Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 504 Gift from the

The first time Louise escaped, what Louise saw almost subconsciously was the blue and bright sky above her head.

The thick dark clouds disappeared, and the lightning and thunder that ravaged the sky and the earth also disappeared. Under the reflection of the sea, the entire sky showed a transparent light blue.

There are no clouds in the sky, the water is calm, and the sun hangs high, releasing warm and comfortable sunshine to its fullest.

I don’t know how long it has been since I saw such a beautiful sky in Bansi Port. Unfortunately, the residents on the island are not happy about it. Naturally, there is no need to mention the reason. The disaster-like scene just now left an unforgettable impression on everyone. It caused almost permanent damage to the mountain at Louise's feet.

Lightning and thunder devastated the mountain range, and then the flames that fell from the sky ignited everything in the mountain range, turning this place into a lifeless dead zone.

If someone looks down from a high altitude at this time, the mountain seems to be surrounded by a huge "glass" shining with dazzling light.

All the protrusions and depressions in the mountains were melted by the flames, and then filled up with magma. The entire mountain range turned into a dark color, and it was located in the sea, which looked particularly eye-catching.

Louise stomped her feet and felt the hardness of the ground under her feet. It was easy to draw a simple conclusion that this mountain range would not have any breath of life for a long period of time.

"I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me."

Louise suddenly thought of this allusion, and the reason why she was so emotional was that she found that the potion of the "Witch of Pain" in her body had digested a lot.

The essence of "witch" is disaster, and "pain" is just a by-product in the process of creating disaster.

After feeling in silence for a long time, Louise turned around. Although the scope of the disaster was limited to this mountain range, the impact it brought was immeasurable.

After this battle, it is impossible for the "Church of Storms" not to pay attention to Bansy Port. An angel-level battle will soon break out here, and it will definitely be much faster than previously expected.

Louise didn't stay any longer, her figure instantly became transparent, and then she hurried towards the port. It is believed that Mr. Hunter was already waiting very urgently.

When passing through Bansi Port, I found that some people on the island were panicked and frightened, and some were slightly excited, but their movements remained consistent. They were all busy packing their belongings, and only occasionally looked up at the distance The pure black mountains have different expressions.

"It seems that the 'Church of the Storm' is more decisive than expected, and directly ordered all the people to leave Bansi Port immediately. It can only be said that it is worthy of the style of the 'Storm Brothers'."

Louise didn't pay much attention to it, quickened her pace, and soon returned to the boat when she came.

As expected, Mr. Hunter was standing at the bow of the boat, his eyes were slightly worried, and he was relieved until he saw Louise appearing.

He didn't ask what happened on the island just now, but said very directly:

"Are we leaving here?"

Louise nodded and briefly explained:

"The 'Punisher' found something incredible in the mountains. We are about to evacuate all the people in Bansi Port. We have to leave here for the time being."

Hunter heard the unfinished meaning in these words, but he didn't ask any more questions. He just turned to the serious-looking sailors on the deck and said loudly:

"Sail, set sail."

The ship started slowly, and it was inconspicuous in the extremely busy Bancy Harbor at this time. Louise nodded with satisfaction, and then walked into the cabin.

She skillfully drew a spiritual wall, and then immediately entered a state of meditation, and her consciousness appeared in the "City of Disaster".

The whole city has not changed in the slightest, and there is no imagined dilapidated scene of being struck by lightning and burned. Humanoid creatures with terrifying shapes still roam the city.

Sure enough, the power of the angel is not enough to cause any damage to the "City of Disaster".

Louise raised her head slightly and looked at the sky. From time to time, there would be lightning flashes in the clouds, and there was a faint flame in the sky.

She stepped on her toes lightly, and her whole body immediately appeared in the clouds.

Thunder and Flame are still wandering "in their own way", and even slowly revolve around Louise, like a well-behaved cat.

She stretched out her hand to touch the lightning flashing with electric arcs, and her fingertips felt slightly numb, but when she touched the flame, she only felt a burst of warmth.

But Louise is very clear, even she has just experienced it personally, if it is outside, how powerful the flames and thunder here can be!

Suddenly, with a flick of her fingertips, she placed the thunderbolt in her hand in front of her eyes, and was surprised to find that the flickering arc seemed to be gradually weakening, like the power of a rootless duckweed, helplessly dissipating. Most likely no trace will be left in the end.

The "City of Disaster" is assimilating these powers, or in other words, it is wearing away. Maybe it is because this is just the residual power released by the angels, and the power cannot last long. It is only because it is absorbed by the "City of Disasters" that it delays its dissipation time?

Immediately afterwards, Louise couldn't help having another question, since "City of Disaster" can absorb the power of "God of Weather", can it absorb the power of other angels? Even if it only targets the angels of the "Hunter" and "Witch" pathways!

Well, there is a high probability that it will not work. Louise is very clear that the "God of Weather" is just a special case, and he is the result of the long-term influence of "City of Disaster".

Furthermore, even if the "City of Disaster" can easily absorb the power of other angels like today, so what? It doesn't help Louise obviously, because once she messes with a real angel, there is no chance of her escaping!

After all, not all angels are "weather gods."

Then, there is only one question left, can the thunder and flames in front of us be used? And how to use it?

If you can't find a way to use it as soon as possible, then these powers will soon dissipate.

In the best case, a wave of thunder can be released by waving your hand, but this kind of thing is nothing if you think about it, Louise has no hope at all, well, in fact, she has already tried it when she was still in the mountains , it turns out that in the real world, "City of Calamity" doesn't give any response at all.

"So, can this power be brought back to the real world through a certain carrier?"

Louise played with the flame in her hand, and said to herself thoughtfully.

It's like the nature of making a charm. Through prayer, pray for power from a high-level existence, and then engrave the power on the carrier of the spell. When using it, you only need to infuse spirituality.

"Perhaps, there is no need to pray at all, and even high-level existence does not need consent at all!"

Louise had a flash of inspiration, and she suddenly thought of Klein's operation of using "Origin Castle" to spy on and steal the power of "Eternal Blazing Sun".

Klein owns "Origin Castle", and the goal of his prayer is a drop of divine blood from "Eternal Blazing Sun".

At this time, Louise has the "City of Disaster" and possesses the remaining power of the "God of Weather".

Although the gap between angels and gods is a bit bigger, at most it is the difference in the power of the final finished spell, but the possibility of successful operation is very high.

There is something wrong with this matter!

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