Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 145 Questions About Klein

Led by Miss Justice, Louise walked into an empty room on the second floor, and saw a big fluffy golden retriever dog, which was Susie.

"Did you miss me?" Louise lifted her skirt, squatted down, and stroked Susie's head.

Susie opened her mouth solemnly, shook the air and replied:

"Sometimes I wonder."

As a talking dog, Susie can only talk to Audrey when she is alone with her. Most of the time, she has to restrain herself and pretend to be an ordinary dog, which is inevitably a bit boring...

In fact, it’s okay if it’s just like this, but suddenly there is another person who can talk to me, and I haven’t seen each other for a long time, it will inevitably cause some missing emotions... Just like two children who share secrets, it’s not complicated for Susie what's going on in your brain.

"I'll take you out to play when I have time, okay?" Louise asked happily.

Susie thought for a moment, then looked back at Audrey.

"I'm still standing here!"

Audrey wanted to pout her lips to express her dissatisfaction, but she refrained from making such a disrespectful gesture. She just said with some taste: "Susie has asked me several times, when will I see you again?"

In contrast, Louise didn't have so many restraints. She smiled, got up and sat on the soft sofa, and said with a little satisfaction:

"It means I'm more popular."

Audrey sat next to her. Seeing this, Susie quickly ran back to Miss Justice's feet and lay down quietly.

Louise asked briskly, "Tell me, what's the problem?"

"How do you know that I have a question to ask you?" Audrey asked curiously.

Louise thought to herself, after reading Roselle's diary that she deliberately fabricated, Klein didn't drag me directly to Sefirah Castle, which is considered very restrained and cautious... He must be trying to figure out his current doubts now. , It was so easy to catch a sheep from Miss "Justice", and you can squeeze the wool without any effort...

"Because every time we meet, you will have different new questions waiting for me." Louise answered, and then raised the teacup and drank the lipstick tea, which she brought from downstairs. After all, she had eaten some food, Lips are somewhat dry.

"However, knowledge is not free. From now on, I will start charging as appropriate!" She said seriously.

This is a test to join the "Tarot Society"... Audrey argued in her heart, but she couldn't tell the truth, and even if Louise was really chosen by Mister Fool, she didn't plan to directly contact Louise Recognition, of course, if she guesses it, then it's not my problem...

I don't know if this expense can be reimbursed by Mister Fool... Well, let's forget it, anyway, Louise is very generous, and it won't cost many gold pounds...

"I would like to know the information about the 'Psychological Alchemy Association' and how to join them?"

Audrey said that although the potion formula of Sequence Eight "Mind Reader" has been obtained, Louise is not clear about the subsequent sequence, and still needs to join the "Psychological Alchemist"...

"About the 'Psychological Alchemy Association', I have already told you everything I know." Louise replied, and at the same time silently added in her heart: To be precise, I should have said everything that can be said...

"As for joining the 'Psychological Alchemy Association', it's even easier. You only need to buy the magic potion formula of the spectator channel at an extraordinary party in Backlund, and they will notice you."

"Besides that, there is another method. Remember what I told you, that the 'Psychological Alchemy Association' likes to develop members among the upper-class people of Loen?"

"Maybe a certain ordinary friend around you is of course the kind with little power, or a certain psychiatrist is secretly a member of the 'Psychological Alchemist'..."

Audrey was very surprised after hearing this: "Is it that simple?"

"It's as simple as that." Louise said, "And, in your capacity, once they show their willingness to join, they will show their approval."

Audrey nodded lightly, this is good news for her... Regarding the matter of joining the secret organization, she is not worried about safety issues, because she has the blessing of Mister Fool...

"Can I join too?" Susie asked suddenly.

Audrey was taken aback when she heard the words, but Louise remained calm and replied with a smile, "I'm afraid not, but you can follow Audrey, which is equivalent to joining."

Susie shook her ears and stopped talking.

Miss Audrey, whose face had recovered, touched Susie's head and asked curiously:

"Just now you said that the royal family holds the arbitrator channel, is that true?"

Louise responded with a smile: "Of course, the royal families of several countries that divide the Northern Continent are all extraordinary families with a long history. Otherwise, how can they ascend the throne!"

"Fourth Epoch?" Audrey used the ability of "Audience" to ask further.

"That's right." Louise replied affirmatively: "After the War of the Four Emperors, the big family that survived will naturally become the final winner. This is a historical inevitability."

Audrey pretended to think for a while, and suddenly said: "There are winners, and there are also losers. In the Fourth Era, many big families disappeared in the dust of history due to the failure of the empire they belonged to. For example, Antigonus family……"

"Am i right?"

Louise nodded slightly, and said: "Basically correct, but the Antigonus family did not decline because of the failure of the War of the Four Emperors, but because the Church of the Evernight Goddess took action to destroy it, and there are no descendants."

Of course, it would be strange if the "Mother of Secrets" could leave traces...

"Why did the Church of the Goddess want to eliminate the Antigonus family?" Audrey asked. Ever since she heard Mr. "The Hanged Man" talk about this matter at the "Tarot Society", she has always been puzzled.

Louise spread her hands: "You should ask the goddess, no one knows..."

Knowing that what she said would be passed on to Klein by Audrey, she said more: "Maybe the Antigonus family is more evil and terrifying..."

"Like the Zaratul family, they have mastered the way of the Seer, and they are even more powerful. The ancestor of the Antigonus family is also known as... a half-fool."

Sure enough, Louise, who was staring at Audrey, saw the shock on her face. Her pupils were wide open, her lips were slightly parted, and her body was tense... But she was quickly caught by Miss Justice in the "spectator" state. Get back to nature.

But the turmoil in Audrey's heart is difficult to calm down for a short time... A half fool, the ancestor of the Antigonus family is called a "half fool", so what is the relationship between him and Mister Fool?

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. The author will go back to his hometown to celebrate the New Year this year. He is going to have a lively gathering with his family, so he has no time to code and write. He has the audacity to ask for a day off... Continue to update on the first day of the new year... Wish everyone an early New Year in advance, I wish you all Saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new is getting higher and higher, promotion and salary increase to make a fortune!

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