Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 393 Has my identity as

The "Twilight Hermit Society" has internal ghosts in the three major churches of righteous gods in Loen. This is something Louise has known for a long time, but the "Steam Church" has been infiltrated into a sieve in the entire parish of Backlund. What an incredible thing!

A profane idea suddenly appeared in Louise's mind:

"The 'God of Steam' probably used up all his luck when he was promoted to a god! Oh, and, the appearance of Russell may have overdrawn the luck of this god, no wonder he was on the wrong team in the end..."

She settled down and sincerely thanked:

"Thank you for caring for me."

Horamick Haydn stretched out his hand to help, and replied:

"You're welcome, that's something that's planned, and we're all working towards the same goal."

Naturally, Louise couldn't just go downhill, so she showed more respect, but the thoughts in her heart were not humane!

"Russell seems to be a relatively simple person. His purpose of joining the 'Twilight Hermit Society' may just be to promote a demigod and become a better craftsman...Of course, the suspicion that he has been disguising himself cannot be ruled out."

"However, Horamick Haydn has long been a demigod. Why did he betray the 'God of Steam'? He is not an angel from God, so why not have lofty ambitions? He will never really believe in 'resurrection' Primordial Creator' kind of thing?"

At this moment, Horamick Haydn suddenly raised a question:

"There is something that has troubled me for a long time, Miss Louise may be able to clear it up for me."

Louise restrained her thoughts and immediately replied:

"Please tell me, I know everything."

Horamick Haydn chuckled, and said softly:

"Don't be so reserved, we're friends now, just think of me as Russell."

When Russell heard this, he was immediately unhappy, and asked:

"Hey, what do you mean by that?"

Horamick Haydn ignored him, just looked at Louise with a smile, and then expressed his doubts:

"On the day Duke Negan died, all three of us were there. Maybe Snake really didn't find anything, but why did Anthony also remain silent?"

These words also aroused the doubts in Louise's heart. In fact, after the assassination of Duke Negan ended, she thought about this issue and came up with two possibilities:

"First, the disguise of the maid is perfect, even a demigod has not noticed the problem."

"Secondly, someone secretly 'managed' it, so the person who discovered the problem would tacitly keep silent."

Louise is more inclined to the second option, and she has even thought about the candidate, that is "Fantasy Angel" Adam, after all, he is the "Chief Director" of the whole incident.

But now it seems that Horamick Haydn is indeed right, but the performance of Archbishop Anthony of the "Church of Evernight" does not seem to be the handiwork of the "Evening Hermits". So what is the reason?

There is only one possibility. Could it be that his identity as the "Dark Night's Blessed One" is finally going to be hidden?

Louise thought for a while, looked up and said:

"Is there a possibility that Archbishop Anthony did not discover the disguise that day."

Horamick Haydn didn't speak, but just looked at Louise quietly. Two seconds later, he looked away, nodded and said:

"That possibility cannot be ruled out."

Louise didn't expect it to be so simple and perfunctory. She was a little surprised for a while, but she didn't show it. It was just that she had some guesses in her heart, so she echoed a few words with a smile.

In the ensuing chat, Horamick Haydn inadvertently said:

"On the same day that Duke Negan died, a demigod of the 'Rose School of Thought' was hunted down in the suburbs of Backlund."

Russell showed a very interested look, and immediately asked:

"Dare to hunt a demigod, did it succeed in the end?"

Horamick Haydn kept a gentle smile, his eyes passed over the faces of the two, and seeing Louise's face of seeking knowledge and curiosity, he simply replied:

"It worked."

Russell smiled gloatingly: "It's so pitiful that a demigod died in the 'Rose School of Thought'!"

I didn't hear the slightest pity from your words... Louise couldn't help but slander in her heart, and then she left the topic and asked:

"Your Excellency Horamick, what is the theme and purpose of today's gathering?"

This party has already started for a long time, and all the members have arrived, but it is still in the stage of chatting, just like the three of Louise, a few people gathered together, I don’t know what they are talking about, and there is no organization at all. Sex and discipline, too loose!

"It's very simple. Discuss the development trajectory of various countries in the Northern Continent after the death of Duke Negan." Horamick Haydn replied easily, further explaining:

"This is the practice of the organization. Every time an action is launched, there will be such a discussion gathering, which will ultimately determine the course of the times."

Louise glanced at Russell. The latter also looked thoughtful. It was obviously the first time he had heard of this practice. It seemed that he had not been a member of the "Twilight Hermit Society" for a long time.

No, maybe the time is not short, it's just that the interval between the "Twilight Hermit Society"'s operations is too long!

In addition, Louis did not find King George III of Loen in the hall. Could it be that this king who was about to be promoted to "Dark Emperor" was not a member of the "Twilight Hermit Society"?

Louise originally thought that George III would be a member of the "Twilight Hermit Order" just like Roselle... After all, both of them are kings, and they are both planning to be promoted to "Dark Emperor". There are quite a lot of similarities .

But now it seems that George III and Adam really seem to be in a cooperative relationship.

Moreover, most of the members in the hall are relatively unfamiliar to Louise, which means that the "Twilight Hermit Society" has not absorbed too many members of the Loen nobles, which may also be seen as evidence.

Horamick Haydon finally added:

"Usually, if you want to cooperate with members of the organization, you can establish contact through dreams at any time, and there is no need for such a large-scale gathering."

Louise nodded to understand that this is the difference between "private chat" and "group chat". It is similar to "Tarot Club", but it is more high-end and atmospheric.

"I know this!" Russell grabbed the conversation and said aloud: "Whenever someone asks me to customize a magical item, they will communicate in this way, which is very convenient."

Immediately afterwards, he turned to Louise and said:

"By the way, your customized item has been completed, and it will be sent to you tomorrow."

Louise nodded slightly and said, "Thank you."

Russell waved his hand, saying that he didn't need to care, but just raised his mouth curiously:

"However, there are not many couriers in human form, especially the normal-looking human courier like your courier, which is even rarer. How did you find it? Can you teach me?"

You are the first person to say that Miss Alice is "very normal"...Louis silently paid Russell a little respect, and then replied modestly:

"It's just a coincidence."

Russell didn't continue to ask, he was just curious and didn't care if he could get an answer.

In the end, Louise's simple words broke the relaxed atmosphere between the three of them:

"Why didn't I meet the organizer of the party?"

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