Mystery: The Ancient God is Actually Me

Chapter 25: Azik's Copper Whistle

Klein gently buttoned the dark brown wooden door that separated the captain's office. After hearing Dunn's response, he pushed open the wooden door familiarly and walked into the captain's office.

He saw Dunn Smith leaning back on the back of the chair, holding a briar pipe, and sniffing lightly with blurred eyes.

Captain, if I hadn't understood you, I'd probably think you were taking drugs... Klein twitched the corner of his mouth, and then said:

"I've been promoted to 'Joker'."

Dunn listened to Klein's words, closed his eyes hard, sat up straight, looked at Klein for a while, and said:

"You're in good shape. What you need now is rest and exercise, and you need to strengthen your control over the potion."

Klein nodded in agreement, closed the door tightly, pulled out the chair and sat down.

After thinking for a while, he said slowly:

"Captain, have you accepted the review from Lord Amani?"

He suspects that everything he encounters when he swears to the goddess is not the normal state of swearing to keep the "acting method" secret. You must know that most of the night watchers will not get a response from the "Goddess of the Night" in the ritual magic. Get any feedback from the goddess.

Dunn was silent for a few seconds, then took a sip of the coffee next to him:

"Of course, I'm also an insider of the 'acting method'."

Klein thought for a while, deliberately relaxed his tense throat, and said with a pretense of ease:

"Then did you have anything related to taking an oath just now?"

"Do you have any special feelings?"

"Are you worried about the effect of that fear on you?" Dunn seemed to recall something, pondered for a few seconds and said, "Well, strong emotions will affect the Beyonder's control of potions, so you really need to pay attention."


The captain didn't mention the goddess's gaze. Generally speaking, for a night watchman, getting the god's gaze is the most memorable and commendable thing. No, it should be said that it is the same for any believer of a god.

In order to prevent the captain from discovering that something was wrong with him, Klein thought quickly, and quickly picked up the topic just now:

"That Deacon Amani gave me a different feeling than Ms. Daly, who was also promoted quickly."

Dunn was suddenly silent for a while, took another sip of the coffee in his hand, and said slowly:

"After all, he is a senior deacon who has mastered sacred objects. Oh, it is said that His Excellency Amani is promoted faster than Daly."

"Like Leonard, she was born in the church's orphanage. In just three years, she changed from an ordinary night watchman to a senior deacon. She is a veritable genius."

Holy Artifact... That is to say, when the captain swore an oath directly to the Holy Artifact, did he establish a connection with the goddess? Then this should be essentially different from the ritual magic used on weekdays, and it should be another specialization in the ritual magic.

I can also write to Ms. Daly when I get home. She is also a member of the Nighthawks who knows the "acting method" and should have gone through a similar process.

For a while, the two people in the room suddenly fell into a strange silence, no one said a word, only Dunn's grunting sound when he was drinking coffee.

Suddenly, Dunn put down the coffee cup. Klein followed the sound and found that there was only a little residue left, while Dunn stood up straight, leaning on the armrest of the chair.

He looked at Klein who was still sitting on the chair, and explained in a deep voice:

"Deacon Amani should have completed the testimony of the oath to the other members. I will accompany her to take away Old Neil's legacy."

"Old Neil's legacy, those red eyes?" Klein was stunned for a moment, and then asked back in surprise and daze.

Dunn sorted out the folds on his formal jacket and was silent for a long time:

"Yes, you and I both know that for some parts of extraordinary creatures, they will become carriers of extraordinary power after they die. After these things have been identified and tested, those that are dangerous and still have side effects will be accepted as sealed objects. , like 3-0611 Quiet Hair is the legacy of a Nighthawk captain, and the other, less dangerous..."

Dunn paused, his throat slid, and he said calmly:

"In short, such items are one of the sources of the Nighthawks' sealed items, and the internal regulations also take into account the emotions of surviving teammates. All similar items should be stored in different places to avoid stimulating his teammates before his death."

Captain, you don't actually need to pause deliberately. Those that are not too dangerous should be the same as the parts that are rich in extraordinary power left by normal extraordinary creatures. They are all...

Thinking of this, Klein thought of a possibility later, and that is that if these legacy are controllable enough, it should also become the potion material used for Beyonder promotion.

This, the reason why I ignored this possibility at the beginning should be what is said in psychology, the self-protection of the brain... Klein couldn't help but cocked the corners of his mouth, smiled bitterly, and immediately swelled in his throat With a burst of impulse, I couldn't help but retched a few times, and my vision became blurred.

Seeing his violent performance, Dunn suddenly smiled, turned around and turned his back. His voice was no longer as calm as usual, with a slight tremor, and said softly:

"This may be a good thing. They still leave their traces in this world, and they can still stay by our side in a special way, fighting against madness and danger with us, just like before."

Klein remained silent as he climbed up on his hair with both hands and messed up the hair that was relatively close to him.

Dunn felt the depressed atmosphere in the room and didn't say anything. The right arm on the dark brown wooden door handle exerted a little force, pushed the door and walked out of the captain's office. After a squeak, the open wooden door was gently hidden by the door frame. up, blocking Klein in the room.


