Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 423 Klein understands again...

"Witch of Despair" Pannadia seems to have really let go of Louise's betrayal, or she may be at the most critical moment recently and has no free time to deal with these trivial matters.

And after the two people's carefully planned plan failed, Triss never sent any news, but it was probably impossible for her to give up, and she might be looking for a new way to escape at this time.

Could it be that Klein will be involved?

Louise took a wait-and-see attitude towards this. After all, she had already received Will Auceptin's promise, and she was about to learn the secret hidden in her body. The ring was no longer necessary for her.

It's just that two days of calm days passed like this. Louise didn't wait for the person who came to tell her the truth, but waited for the new week's "Tarot Club".


A crimson light cluster came in, and Louise's consciousness entered Origin Castle again.

"Good afternoon, 'The Fool'~ Good afternoon, Ms. Power..."

Audrey is in a good mood, because she has already obtained the potion formula of Sequence Seven "Psychologist" from "Psychological Alchemist", and she is full of longing for it.

The credit of the maid lady Sophia is unavoidable here... Ever since the maid lady who got Louise turned out to be an Extraordinary of the "spectator" path, and her sequence was higher than her own, Audrey visited Egram Street more and more often It is frequent, and often invites the maid to the house as a guest, as if they are intimate.

Infected by Miss Justice's cheerful mood, Klein's originally suppressed mood was temporarily freed from the troubles of tedious external affairs.

One of his friends is dead, Talim, a descendant of nobles and a teacher of equestrianism.

Louise's guess was correct, Triss did not give up her escape plan, she finally started to kill, and the one who killed was the friend of His Highness the Prince.

Miss "Magician" still looks cautious, but she has successfully joined the Abraham family and became a student of Teacher Dorian... Well, under the protection of Mister Fool's angel.

Thinking of this, Fors cautiously raised her head and glanced at the top Mr. "Fool". He was towering and mysterious, so powerful and noble that people dare not look directly at him.

"The Hanged Man" Alger is also in a good mood. He is currently looking for an opportunity to hunt one of the main materials of Sequence Six "Wind Blessed", and the search for another main material has also been put on the schedule, but "power" There has been no clue of the extraordinary material that the young lady needs, which is actually a worrying thing.

Little "Sun" Derrick can be regarded as the most urgent person here, but he knows that it is Mister Fool's time now, so he dare not disturb him.

Sure enough, Miss "Justice" looked around, looked at the head of the long bronze table, and said with a smile:

"Dear Mister Fool, I have newly obtained three pages of Roselle's diary."

Miss Justice is really a girl who is easy to make people feel happy... The thought flashed by, and Klein asked with a smile:

"Very well, what reward do you want?"

Audrey bowed respectfully, and replied sincerely:

"You sent your angel to provide protection and help me successfully join the 'Psychological Alchemy Association'. This is my reward."

"I know that three pages of diaries are not enough, but I will collect more Russell's diaries as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Miss "Magician" couldn't help being stunned.

Ah, what, do you still need to provide compensation? I thought it was the benefit of members of the "Tarot Society"... Fors immediately realized, bowed and said:

"Dear Mister Fool, I will also collect Roselle's diary for you as soon as possible as a reward for your protection."

Alger couldn't help being stunned, how many angels are there under Mister Fool? Or is it the same angel that provides protection to members of the "Tarot Society"?

Klein is quite happy with this situation. After all, some debts have been created out of thin air. However, as a "fool", he can't care about these trivial matters.

Afterwards, his gaze inadvertently passed over the figure of Miss Power, hiding some kind of anticipation.

In the "Tarot Club" before, he made a huge sacrifice, allowing Mr. "Sun" to promote the existence of "The Fool" to the City of Silver, and Miss "Power" promised to pay him. Klein was quite upset about this. expect.

Seemingly noticing Klein's gaze, Louise immediately said respectfully:

"Mr. Fool, I have only collected two pages of Roselle's diary for the time being, but a new diary will come to me soon."

Klein nodded slightly. That's right. Only Miss Power who works hard to contribute to the Tarot Society is a good Miss Power.

He took the diary in which the two ladies had manifested into the palm of his hand, a total of five pages.

At the top is Miss Justice's diary:

"On January 13th, I got in touch with Mr. 'Gate' steadily, and talked with him about Tarot cards... He said that 'Evernight Goddess' is not equivalent to the 'Moon' card, but should represent 'Stars' card, and the 'Moon' card has no owner for the time being."

"He said that there are many angel families in the Fourth Epoch, and the number of powerful people who have the opportunity to become true gods is beyond the imagination of today's people."

"There is another interesting thing. According to Mister 'Gate', in the Fourth Epoch, there was actually a family of true gods! That is, a family of witches with the 'Original Witch'."

"It turns out that today's 'Witch Sect' should be a family in the Fourth Epoch! Could it be that these 'Witches' are all relatives? And the 'Original Witches' are the ancestors of all 'Witches'?"

"It's really eye-opening. Moreover, this corresponds to the content of some fantasy novels in the previous life, laughing."

It was also the first time for Klein to hear this kind of statement, and he was quite surprised for a while, but he also slandered Roselle:

"Mr. Great Emperor, have you forgotten that you said 'the taste of a witch is really good'? According to this statement, you can also be regarded as the grandson-in-law of the 'primordial witch' for countless generations..."

Uh, wait, Miss "Power" is "Witch"! She is also a member of the "Witch Sect", and according to my speculation, she is likely to be a descendant of Roselle for an unknown number of generations... Klein had a flash of inspiration, as if he understood something in an instant, and couldn't help but glance at it. Miss "Power" on the right, I don't know what to say!

Forget it, let’s continue to read the diary:

"On June 5th, I got an ancient book, which actually mentioned the name of the 'primordial witch', which is not a respectable name!"

"His name is Chick, but it's a man's name! Could this ancient book be a fake?"

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