Chapter 62 East End, Hugh prepares to investigate Lanvus through Williams

Klein goes to Rappard's house to check on bike development progress

Miss Justice prayed to Klein and submitted information about the dilapidated nobles (Mrs. Summer invited Klein to the luncheon)

Klein obtained the historical manuscripts about the Pound family (32 years ago, the heirs of the Pound family died one after another, and he could only bring a side child to the house. After the death of the old viscount, the new heir quickly lost the family property. , was demoted to a baron, and then to a baron)

Pound Baron, currently rents at 29 West Villas Field, Queens

Chapter 63 Klein sneaks into Pound's house and tortures him about the truth about the basement

After he explained it, Klein entered his dream again and channeled again, but he didn't get too useful information.

Chapter 64 Klein foresaw Raft Pound's future at Origin Castle and learned that he was a descendant of the Tudor family

And speculate on the reason why he pretended to be crazy, and the real reason for the decline of the Pound family

Finally, I decided to completely block the entrance to the ruins with bombs.

Mike and Klein met at the club and learned that Mike had finished reporting

Hugh's informant was assassinated by members of the Aurora Society in his Eastside apartment (betrayed Hugh before his death)

Chapter 65 Klein went to the bar to buy explosives, and after contacting Miss Sharon, the two decided to blast the ruins of Tudor together

Hugh reads the newspaper and learns of Williams' death and decides to avenge him

Klein and Sharon go to Miller Carter's house, ready to blast

Klein and Sharon left Miller Carter's house after blasting and went to the club to practice guns

On the way home, Klein was interrogated by the police and brought into the police station because he was armed with a gun

Chapter 67 Hugh went to the East District to ask the informant Gene, and learned that another informant hired by Williams, Gavin, drowned in the Tussock River

Got clues that the suspected murderer is hiding in the dock area, East Balam Dock, Workers' Union Tavern

Klein Jürgen successfully left the police station with the help of

Audrey reported to Klein that Lanvus was related to the Dharavi Street bombing, and was going to investigate with all black eyes

Chapter 68 In the western suburbs of the North District, in a nearly abandoned house (the old campus of Backlund Medical School), Audrey and Foles attended a secret party held by the Psychological Alchemy Society (the organizer was a bubble in the male corpse in culture tank)

Klein found the murderer on Dharavi Street, and he stayed at the crime scene, preparing to wait for the investigators who came to investigate. After Klein confirmed the identity of the murderer, he informed Audrey that this was a clue

Chapter 69 Fols and Audrey leave the party, Audrey tells Fols Hugh and Fols see you at the same place tomorrow

Afraid of being followed, Klein did not return to Minsk Street, and lived directly on Black Palm Street in the East District. The next day he met old Kohler

After Klein said goodbye to the old Kohler, Klein attended the luncheon at the Summer house.

Hugh in the Docklands, East Balam Dockyard, Workers' Union Tavern, confirmed the murderer

Chapter 70 Hugh finds his acquaintance, Burton, a technical employee of the East Balam Dockyard, and learns that the murderer often appears in the trade union

Shut up as a homeless person and squatted in front of the union gate, confirming the hiding place of Lanvus

After Klein reported to Audrey, he learned where Lanvus was, and planned to go to the Eastern District to confirm.

Chapter 71 Klein pretended to be an investigative reporter from the Backlund newspaper, and confirmed Lanvus, who had changed part of his image, when he was interviewing the trade union under the pretext of

After Klein finished the interview, when he left the union, he met Detective Isengard who came to investigate Hibel's murder.

Afraid of being followed, Klein did not go home directly, but went directly to the Cragg Club. He confirmed the identity of Lan Erwus again through divination, and told Audrey that Lan Erwus had a truly created divinity. You can report directly to the Church of the Evernight Goddess

Audrey passed the information to Hugh and Foles about Lanlvus through Susie, telling them Lanlvus had the divinity of the true creator, and asked them to inform the Church of the Evernight Goddess.

Chapter 72 Klein Surrounds Lanervus in the Backlund Bridge Area

Two hours later, a huge airship joined the battlefield and cooperated with the red gloves to encircle Lanvus.

The team, led by Crestai Cecima, used 1-63 to destroy the divinity within Lanvus

Chapter 73 Klein prepares to make up for Lanvus (Lanvus borrowed Crestai's hand to clean up the pollution of the real creator on him, and explained his plan)

Chapter 74 Klein killed Lanvus in the sewer

Chapter 75 Klein sprinkled the tarot cards on Lanvous's body and obtained the badge of the Hermit Society of Destiny, and then the Nighthawk discovered Lanvous's body

People from Church of the Evernight deal with potential contamination in union employees

Chapter 76 Daly Knows the Death of Lanervus

The Nighthawks start investigating who reported Lanvus

ready to push for reform

In the new Tarot Club, Miss Justice hailed the first appearance of the Tarot Club, and Klein sighed that the impoverished area of ​​Backlund was a breeding ground for evil gods.

Chapter 77 The world tells the tragic life of the poor in Backlund, which guides Miss Justice to influence her father to push for reform

Alger turned in the last page of Roselle's diary

It mainly tells about the taste of the witch of the law of aggregation of Beyonder characteristics. It's really good.