After the captain sent Deacon Amani away, Klein found a reason to say that he wanted to go out to practice tracking and monitoring skills, so he left the Blackthorn Security Company, took a trackless carriage, and headed to Mr. Azik's house beside Daffodil Street. Family.

Klein stood in front of the door of Azik's house with fine carvings. He hesitated for a while, but raised his arm and rang the lanyard of the bell outside the door.

After a while, a blurry picture suddenly appeared in Klein's mind, and he vaguely "saw" Mr. Azik striding towards the entrance.

Sure enough, in the crisp ringtone, Azik Eggers in a white shirt and a black vest opened the door.

He is still dressed more casually, with long straight black hair hanging down naturally, and the small black mole on the earlobe is hidden by the broken hair, which is not very obvious.

"Is your company's management so loose?" Azik glanced at the sky and teased with a smile.

Klein was stunned for a moment, then responded with a smile:

"We have a special rotation mechanism, and today just happened to arrange my rotation."

Azik nodded, glanced up and down at Klein, moved away, and walked with Klein to the living room.

He casually said something so that Klein didn't need to pay too much attention to the placement of the canes, while he searched the multi-compartment cabinet built into the wall on the fireplace, and picked up a jar.

Klein looked at Mr. Ards with his back turned to his figure, looked at the living room, which had not changed from his previous visit, and sat down familiarly in his usual seat—a softer sofa.

Azik turned around, saw where Klein was sitting, smiled even more, shook the jar in his hand, and said easily:

"Southern Continent, do you need two hard candies from the Xingxing Plateau?"

The expression on Klein's face changed. After struggling for a while, he said softly:

"It's not really necessary now."

Azik smiled and put the jar of candy cane on the coffee table in front of Klein. He reached the opposite side of him, cut a cigar very skillfully, and lit it with a long match to warm it up. stand up.

"Has the matter in Morse Town been settled?"

Klein smelled the smell of the cigar, his nose moved slightly, and said as usual:

"Thank you for your help, I've done that."

Azik picked up the cigar that had not been preheated enough, and pressed his fingers slightly, as if it had exerted some influence, then took a light breath, and asked in a mellow voice:

"What have you been through recently and you don't look very happy?"

Is my performance so obvious? Klein was a little surprised for a while, but he thought that Mr. Ards was also a Beyonder, and he could also use his spiritual vision to check other people's emotions, then he was relieved, and he let out a sigh of relief:

"I have a colleague who had previously taught me that he was out of control, and his relic was taken elsewhere by the senior deacon of the church. I don't know how this relic will be treated."

Then he was silent for two seconds. Just when he was about to explain to Mr. Azik, who might have forgotten the corresponding content due to amnesia, Azik put down the cigar in his hand, looked at Klein, and said solemnly:

"Do you know the existence of Beyonder characteristics?"

Seeing Klein shaking his head dazedly, Azik was silent for a few seconds, and said after deliberation:

"Extraordinary will condense some special items after death, which are called Extraordinary characteristics, and can be directly used as the main material of potions. Of course, for out-of-control Beyonders, most of the items they leave behind are items with certain negative effects. , which could be just some items, or some body parts to which they correspond."

Klein opened his mouth slightly, and the nausea from the captain's office just now climbed up his throat again, almost retching again.

He slowed down, buried his head in silence, and didn't speak.

Seeing his depressed performance, Azik took another sip of the cigar. After a few seconds of pause, he said in a calm voice:

"This is the normal state of the extraordinary world. I was shocked when I first recalled these contents. Oh, I am going to leave Tingen."

"Where are you going?" Klein raised his head abruptly and asked, and immediately regretted it. Such behavior is too rude!

Azik smiled indifferently, leaning against the back of the sofa, his eyes wandering slightly.

"The last time I lost my memory was near Backlund, at Backlund University, I think there might be some clues there."

Klein stared blankly at Mr. and didn't know what to say for a while.

In the end, he did not ask why he gave up looking for the mastermind behind the scenes, but expressed his concern in a calm tone as possible, and then mentioned at the end:

"I saw a mirror in the town of Morse. According to the description of the townspeople, the mirror should have appeared after you left, and whether it was divination or the source of the local haunted incident, I have divination related to the **** of death. screen."

Afterwards, Klein described in more detail the two pictures he saw at the time.

Azik, who was leaning on the sofa, gradually sat up, frowned slightly, and asked in a muffled voice:

"You said that mirror was left in your company?"

Mr. Azik, you wouldn't want to forcefully break into Chanis Gate, would you? Klein nodded hesitantly.

Azik then asked:

"Do you still have a chance to touch it?"

Klein thought for a while, and replied softly, "If there is a mission required."

Azik took a deep breath of the cigar, thought for more than ten seconds, took a breath, took off a piece of jewelry from his left wrist, and threw it at Klein.

After Klein accurately caught the jewelry, he cleared his throat and explained:

"This is a copper whistle that can summon a messenger that belongs to me. If you find anything abnormal on that mirror, you can tell me the situation through the messenger. Of course, normal letters are also acceptable."

Listening to Mr. Azik's words, Klein lowered his head and glanced at the copper whistle carefully.

It was a delicate and old copper whistle, with mysterious and peculiar patterns all over it. It made Klein feel a little cold but very soft, just like its owner.

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