?"

Louise smiled "hehe" and began to talk in detail:

"Since you didn't do it, it must have been written by Ulorius. He had entrusted me to find your traces, and it must have taken the opportunity to plant a breath of fate on me at that time. Find your hiding place through me."

"Only you, the angel of the 'fate' pathway, can eliminate the aura of Ouroreus. Moreover, I am also helping you solve your problems and eliminate this potential danger!"

These words are well-founded, and people cannot refute them. Even Will Auceptin was almost moved, but think about it from another angle, as long as I don't contact you, there will be no danger!

He blinked and said helplessly:

"Even if the facts are as you said, but you are not in Backlund right now, I can't help you at all."

Uh, as an angel, can't you cast spells from afar? Louise was a little surprised, this was an unexpected result, she couldn't help but hesitated for a while, and murmured:

"In this case, things are more complicated."

"Although Botis was frightened away, he is a 'mystic mage', and he might reappear in a second. At that time, I won't be able to escape so easily."

"You can rest assured that it was just an accident that Botis found you." Will Auceptin suddenly comforted him, seeing Louise's puzzled expression, he continued to explain:

"That's the breath left by Ourorius, and Botis won't be able to sense it easily, even though he has the tool that Ourorius gave him to find the 'Dice of Probability' in his hand."

The doubts in Louise's heart have not diminished, so it is really just a coincidence that Botis found her suddenly today?

She took a deep look at Will Auceptin, and continued to express her concerns:

"What if Botis didn't rely on his perception of the breath of fate, but came directly at me?"

"As a 'mysterious mage', will he leave some kind of imprint on my body without a sound... and then suddenly appear by my side at a certain moment?"

Will Auceptin nodded in agreement, and said:

"It's possible, the 'Mystic Mage' does have this ability."

"However," he changed the subject: "If Botis of the Aurora Society still intends to pester you, you probably won't have the chance to come to me, but should be facing Ouroreus instead."

Louise's pupils brightened slightly, and immediately asked:

"You mean, Botis won't pester me anymore, what basis do you have?"

Before Will Auceptin could answer, Louise continued to analyze to herself:

"Based on what I said to Botis and the latter's decisive departure, he will probably choose to ask Ulorius for confirmation, and the reason that can make a demigod give up can only come from A higher level of power."

"That is to say, it's right that Ulorius has no malice towards me. If he wants to see me, he doesn't need to wait until now."

"Is that why you are so sure that Botis won't pester me anymore?"

Louise was thoughtful, glanced at Will Auceptin, who looked childish and cute in a wheelchair, and suddenly questioned and asked:

"However, how do you know Ulorius' attitude towards me?"

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