Roselle hid the card of blasphemy in a book

The sun told the world that the true roots of the Mist Treant would soon be available, and the world asked again whether there was the spinal fluid of the evil-printed panther and the medulla crystal of the elf spring

Chapter 78 The Hanged Man tells the world that he has a chance to get the spinal fluid of the evil-patterned black panther at the pirate conference. The Hanged Man asks the world what to pay for it (the world does not have a formula for the wind-blessed), and the world asks him if he is not interested in the incomplete formula of Sequence Four. interested

The Hanged Man said that he was not interested in the Dark Ones. Klein was going to exchange the secrets at the top of the sequence, and Alger agreed.

Justice asked the audience for the formula of Sequence Seven, and the sun said that it could be exchanged for the Sequence Seven of the sun

The Hanged Man offered Lieutenant Admiral Hurricane's fleet to be taken up by Lieutenant General Sick

Chapter 79 The Hanged Man provides information on Lieutenant General Sick and the Four Kings and other pirate generals

Justice said that there was a serial murder case in Backlund recently, the sun said it was the promotion ceremony of the devil, and explained the promotion ceremony of the devil in detail

Justice casts doubt on few people selling potion recipes

Little Sun said that he found a ruin during his recent exploration. There is a statue of the Hanged Man in it. The fool said it was the fallen creator.

Chapter 80 Tarot Club introduces the Aurora Club and the real creator to Little Sun (Little Sun is associated with Elder Lovia)

After Klein finished the Tarot Club, he checked the badge of the Fate Hermit Society

Hugh and Fols had to hide because of the Lanervus incident, and Hugh could only rely on entrusting others to collect the bounty. Xio plans to go to the masked man in exchange for materials if he really can't get the materials for Sequence Eight (MI9)

The colorful lizard dragon prepared by Alfred for Audrey will arrive in Pritz Harbor and be sent to the manor outside Audrey

Chapter 81 Klein inspected the bicycle made by Reppard and learned that there will be a Roselle Memorial Exhibition from next Tuesday to next Friday

In the Sunya Sea, the King of the Five Seas held a pirate conference on an extinct volcanic island. Alger saw Vice Admiral Sick and Admiral Star, and found that Admiral Star had a planetarium similar to that before, and pulled him into the gray fog. glass bottle on

Audrey shows Susie her gift, two chameleon dragons

Chapter 82 Audrey discovers that Susie digests the potion faster than herself

Alger prayed to the Fool that he had prepared the spinal fluid of the evil-patterned black panther and the medulla crystal of the Spirit Spring that the world needed.

Derrick sacrificed the material needed by Audrey to the Fool, a true rootstock of the Mist Treant

Klein is promoted to magician

Chapter 83 Klein felt the changes brought to her by the magician and found that the blood moon appeared abnormally again

Fowls could hardly stand Mr. Men's ravings and prayed to the Fool

Chapter 84 Klein rescued Fols and made her join the Tarot Club and become a magician

Chapter 85 Klein learns about the secret relationship between Mr. Door and Foles

Foles put off Hugh's concern for him

Klein read the newspaper and learned that the real tenth serial murder case happened, tonight there is a party with the eyes of wisdom

Klein received a commission from Logo Carloman and was asked to protect his son, Adol.

Chapter 86 West District, Green Park Street, Klein met his protection object, Adol, at the house of Logo Carloman, and found that he was haunted by the ghost of the ghost, and even had the characteristics of possession

He is accompanied by Detective Kaslana, his assistant Lydia. detective stuart

Klein exorcised the evil spirit from Adol while he went to the bathroom

Chapter 87 Yatelu told Klein that they tried to resurrect the dead and lost their memory after a spiritual dance. Klein learned that there would be a related party at 3 am every Friday. After Klein persuaded Adol not to go to the party, he went to the Green Cemetery on the pretext of going to the toilet and found a man with a group of young people dancing spirits. dance, trying to wake the dead (very amateur)

Chapter 88 Klein dealt with the unexpectedly resuscitated corpse. After asking who led the ceremony, he drove the students away.

Atru miraculously "OK"

Chapter 89 Klein attended the Eye of Wisdom party and provided the pharmacist with medulla crystals from the Spirit Spring in exchange for the pharmacist's clues, 298 pounds and four tranquilizers

A man named Wild Dog wants someone to attack the Church of the Storm and rescue his friend (a physician)

Klein wants to buy bullets with extraordinary effects

Chapter 90 Klein went to the East District to change his clothes, and went to the junction of the North District and the Hills District, ready to explore Copsty Reid

North District, Arka District. After asking Kapusti, Klein learned that he rescued an old gentleman who fell in front of his door, so he learned some knowledge about spiritual dances and rituals, and got a copper whistle

Under the leadership of Kapusti, Klein found the old gentleman's tomb and found that he had left the tomb, and only pieces of white feathers remained at the bottom of the coffin

Chapter 91 Klein took three white feathers and Kapusti's copper whistle, and brought Origin Castle for divination, and the pharmacist was promoted to Sequence Eight

Hugh and Foles tell Audrey that recent party has been canceled because of serial murders

Isengard visits Klein and invites him to join the serial murder investigation


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