Louise believed that, despite her brief stay in Tingen, if Evernight or Adam wanted to target her, whether through "0-08" or by any other means, she would not have No room for resistance.

Since she left Tingen safely and was not forcibly drawn into the story by "0-08", there may be something hidden in it...

Moreover, the meeting request made by Klein was almost completely transmitted through Origin Castle, and the level of secrecy was top-notch. It was impossible for Ince Zangwill to find out...

Under comprehensive analysis, the safety of returning to Tingen rashly seems to be guaranteed.

Maybe, this is an opportunity...

After thinking about it, Louise's expression kept changing, and she finally made up her mind to write at the desk.

"Dear Audrey, I accept your apology and express my deep admiration for your love and sense of justice."

"I do understand the dangers hidden in Tingen, and I am also willing to do what I can to prevent this disaster."

"So, I decided to accept the invitation to meet with my friend in Tingen."

"However, I am currently busy and cannot leave. The specific timing of the meeting still needs to wait. If there is any news, I will contact you through a messenger."

"Your loyal friend, Louise."

Now that she had made up her mind, she no longer hesitated. After writing the letter, Louise immediately held a ceremony to summon the messenger.

Alice reappeared in mid-air, holding the doll bear in her arms with her left hand, without any impatient expression on her face, and clear and curious eyes fell on Louise's pupils.

"Send this letter to Audrey, the noble lady who just entrusted you to deliver the letter to me." Louise said seriously.

With a flick of her free right hand, Alice put the letter away, and then disappeared into the air.


Audrey was reading in her bedroom, but the book in her hand had not been turned over... Well, the name of the book is "Storm Mountain Villa".

Suddenly, a beautiful and illusory figure appeared in front of her, silent and devoid of spiritual fluctuations. It was Louise's "messenger".

"The distance between Backlund and Tingen is very far, and there is a reply so soon. The "messenger" that travels in the spirit world is so powerful!"

After being surprised for a short time, Audrey couldn't help but sighed in her heart... Well, I don't know if I can have a messenger, preferably as beautiful as the one in front of me.


She took the letter, gave a dignified noble salute, and raised her head to find that the "beautiful Miss Messenger" had no intention of leaving, but skipped herself and looked behind her.

Behind me is the bed... Audrey thought curiously, and after observing again, she found that "Miss Messenger" was focusing on a rabbit doll beside the bed, and the other party was holding a bear doll in his arms , obviously not last time... It is said that many spirit world creatures have their own quirks...

"For you?" She picked up the rabbit doll and asked tentatively.

Alice nodded slightly, beckoned and hugged the rabbit doll in her arms, then saluted, exactly the same as Audrey's posture just now, and finally disappeared into the air.

Audrey breathed a sigh of relief, in front of this beautiful and outrageous "messenger", she always felt an inexplicable pressure.

Moreover, according to the book, creatures in the spirit world are likely to be hundreds or thousands of years old, so why do they like dolls... How strange!

Shaking her head slightly, she opened the letter in her hand and read it carefully.

"Yeah, it worked!" Audrey lightly waved her right fist, not hiding her happiness:

"I knew that Louise was a good person with a sense of justice... what an Extraordinary."

"Actually, I'm not as good as she said..." Audrey touched her reddish cheeks, and at the same time thought to herself: "I should tell Mister Fool the good news immediately."

Skillfully hold the ceremony, recite the three-stage name of the gods, report the contents of the letter to Mister Fool as if praying, and then cancel the ceremony.

I don't know what Mister Fool's favored person looks like, whether it's a man or a woman... Maybe you can ask Louise after she comes back, um, it's better not to ask casually about such things...

You are no longer the innocent little girl you were before... Audrey cheered herself up in her heart.

"Why does the room smell of essential oils and spiritual pollen?"

Susie walked into the room with a book as thick as a brick in her mouth, her nose moved slightly, and she asked curiously.

"Ah... I tried to hold a small ceremony just now, but it failed." Audrey argued somewhat unnaturally.

"The occult rituals can't be tried casually, it's easy to attract the attention of evil beings." Susie persuaded earnestly, then ran to Audrey with a book in her mouth, and asked:

"I have a question that I don't understand, can you explain it to me?"

Audrey glanced at it and found that it was a historical work about the Fourth Epoch. Thinking of her idleness just now, she took a deep breath and replied with a smile:



Tingen, Blackbrier Security Company.

"What are you busy with these days? You look overworked every day, I remember you don't have a girlfriend yet!"

Leonard put down the newspaper in his hand and asked curiously.

The person being questioned is holding his chin with both hands, looking drowsy. He is our Mister Fool, Klein.

He shook his head and complained half-truthfully:

"Recently, Coach Gao Wen has increased my training, and my legs are still sore!"

"Every drop of sweat you shed here may save your life in the future." Leonard said in a deep voice, deliberately imitating another person's voice.

Then he smiled and said, "Coach Gao Wen is so strict with everyone, you still have to suffer!"

"Okay, I'm already mentally prepared." Klein shook his head, let himself clear up, got up and said:

"I'm going to the bathroom."

After closing the wooden door of the bathroom, Klein was immediately refreshed. He turned on the faucet, walked four steps backwards in the small space, and successfully came to the gray mist.

"It really is Miss Justice."

Klein, who was sitting high on the long bronze table, said excitedly. He didn't use the gray mist to cover up his figure, but directly stretched out his hand to press the dark red star that was constantly beating, and listened to Miss Justice's prayer.

Agreeing to meet, this is good news to be happy about... But the other party didn't set a specific time, this situation is considered normal, after all, wild Beyonders are not as good as "Nighthawks", and only being cautious can live longer...

It's just that Klein doubts whether he can still make it to this meeting... His sense of crisis has become more and more serious!

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