Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 125 Audrey and Susie

"That's right, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." Louise praised sincerely.

"Thank you for your compliment." Audrey responded politely, and then asked with an expectant expression:

"I've always been curious about life in the Southern Continent. I heard from Mrs. Connor that Miss Louise grew up in the Southern Continent. Can you satisfy my curiosity?"

Louise responded with a smile: "No one can bear to refuse your request."

Then, like a storyteller, she narrated: "The southern continent in the eyes of most Loen people can be divided into Rorsted Sea and East Balam. Many customs in East Balam still maintain the primitive worship of the god of death, for example, They don't like to ride in a horse-drawn carriage, but a coffin-like form of transportation."

"The people over there are very fond of snakes, and they can control poisonous snakes to dance through whistles..."

"The residents of Rorsted Islands are more inclined to imitate the way of life of the Loen people. There are surrounded by the sea, and there are many believers of the Lord of Storms. Merchant ships that go out to sea often encounter pirates..."

In the end, she concluded: "Everything in the Southern Continent is relatively primitive and rough, but it also has an advantage that Backlund can't match, that is, you can see the brilliant sun every day when you look up."

Grelint listened fascinated, and echoed the evaluation: "Yes, the weather in Backlund is getting worse and worse, and it has reached the point where it has to be dealt with, otherwise, I would rather go to the further south of the Disi Bay Life."

"I heard that someone has already proposed this bill." Audrey revealed the news briefly. She was paying attention to the "Civil Service Examination System" recently, and accidentally saw the bill to control air pollution, and she was very happy about it for a long time.

"I hope to return to the era when Backlund had blue sky and white clouds as soon as possible."

Glaint finally concluded that, as a man, he felt that he should dominate the conversation among the three of them.

It's a pity that Audrey came here for Louise... She was a little puzzled by the abnormal emotions shown by Louise before, so she wanted to test it out, but she didn't expect that the other party really knew the Southern Continent very well. The look in my eyes becomes peaceful...

And Louise naturally pays more attention to Audrey. As for Grelint, the small role...

The three had a drink, with happy smiles on their faces. As the music slowly paused, Audrey said:

"The opening dance is about to begin, but it looks like Viscount Greint has already chosen a partner..."

Grelint did not refute, but turned to Louise and asked:

"If Miss Louise doesn't mind, can you accept my invitation?"

"It's my honor." Louise said happily.

The two walked off the dance floor and danced to the sound of the music playing again.

"How did you know Viscountess Connor?" Greint asked suddenly.

Although Louise didn't learn the ladies' dance steps, she could easily keep up with the beat by virtue of her flexible control of the body. She simply replied:

"I accidentally met Mr. Thomas in the Southern Continent."

It turned out to be like this... Grelint was just asking casually, but now he became interested, because he knew that Thomas had joined SI9 and became a Extraordinary, something he couldn't do as the first heir to the title. .

"Thomas and Alfred joined the army without saying a word, which caused a lot of discussion in Backlund. I don't know how he is now?" He sighed and asked with concern.

Louise knew that Mr. Viscount had been looking for an opportunity to become a Extraordinary, so she naturally understood the hint in his words, and responded seriously:

"Mr. Thomas is very good, has been promoted to the rank of colonel, and..."

Next, she lowered her voice and said cautiously: "Do you know Extraordinary? Mr. Thomas has become an Extraordinary!"

Now it was Grelint's turn to be stunned, he almost made a mistake, and after correcting it, he asked curiously:

"Do you know Extraordinary?"

Louise smiled slightly: "In the Southern Continent and Rorsted Sea, things about Extraordinary people are not a secret, and many people with identities will know about it."

"I've seen more than one Extraordinary! Their abilities are amazing..." She deliberately added.

Viscount Glaint fell silent, thinking in his heart, if he could go to the Southern Continent, would he be able to easily obtain the potion formula of the "Pharmacist"...

Louise didn't bother the other party's thinking, she just danced her body to the beat while observing the crowd around her.

She noticed that Viscountess Connor was looking at her with satisfaction, and found that Audrey was dancing with a handsome man... Wait, Louise also saw a dog, a big golden retriever hiding in the corner, Moreover, it seems to be staring at itself...

That's Susie, the "Fantasy Dog", it's watching me... The corners of Louise's eyes twitched slightly, this must have been ordered by Audrey, what did she find, could it be that I didn't hide my emotions well... Now that I have met, then, unlike the "Tarot Club", maybe I can communicate with Miss "Justice" in another way...

At the end of the song, Grelint thanked politely, and then left. After all, he couldn't dance with the same partner continuously, which would arouse other people's daydreams.

However, it looks like he won't dance anymore... Louise thought to herself as she looked at Grelint's thoughtful expression.

Afterwards, she walked to the dining table, picked out a piece of medium-rare steak, and chewed it in her mouth. It was tender and juicy, full of meaty fragrance, and it was even more delicious than what she had eaten in Bayam.

Audrey also separated from her partner, looked in Susie's direction, then gently lifted the hem of her skirt, stepped up the stairs, and walked to an empty room on the second floor, followed closely by the golden retriever dog Susie .

"Well, did you find anything?" She asked expectantly.

Susie quickly shook her head and looked around, opened her mouth and made a vibration:

"That woman is very sharp, she seems to have noticed me, Audrey, is she the same as us?"

No, we are humans, and you are just a dog... Well, a talking dog after drinking the potion... Audrey found that she hadn't fully accepted the fact that Susie learned to speak, and her thoughts were a little confused:

"I don't know, but I think that woman seems to know me..."

"Actually, I don't know you, Miss Audrey."

A voice of justification suddenly sounded, causing Audrey and Susie to suddenly become nervous.

Louise's figure appeared miraculously, and she was sitting on the sofa opposite.

She smiled kindly, raised her hands, and said:

"I just want to prove that I have no malice towards you, Miss Audrey, or..."

"Miss Audience."

I'm a little busy today, so I'm late, sorry

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