Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 427 Two People, One Hundred Minds

Triss wants to escape?

A big question mark suddenly appeared in Audrey's mind. Although Edsack could not inherit the throne, he was at least a genuine prince! Why did Triss run away?

But after thinking about it, I also rejected the possibility of marrying Edsack from the bottom of my heart, and gave hints to my parents... Well, then it will be fine.

Moreover, since Louise brought this matter up at the "Tarot Club" and even took the initiative to issue tasks, it means that the relationship between Triss and Edsaac cannot be just an ordinary love entanglement, there must be something deeper game.

In addition, it seems that only Mister "World" and Louise are on the same channel, and everyone else looks dazed, even Mr. "Power" has often talked privately for a long time in the previous "Tarot Club", what charades are they talking about this time?

Under the circumstances that everyone was confused, Louise calmly explained the relevant information:

"Triss did not voluntarily stay with Prince Edesak, so she has been trying to escape and implemented actions. Although the final results ended in failure, she will not give up. According to reliable sources, She will certainly act again in the next few days."

"She has something in her hand that I want, so I need to know her general movements."

"Finally, I have a piece of news for everyone." She looked around and continued, "A big event is brewing in Backlund."

"What big event? A good thing or a bad thing?" Audrey immediately asked a question, and then, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, her voice suddenly increased a lot, and she guessed:

"Tris Cheek is the key figure in it?"

Louise turned around and glanced at Miss Justice, and sighed for Audrey's alertness and intuition, but she didn't give a direct answer, she just said vaguely:


Hearing this, Klein curled his lips secretly. He couldn't believe that Ms. Power didn't know anything about it!

She and Triss belong to the "Witch Sect", and based on Miss "Strength"'s description of Triss just now, one thing is almost certain. There was some kind of cooperation between...

Compared with other members of the "Tarot Club", Klein has more information, and if all the pieces of information are combined, a complete story may be formed.

Triss wanted to escape from Prince Edsaac's side wholeheartedly, and the people involved in this matter would encounter a series of coincidences, which showed that the person behind everything was probably Ince Zangwill.

And where there is Ince Zangwill, there is a high probability that some tragedies will happen, just like what happened in Tingen, and this should be the big event that Miss Power said that Backlund is brewing.

Also, Klein keenly connected another thing together, which was the news about Mr. Azik that he heard a few days ago.

Mr. Ards came to Backlund, in addition to looking for the past, he was also seeking revenge on Ince Zangwill, but at this time he was wanted by MI9, and he was probably also a masterpiece of "0-08" .

Therefore, Klein came to a conclusion that he could properly investigate Ince Zangwill's intentions and plans. If he was discovered by him and encountered danger, he could still ask Mr. Azik for help, and his life safety could be guaranteed. Basic security.

And once he missed this opportunity, he would not know where to look for clues about Ince Zangwill.

After this thought, Klein has already made a decision, he controlled the "world" and said aloud:

"I have a piece of information that you may be interested in."

Louise let out an "oh" and responded:

"tell me the story."

The cold eyes of "World" looked a little like strangers should not enter, and his voice was equally hoarse. He said:

"A friend of Prince Edsac, an equestrian teacher named Talim, died suddenly two days ago. He was suspected of being cursed by an Extraordinary, and the handling of this case has been handed over by the 'Punisher' Handed over to the royal family."

Triss, Triss, you really don’t give up and don’t give up, that’s why you were warned by “Desperate Nightingale” Panatia, and immediately took action again... Louise sighed silently, it seems that you Liz plans to rely on herself to break the story of "0-08".

Moreover, with Klein as a factor, she will succeed in the end, just like in memory.

Klein's safety is under the care of Mr. Azik, but I don't know if Prince Edsaac will be willing to let Triss leave?

If Triss can leave, then she still has a chance to get that ring.

That's right, the reason why Louise wanted to grasp Triss' movements was to get that ring.

In these two ordinary days, she carefully analyzed the conversation with Will Auceptin. This "angel of destiny" saw her thoughts, but finally chose to compromise and made a promise: someone will Come and tell yourself the truth.

Louise waited for two days, but still did not wait for that person, so she naturally figured it out:

"She needs to create a condition to meet the 'Goddess of the Night'."

Yes, she believed that the person who came to tell her the truth... To be precise, it was a god, perhaps the "Goddess of the Night".

It didn't take much trouble for Will Auceptin to contact himself, and so did Adam, but neither of them appeared, so the only possibility left was "Evernight Goddess", and the logic was not complicated.

The key point is that the "Goddess of the Night" stayed in the star realm, and the latest divine descent was in the "Becklund Great Smog Event" that will happen soon.

Therefore, Louise needs that ring. Only in this way can she logically see the Goddess of the Evernight vessel and learn the so-called truth.

Silently suppressing the throbbing in her heart, she closed her eyes slightly and then opened them again. She looked at the "world" at the bottom and said:

"This shows that Triss has already started to act, and you, or a friend of yours involved, has been forced to get involved in this matter, so there are two choices before you. "

"One, leave Backlund right now, there is a high probability that you will be able to successfully escape from danger, because you are not the protagonist in this matter."

"Second, choose to continue to go deep into it, and at the same time help me grasp Triss's movements, but I can't guarantee your safety."

Klein was silent for two seconds, then asked aloud:

"What will I get paid?"

Uh, does "squirming starvation" count? If you leave Backlund right now, then you probably won't see Azik, and naturally you won't be able to get that magical item... Louise suddenly thought of it At this point, he immediately showed a confident smile and replied aloud:

"Gold pounds, potion formulas, extraordinary materials, knowledge of mysticism, you have a lot of choices, and I will pay you enough."

Klein did not give an answer immediately, but replied after a short thought:

"I need time to think."

Louise is confident that she has a good grasp of Klein's thoughts. After all, it is about Ince Zangwill. It is impossible for Klein not to be interested. He is just worried that he will not be able to resist possible dangers.

"Yes, but please don't take too long." She said with a smile:

"If you think about it for too long, I'm afraid you won't have time to leave."

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