Mystery: The Ancient God is Actually Me

Vol 2 Chapter 84: dreaded commission

"It's another Monday..." Klein, who had completely recovered from the trauma caused by Lanvus, was standing on the edge of the apartment window, quietly watching Baker, who was still irradiated by the rain. Rand.

After returning from the Eastern District, Mr. Aigron, who was in charge of conveying Prince Edsaco's will, specially reminded Klein about the move.

His attitude was so tough that Klein had to let go of his original plan. All Sunday, he could only pack up in the apartment. Only during dinner in the afternoon did he take the opportunity to meet Ian at the steam subway platform and agree to go together tomorrow." The Eye of Wisdom" Mr.

Klein, who was wearing a double-breasted coat with a "substitute" on his hand, took it out from the inside of the coat without hesitation. He stared at the rather exaggerated golden pocket watch for a while.

Ten minutes before the start of the Tarot Club, this will be the first Tarot Club in which I manipulate the "world" myself...

Klein stopped wasting time, and immediately pulled the curtains and walked towards the innermost part of the apartment.

Standing on the edge of the bed, he took four steps backwards, and a faint gray mist gradually appeared around him.

The light gray fog that was slowly flowing was still peaceful. Klein sat on the high-back chair belonging to The Fool and looked around for a week. No matter how he looked, he couldn't find the "secret" aura.

He habitually placed his right hand on the surface of the long bronze table and tapped regularly.

"What's wrong with his state, and the gods are at risk of losing control?"

"According to His explanation, the divinity that gradually overwhelms reason, and the spirit remaining within the Beyonder characteristics, these are the poisonous poisons that are extremely feared by the extraordinary extraordinary from the Sequence Nine, to the gods who hold authority, the 'mystery' itself. The Extraordinary characteristics possessed, to whom do they originally belong, and where is their source?”

Klein thought of the various knowledge he had obtained from the "mysterious" mouth from the destination, combined with the conclusion drawn from long-term observation, his brows tightened little by little, almost twisting together.

It was an almost impossible question to find an answer to, making his face extremely heavy and difficult to soothe.

Almost all the information in his inference just now comes from the "mystery" itself, and cannot be regarded as an objective and extensive inference.

Moreover, limited by his own knowledge, he now does not know the conditions required for promotion to the gods themselves.

"Whether it's a possible ritual, or the required Beyonder characteristics or potion materials, thinking about these things as a Sequence Eight is almost dreaming." Klein kneaded his temples and glanced at the display on his pocket watch. In time, spirituality spreads.

The crimson star symbolizing the "sun" trembled in advance, and in the gradually expanding picture, the little "sun", who avoided the sight of others in the dark, was sitting in a corner where the exact location could not be clearly seen, curled up and closed his eyes. .

Klein kept tapping his right hand on the table and dropped heavily. On the opposite end of the table, the "world" in a jet-black robe quietly appeared, his eyes were indifferent, but not dull.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, on all the stone high-backed chairs with their owners, dazzling crimson bursts silently, enough to cover everyone's prying eyes.

Inside the magnificent and tall palace, the blurred figures of "Justice", "The Hanged Man", "Sun", "Judgment" and "Magician" were dyed slightly red, from the virtual to the real.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool~" Audrey smiled sweetly, stood up and saluted, greeting each member in order.

Klein, who was sitting in the position of The Fool, did not interrupt, but felt some rare relaxation. He leaned back slightly and leaned back.

After the greeting session was over and all the members stopped speaking, he tapped on the table lightly and said in a mellow voice:

"I have a mission here."

He didn't directly say what kind of reward he would give. First of all, with the power of "secret", "The Fool" no longer needs to prove his strength, and secondly, the gods don't need to propose such vulgar things.

Alger, who was already completing various tasks, narrowed his eyes, but still suppressed his curiosity, and cast his eyes on Justice, with an implicit expectation.

Not disappointing him, Audrey was only silent for a second, and then answered affirmatively:

"Please issue a mission."

Klein raised his right hand slightly, and a very clear "portrait" emerged from the gray fog. After splitting, it appeared in front of every member.

In the colorful pattern, a man with sharp edges and corners and a sarcastic smile occupies the center of the frame.

Klein lowered his voice and said calmly:

"He stole part of the authority of the true creator, and is the culprit who created the case of the birth of the child of the gods. He is now in Backlund, and he is hiding in the dock union. You need to determine his status and let him forward this news to the church. ."

Due to the unique relationship between "mystery" and the real creator, it is difficult for Klein to create the illusion that "The Fool" hates this suspected fallen creator. He can only fake Mr. Fool to punish the blasphemy that harms the interests of allies based on the original status quo. By.

