Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 41: letter from afar

To be honest, before receiving this telegram, Igna still couldn't be 100% sure of the motive of the Asgar man to kill him.

After all, they had never met before, that man had no enmity or enmity with him, nor did he seem to have a feast with Abraham. Well, since it's not buying murder to kill, and it's a prepared, non-passionate murder, this is really weird.

However, this time, the "Guide" who had defected was contacted, and the answer was ready to come out.

"Just because I'm an apprentice?"


This answer frightened Igna more than the defection of the guide.

The fact that he is an apprentice cannot be changed at all, and there is no good way to hide it from him.

Now, he has gained considerable experience in preventing people from discovering that he is an Extraordinary of the Apprentice Path, but how can he not get wet shoes when he often walks by the river?

As long as he uses the extraordinary ability of the apprentice pathway, there is a danger of being discovered, and this will lead to death for him.

"Is there anything special about being an apprentice?" Su Yuanning asked, looking at Senior Zhou, who was sitting in front of him and looking at him.

He finally decided to consult the Lord above the gray fog.

He alone cannot understand this question. Moreover, he has learned a lot of the mysticism knowledge in the ring, and has accumulated a lot of problems.

It is impossible to say not to be afraid, but the kindness Zhou Mingrui showed last time gave Su Yuanning some confidence.

If he didn't ask Senior Xiao Zhou for help, who else could he ask for help?

This time, when Su Yuanning came to the space above the gray fog, he still came to the living room with a huge screen showing movies. It was the canine named Arrodes who reminded Senior Zhou, who seemed to be dozing off, that Su Yuanning was able to "enter" into the living room.

Listening to Su Yuanning's question, Zhou Mingrui smiled and replied, "The twenty-two extraordinary paths are all special."

"What do you know about the twenty-two Beyonder pathways? Do you know what they are?"

Su Yuanning blinked, not understanding why Senior Xiao Zhou suddenly asked this question. Is it the exam school?

"I know. There are records of the low-sequence names and characteristics of the 22 Extraordinary pathways in the family's textbook." Su Yuanning nodded and said, "They are 'apprentice', 'thief', 'divine expert'..."

Su Yuanning said the sequence name of each pathway he knew, and also attached the description of each pathway in the mysticism textbook.

When repeating this knowledge, Su Yuanning immediately understood the meaning of what Senior Xiao Zhou said earlier.

Yes, that's right. The apprentice's ability to "open the door" and "traverse" does have his special features.

However, the characteristic of "special" is possessed by all twenty-two Beyonder pathways.

Su Yuanning suddenly understood that whether it is the charm of a witch, the twist of a lawyer, or the luck of a monster, the abilities of every Beyonder pathway are irreplaceable.

Among these abilities, "apprentices" are not special.

"So I wasn't hunted because I was an 'apprentice'?" Su Yuanning murmured after hearing this.

"No, it's because you are an 'apprentice'." Zhou Mingrui said. Then he smiled, praised, and said, "The low-order knowledge you have is very complete. As expected of Abraham."

Facing Su Yuanning's somewhat surprised gaze, Zhou Mingrui looked at Su Yuanning with those tired eyes and smiled. He leaned on the back of the sofa, bent his right index finger and tapped the armrest, saying:

"This is common sense you can know."

"In the extraordinary world, there are three unchanging laws."

"The Law of Indestructible Extraordinary Characteristics, the Law of Conservation of Extraordinary Characteristics, and the Law of the Aggregation of Extraordinary Characteristics."

Zhou Mingrui said three nouns, which sounded very powerful. But Su Yuanning blinked, his eyes filled with confusion...

……Can't understand.

But just now Senior Xiao Zhou seemed to say it was common sense?

Seemingly noticing the dazed expression in Su Yuanning's expression, Zhou Mingrui smiled, instead of leaving only two nouns for Su Yuanning to guess, he explained it.

"The meaning of these two laws is very simple, number one." Zhou Mingrui said, "Extraordinary characteristics are fixed from the source, they will not increase or decrease. They will only be transferred from one thing to another."

"The second law is related to the third law."

"The second law is that Extraordinary characteristics in similar sequences are conserved. The third law means that there is an aggregation effect for Extraordinary characteristics in the same pathway or in a similar pathway. The higher the level, the greater the attraction. Intermittent effect."

Having said that, Zhou Mingrui stopped and looked at Su Yuanning with a smile.

Like a good teacher, he said softly, "Can you understand what I mean?"

Su Yuanning was stunned and blinked.

The meaning of these laws is not difficult to understand literally, but the problems behind Senior Xiao Zhou made Su Yuanning ponder.

In science, laws represent the laws of how the world works and are the cornerstone of world order.

But as far as mysticism is concerned, there are more conventional rules, such as the time and astrology corresponding to the seven gods, or the laws derived from natural observation, such as the 22 ways of the gods. And in this, there is hardly anything called "law".

The "law of conservation of Beyonder characteristics" that he heard today was the first time he heard of the "law" of mysticism after he came to this world.

According to the principles of word formation and word meaning expression, the field of occultism should also play the same role as the field in science. That is, the three laws mentioned by Senior Zhou are the cornerstones of the order in which mysticism What order do they represent? How does it relate to the issues they discussed earlier? Where is the speciality of the apprentice in these three laws?

Su Yuanning thought of this and suddenly noticed that in the laws described by Senior Xiao Zhou, the objects are all referred to by "things".

As an apprentice, he is a human being and a "thing" that conforms to the law of aggregation of Beyonder characteristics. Then, what things stand for is all objects including living matter.

He vaguely remembered that it was mentioned in the family's mysticism textbook that after the death of the tribe, the "extraordinary substances" condensed from their bodies must be handed over to the family's treasury.

Combining the above contents, Su Yuanning opened his mouth, and after a while, he found his voice: "...But the Beyonder can't change his path after he has determined his path."

When Extraordinary chooses Extraordinary ability, it is destined that his future development path must develop along a single line. If you take potions in other ways, you are lucky to survive, go crazy and gain powerful chimera abilities, but most people will collapse directly into monsters.

Is there something special about the apprenticeship pathway? Can it be mixed with other pathways and not easily frenzied? But it's against the law, right?

Hearing Su Yuanning's question, Zhou Mingrui smiled again, noncommittal.

He didn't give a specific answer to Su Yuanning's question, but asked another question: "Do you know how the magical item came from?"

At first glance, Su Yuanning didn't understand what Senior Xiao Zhou's question had to do with the topics they discussed earlier.

However, all of a sudden, he understood, like ice water pouring down from the heavenly lid, his whole body is cold, and his soul is cold.

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