Mystery: The Last God’s Path

Chapter 185: Set a small goal first, get up at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning to hold a "...

Klein tilted his head to look at Hiddell,

"You can sacrifice the gem to me through a ceremony, and I will give it to Miss Justice. This form of transaction will make your transaction simple and secure, and it will be confidential enough to benefit both of you."

Klein deliberately paused, and said unhurriedly, "I don't know, are you willing?"

'What, Mr. Fool still has such ability! ' Audrey was dumbfounded, feeling that this was beyond the limit of her imagination.

But she quickly woke up and wanted to understand the advantages of this method and the essence of the gods hidden under the seemingly simple operation!

Mr. Fool is awesome! Our Tarot Club is really different from other secret organizations! We trade supplies and various material items in the way of the gods!

Audrey almost habitually said "Praise the Goddess" in her heart, but eventually changed it to "Praise the Fool".

Although she was excited and excited, she nodded reservedly and gracefully on the surface:

"Dear Mr. Fool, I am very willing, what should we do?"

Compared to Audrey's excitement, Alger was suddenly nervous and vigilant at this time, and his heart throbbed.

The 'sacrifice ceremony' and the 'gift ceremony', as a Sequence Seven's 'substitute punishment', of course he has been exposed to this aspect.

But because of this, he was a little frightened at this time.

Since the orthodox gods have rarely responded to similar ceremonies, since the Fifth Epoch, the word 'sacrifice' has often been equated with evil gods and demons!

Thinking that there might be some terrible results, the Hanged Man felt that he was walking on the edge of the abyss, and he would fall down, be corroded, and be swallowed if he was not careful.

"Fortunately, this is a deal between 'Power' and Miss Justice." Argel the Hanged Man said with a little rejoicing in his heart.

He decided that at this party, if Miss Justice or Power wanted to make any item deals with him, he would refuse.

After the next meeting, the two of them completed the transaction, and after confirming that there was no problem, they were participating in such a transaction.

Hydall didn't know that there were so many dramas in The Hanged Man's heart, but only one thought, 'Pirate my ritual! ’

"Respected Mr. Fool, I'm looking forward to this kind of transaction." Hidell nodded and smiled, then said:

"What do we need to do?"

Klein nodded lightly, seemingly satisfied, and said with a chuckle:

"This requires your cooperation."

"First of all, you need to prepare an altar. It doesn't need to be too complicated. It can be very simple. The only requirement is to inscribe or draw this symbol."

While speaking, a light curtain appeared in front of him, on which was a mysterious pattern formed by the combination of the 'eye without pupils' symbolizing concealment and the 'twisted thread' symbolizing change, the pattern behind the Fool's high-back chair.

After Klein saw this pattern at the gathering last week, he tried some sacrifice rituals and gifting rituals, and found that after adding this symbol, the channels constructed by the sacrifice rituals and gifting rituals became more stable.

Moreover, the spirituality consumed by oneself has also become much smaller.

"There are no symbols in the ceremony that 'God' bestowed on me. Also, gods like 'God' don't need symbols to stabilize the passage at all. I'm afraid it's only me who needs this." Klein silently said in his heart. Shaking his head.

At this time, Hidall, The Hanged Man, and Audrey were all trying to remember this symbol.

"You are really more troublesome than me..." Hidell couldn't help but complained in his heart again. He thought that he just needed to change his honorary name to Klein's honorable name. Also remember the symbols, and then draw!

"It seems that this time is too busy, and I don't have time to get up early to pray for you, so that you have nothing to do, right!"

Set a small goal first, get up at five o'clock tomorrow morning to hold a 'sacrifice ceremony'!

When he saw the three of them trying to memorize the symbols, Klein chuckled and said:

"If you forget, you can pray to me, and then you can 'remember'."

"Okay!" Audrey replied briskly.

‘Why didn’t you say it earlier, I remembered it all! ' The fists under the long table of Hydall clenched tightly, nodding on it to show that he understood, and the Hanged Man also nodded.

Afterwards, Klein asked them to change the prayer sentence to:

"Your faithful servants beseech your gaze;"

"I beg you to accept his offering;"

"I pray that you will open the gates of the kingdom;"

When Hiddell heard the words of this prayer, there were 10,000 mmp in his heart, not knowing whether to say it or not.

Because he Klein changed the first prayer sentence!

The first prayer he told Klein was: "Your faithful believers ask for your gaze."

As a result, Klein changed 'believer' to 'servant'.

what do you mean! Even if we are not your believers, we can't call us servants, so we can't change it to 'followers' or other titles!

And you are not my believer!

The main point of the ceremony is to point to the honorable name, and the prayer sentences and other ritual materials are only means to please the gods.

It's no wonder that Hiddell has such a big resentment in his heart, and the dignified "God" has become a "servant", and everyone is angry.

"Anyway, I will change 'servant' to 'follower' at that time. If you like to respond but not respond, if you don't respond, I will keep praying."

Now that Klein has not obtained the 'Sea God' scepter, and there is no punishment, Hidal is not afraid at all.

Klein continued:

"After reciting, combine the material containing spirituality with the vibration of natural power caused by the incantation, and wait for my response."

"If this step fails, change the spiritual material to the extraordinary material and try again from the beginning."

After listening to Argel the Hanged Man, he felt that his previous guesses were likely to be close to the truth:

The 'The Fool' is in a certain was forced to sleep, and only woke up recently!

He gave an inductive attempt, let us try it step by step, that is, with the help of ourselves and 'justice' and 'strength', slowly break free from the bondage, and in the end, He may come to the real world.

'The Hanged Man' followed by a series of conjectures.

Then Klein informed them of the gifting ceremony.

The three took notes again.

Seeing that the topic of sacrifice and gifts came to an end, Audrey considered for a few seconds, and said again:

"Mr. Strength, when will I be able to digest the 'audience' potion and end the role? What's the standard of judgment? I almost never get irritable, hear babbling, etc. anymore."

Siddall was about to speak when he suddenly remembered that the emperor had described this in the diary Klein had just read.

So he forcibly held back his words. Forget it, let's keep a low profile and stop stealing Mr. Fool's limelight.

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