Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 383 Father and Friends

Klein knew more, so he thought more, but the thoughts of other "Tarot Club" members were much simpler.

"Why did this...'Twilight Hermit Society' kill Duke Negan?" Audrey asked aloud.

Louise replied seriously: "This has something to do with the purpose of the 'Twilight Hermit'."

"They interfere with the progress of history and make it meet their own needs, so as to complete their goals at a certain point."

"If the tide of the times is not going the way they expect, they will try to reverse it."

"Other than that, they just watched quietly and indifferently, and maybe there will be no action or commission for decades or hundreds of years..."

Finally, she summed it up simply:

"Duke Negan is capable enough and qualified enough, and his death is enough to make the situation in the Northern Continent go on another track, which is probably the path that the 'Twilight Hermit' expects."

"Duke Negan blocked the way, so, he died."

Secret organizations in the true sense, hidden in the fog of the world, will only stretch out their black hands at the right time, and move history towards their predetermined direction... Forsi, with the keen and profound understanding of a writer When it comes to the purpose that Ms. "Power" narrated, I even yearn for it.

Klein suddenly had a doubt: "Is Russell's death also a matter of conforming to the trend of the times?"

Just when everyone was thinking about it, "The Hanged Man" Alger asked politely:

"Miss Power, I have a question. The last time Qilingus assassinated Duke Negan, was he also entrusted by the Twilight Hermit Society?"

Louise nodded and replied affirmatively:


"After the death of Duke Negan, what kind of impact will it bring to Loen?" Alger asked again, he didn't care about the life and death of a Duke, he only cared about whether he could get enough benefits from the tide of this era... … At least for now, he seems to have the upper hand.

Audrey has more to say about this, she replied for Louise:

"There will be no obvious turmoil in a short period of time, and this matter will be downplayed."

Louise nodded in agreement and explained:

"The damage of one masonry doesn't destroy the whole house at once, it's just a trigger."

Alger said "Thank you", and then fell into deep thought. He felt that he should take the time to go back to the "Church of Storms". Only when there were enough accidents, a person like him could quickly rise to power.

Louise looked around and suddenly reminded:

"In the real world, don't mention the 'Twilight Hermit Society' to anyone."

"Why?" Audrey asked.

This is also Klein's doubt. He has been worried about the fact that Roselle didn't dare to say his name in the diary for a long time. Fortunately, Miss "Power" likes to share knowledge, so he can know about the "Twilight Hermit Society". name.

Louise lowered her head slightly, and replied in a deep tone:

"Whoever speaks shall be known."

Audrey's eyes widened immediately, because she knew that this was a characteristic of the "spectator" pathway. Could it be that the "Twilight Hermit Society" had high-sequence Beyonders of the "spectator" pathway?

Be careful of the "audience"... Klein suddenly had a deeper understanding of the words Roselle often said.

Forsi secretly groaned in her heart, can she skip five minutes ago and choose not to listen to this secret... I am just a Sequence Nine "apprentice"!

At this time, Miss "Justice" raised her right hand, turned to the head and said:

"Mr. Fool, I request to communicate with Ms. Power alone."

Hearing this, Alger looked up at the two of them. He knew that "justice" and "strength" were friends in reality, but now he wanted to communicate alone in the "Tarot Club", especially when talking about the "Twilight Hermit Club" "... what would they say?

Klein was also very curious about this, but fortunately, he could "listen in".

Simply shielding everyone, Klein the Fool said softly:

"You can communicate now."

Audrey thanked her first, then turned her head and said seriously:

"My father already knew about my Extraordinary status, and he also suspected that I had sex with you."

Sure enough... Louise confirmed her guess, and after thinking about it for a while, she chuckled and responded:

"Don't worry, even if Mr. Earl wants to investigate, he won't be able to find anything about me."

Audrey was a little unbelievable, and frowned slightly, as if dissatisfied with Louise's carelessness, she emphasized:

"My father is good friends with Archbishop Anthony of the Church of Evernight. He is a true demigod. I think you should be more cautious."

Louise smiled gratifiedly, nodded and said:

"That's right. In the next short period of time, I will not carry out large-scale operations, and I will probably rest for a while."

Only then did Audrey nodded in satisfaction, but unfortunately, she didn't know that Louise was really confident, and the latter even had a feeling that at this point in time, no matter what happened to her, someone would take care of her.

Klein, who was hidden in the gray mist, listened to the conversation between the two, and secretly clicked his tongue. What kind of ecstasy soup did Miss "Power" pour into Miss "Justice" to make the latter "sell" his biological father!

At the same time, he had a deeper understanding of Miss Justice's identity. She was indeed a lady of a great nobleman, her father was an earl, and she was closely related to the Church of Evernight.

Nobles of this level are not difficult to find. It seems that he is about to learn the true identity of the first member of the "Tarot Society"... Klein thought silently. As for why he was not the second, it was because although he saw Miss Power twice, but not sure if that's the latter's true identity?

Also, Miss "Power" said that she will be quiet for a while. Does this mean that she has completed many tasks enough to join the "Twilight Hermit Order"?

While Klein was thinking, the two ladies chatted a few more words, and then Audrey wanted to end this private exchange, but Louise spoke first, and she begged:

"Mr. Fool, I have something to report to you alone."

Audrey glanced at her in surprise, then nodded, and finally exited the small enclosed space silently.

Derrick, Forsi and the others were a little surprised to see Miss "Justice" returning to the Hall of Giants but not Miss "Power", but they soon realized that it must be the latter and Mister Fool who returned to the Hall of Giants. There is something to communicate.

Maybe it's about the "Twilight Hermit Society"... Alger guessed in his heart that Miss "Power" might have accepted a special mission from Mister Fool?

In fact, Klein the Fool is very worried. He doesn't want to communicate with Ms. Power alone at all. Who knows if she will make some excessive demands and questions that he can't answer.

In front of everyone in the "Tarot Society", Klein could easily fool him, but now, looking at Miss Power's expression, he knew that what she was going to say was not trivial!

You have to take it easy... Klein prayed silently, um, to himself.

Then, he saw Miss "Strength" stand up, saluted inexplicably, and finally spoke.

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