But in this way, it is really more and more like a heretic god, and I don't know if it will make the members of the Tarot Society feel jealous... Klein sighed secretly, this is a response to accepting the "mystery" "Brings a convenient compromise.

to the church?

Alger was startled suddenly, subconsciously feeling the inconsistency in these words.

Mr. Fool himself has several angels and demigods. I remember the murderers who planned the Tingen incident. One was a former archbishop who defected, and the other was only Sequence Eight. How could they steal the authority of God!

Even if they steal part of the authority of the true creator, why are these Beyonders who are not even half-length against a complete mythical creature, an angel?

But in the next second, Alger dismissed the idea, and a cold sweat broke out behind him.

He was speculating on the will of the gods just now!

How can I question Mr. Fool, even if he thinks from the perspective of a mortal, the big men don't need to do it themselves and hand it over to the enemies at the bottom... Aljak suppressed the urge to tremble and lowered his head.

In a sense, he is now more afraid of The Fool than the Lord of the Storm. After all, His Majesty the Pope will not pay attention to his mission!

In Backlund, Audrey, who had certain resources, noticed Mr. Hanged Man's reaction, and looked sideways with some curiosity.

"Hey, Mr. Hanged Man is afraid?"

Audrey raised her left eyebrow lightly, and immediately put her energy back on the portrait, shaking her head slightly.

Although it is more convenient for her to contact the higher-ups of the church, and she can also entrust others to determine the state of Lanvus, but this kind of information about the dock area is obviously not something that an immature noble lady can grasp, so she can only look at it. Look, you can't take on the task yourself.

Derrick, who was sitting next to The Hanged Man, was absent-mindedly staring at the portrait in front of him, but his thoughts had already flown to other places.

Klein, who was sitting at the top, resisted the urge to frown, his eyes shifted, and he looked at the positions of "Judgment" and "Magician".

It was found that these two low-sequence young ladies were also in a state of entanglement and had not yet made up their minds.

Alas... Klein sighed and added:

"Although he usurped the authority of the true creator, he has not been greatly improved and will not be in great danger."

After hinting, Klein looked at the members under the seat again, and was cruel, but in the end, in order to maintain the majesty of the gods, he did not continue to increase the weight.

Above the gray fog fell into a speechless silence.

After a full minute, Xio, who was constantly communicating with Fors with his eyes, straightened his body, turned to look at The Fool at the top, and said in a respectful tone:

"Great Mr. Fool, I am willing to accept your entrustment."

As an "arbiter" with a foundation in the Eastern District, she is willing to take risks in order to repay the grace of God.

Seeing that a member finally accepted the mission, Klein nodded slowly and stopped talking about it immediately.

Miss Judgment couldn't help but look at Forsi beside her, and found that her friend happened to be looking over, and their eyes met.

Alger, who had already adjusted his mentality, took advantage of the buffer time for the "trial" to take over the mission, and did not remain silent any longer. He humbly bowed to the top, and restrained his emotions:

"This time, it's still six pages of Emperor Roselle's notes. The last page, I will hand it over to you as soon as possible after the meeting."

The delusional speculation just now made him panic and decided not to push the last page of the diary to the next week.

"Okay." Klein nodded lightly, not too hasty.

After receiving the approval, Alger hurriedly restrained his using the strong thoughts in his mind, to condense a six-page diary in front of him.

Klein saw that the diary was quickly "written", and with a wave of his right hand, the six sheets of paper suddenly disappeared and appeared in his hand.

Suppressing the various thoughts in his heart, Klein calmly looked down and scanned the first line of text.

He quickly brushed past Roselle's emotions about his children's different choices on the path to the extraordinary. Most of his energy was focused on the words that appeared in Zarath, and he couldn't help but slow down his reading speed.

"Zaratul said that Bonova would become a lovely angel... If I remember correctly, among the current high-level church leaders of the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery, there is a big man who is suspected to be a descendant of Emperor Roselle. exist......"

If this high-level big man is an angel who doesn't have to worry about his lifespan, he might really be the emperor's youngest son.

From this point of view, Zaratul or an angel-level "diver", even in the field of angels, can see the future to a certain extent.

But why, in the previous diary, Zaratul also said that fate is not the main composition of "diversity". If there is really a sequence with "fate" as the main composition, how much can he achieve?

Klein shook his head and controlled the divergence of his thoughts. As the time he spent with "Mystery" continued to lengthen, he had an unstoppable desire to explore in the exploration of high-level knowledge about the mysterious world.

However, it was clearly stated by Zaratul that Bernadette, who would become a great figure in the Extraordinary World, what kind of identity does he play now, the so-called big figure, has reached that level again?

Seated gradually, Klein turned the pages of his diary and read the family secrets of Emperor Roselle, which left him a little unsure.


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