"I will keep my promise." Audrey said seriously.

She took the handwritten potion formula of Sequence Eight "Mind Reader" from Louise, and quickly browsed through it.

"Main materials: the complete pituitary gland of an adult colorful lizard, 10 milliliters of spinal fluid from Falsman rabbits."

"Auxiliary materials: 5 grams of chestnut spores, 8 grams of dragon tooth grass powder, 3 petals of pure white elf flower, 100 ml of pure water."

Tomorrow is Monday, so I can just ask Mister Fool to verify it at the Tarot meeting... Audrey put away the formula, thinking so.

Then, she found that Louise was staring at Susie with great interest, and Susie was also observing Louise, one person and one dog stared at each other like this...

"Susie..." Audrey said, hesitant to speak.

"I'm curious, how did it drink the potion, and was lucky enough not to lose control, and finally survived?"

Louise asked Audrey some difficult questions for her.

Um, because of my mistake, but that was too embarrassing, I can't say... Audrey blushed a little, and reluctantly explained: "Susie is a very smart dog."

"Well, I don't deny this. Even if it is not smart at first, it will become very smart after drinking the potion and successfully promoted to an extraordinary creature." Louise said with a smile. The favorability is quite high...

"Is this situation like Susie's common?" Audrey asked.

Audrey has been very worried since she discovered that her dog could suddenly talk yesterday, although Susie has no problems at present...

She originally planned to give a consultation at the Tarot meeting tomorrow afternoon, but Louise seems to be more knowledgeable than the "Hanged Man", well, of course not as good as Mister Fool, but you can't bother Mister Fool with everything, And I don't have so many Roselle diaries anymore...

Well, maybe Louise has Roselle's diary, but she definitely didn't bring it with her, so let's bring it up next time we meet...

Naturally, Louise didn't know that Audrey had so many thoughts in a short moment, so she replied seriously:

"It's not common, it can even be said to be very rare... But it can't represent all, because there is a sequence of potions called 'Beast Tamers', they can tame and even control extraordinary creatures."

"If there is no external intervention, after the animal takes the potion, there is a high probability that it will explode and die, or become a monster out of control. Of course, there are exceptions. Like Susie, if it successfully survives the transformation process, it may be promoted faster. Because animals are simpler than humans, and their minds are more pure."

"This is my private opinion, and it doesn't represent anything, so I can give it to you for free."

Louise added that she suddenly remembered a travel book she had read at the beginning of time travel. The protagonist in it was a very knowledgeable deer...

"Beast Tamer", isn't this a member of the circus? I don't know if there is a potion called "Joker"... Audrey thought about it interestingly, and she said relaxedly:

"In other words, Susie won't be in danger anymore!"

"As long as you take the potion, there will be a risk of losing control, people and animals are no exception." Louise said seriously, "But the low sequence is still very safe."

Later, she further added: "As an 'spectator', it is easier for Susie to observe others. If I hadn't been special, I wouldn't have noticed her when she was observing... After all, who would care about a dog! "

"No offense intended." Louise said to Susie with a smile.

Unexpectedly, Susie opened her mouth, vibrating the air and making a sound:

"It's okay, I'm a dog, and I like you."

Uh, how can a dog say that he is a dog... Louise suddenly felt a little ridiculous. Could it be that his charm is so great that he can attract animals?

The two communicated with each other for a while, and Louise saw that the time was almost up, so she asked for a time-out. Although Audrey was a little unsure, the dance was still going on downstairs after all!


After spending the rest of the happy time in peace, Louise left the ball to be with Viscountess Connor.

"Have you had a good time tonight?" asked the Viscountess.

"I'm very happy. Viscount Greint is handsome and humorous. Miss Audrey is noble but approachable. We will become good friends."

Naturally, Louise knew what the Viscountess wanted to hear, so she just matched what she liked.

Afterwards, the two parted ways. Louise and the maid boarded their own carriages and set off for No. 59 Egram Street.

Sitting in the warm and comfortable carriage, enjoying the gentle service from the maid, Louise closed her eyes and meditated.

Her original plan was to use Viscount Connor and his wife to open up the situation in the upper class of Backlund, find clues about Major General Bright, and look for opportunities for revenge.

But I didn't expect that I would get to know Miss "Justice" so quickly...

Louise once wanted to join the Tarot Society. Apart from getting close to Klein and figuring out the reason for her time travel, there was another very important reason, and that was for Derrick the "Sun" and for the "Land Abandoned by God" An abundance of extraordinary material...

It's a pity that her attempt at the low-ranking stage ended in failure. Now that she has been promoted to "Witch", her hope of joining the Tarot Club is even slimmer...

"Witch" eh, how could she not know Klein's attitude towards "Witch"?

What's more, the honorable name of "The Fool" has not been revealed by the "Aurora Society", so Louise has no chance to chant it...

Fortunately, she met Miss "Justice", and Louise can completely trade with Derrick "The Sun" through Audrey to obtain the extraordinary materials she needs... It is also a way to save the country...

As for joining the Tarot Club, just look for opportunities in the future. Anyway, "Snake of Destiny" Will Auceptin has corrected her own destiny, and she no longer expresses doubts about her existence...

In addition, Louise has another question: what is the purpose of the "Witch of Despair" Panatia going to Tingen, and why did she ignore it after she was drawn into the "Witch Sect"?


The carriage drove smoothly at night and arrived at No. 59 Egram Street safely.

Before Louise was about to take a bath and rest, the maid suddenly said that she couldn't hide her excitement:

"Miss, my 'spectator' potion has been digested!"

"At the ball tonight, I experienced the feeling you mentioned, as if something shattered in my body, and the whole world became clear before my eyes... At that moment, I clearly felt that my potion was completely digested gone."

Louise was a little surprised, but considering that the maid had drank the potion for two months, the digestion progress was considerable.

She praised it first, and then said: "Then let's start collecting the main ingredients of the 'Mind Reader' potion, it's not easy."

Well, unless Audrey's brother, Alfred, sent back two adult colorful lizard dragons from the southern continent...

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