Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 892: Abner plays an active role

Abner and Lydia had already sneaked in here when the hooded man had just released the ritual that bound Tran, but they both made a tacit understanding and kept silent, wanting to see what the man wanted to do.

Moreover, since the disguise of "Vice Admiral Deep Sea" was very crude, Abner could easily recognize his identity even without extracting his aura.

"Perhaps he did this on purpose... He wanted to make it easier for Teran's elders or Lidya's parents and brothers to find out the identity of the person who helped Teran?

"This 'Vice Admiral of the Deep Sea' seems to have some thoughts..."

While he was thinking about it, Abner heard Tran say in a voice full of surprise: "Lydia, it's great that you're okay!"

After saying that, he stepped forward and threw himself into Lidya's arms, choking with sobs and saying, "I thought I would never see you again..."

Lidya touched his head and said gently: "Don't be afraid, I'll be fine when I come!"

Listening to their conversation, Abner glanced back and forth between the two of them in confusion, always feeling that the roles they "played" seemed not quite right... Was this the other way around?

As if aware of Abner's gaze, Tran realized that there were other people present, so he scratched his head a little embarrassedly. After Lydia briefly told her experience in his ear, he spoke sincerely. Authentic: "Mr. Brain, thank you very much for saving Lydia and coming to save me..."

If you really want to thank her, just lift your face away from Lidya's chest. Such forced feeding is not the proper attitude of "thank you". Abner complained in his mind, waved his hand, and changed the subject:

"Now is not the time to talk. You first rescue the remaining crew members of the Black Throne. After I go to the military flagship to retrieve Gwen, I will take advantage of the pirates' unpreparedness and immediately escape by boat.

"Well, before Lydia and I came to you, we had already dealt with the guards on the Black Throne, but you still have to be careful when rescuing people to avoid making a big noise."

In this case, even if there is a traitor like "Vice Admiral Deep Sea", it will be difficult for him to let go.

"But...but the mysterious man just now said that the crew members were frightened by the 'Dragon Power' used by the demigods who came with the military, and they will not be able to recover in a short time..." Tran said worriedly.

"Just because he can't do anything, it doesn't mean that I can't do anything! Don't worry, I gave mental treatment to the people on the ship before coming here. They are all fine." Abner said confidently.

He was naturally very confident. After all, he was the one who "shocked" the crew members. He controlled the heat just right. By this time, the "influence" had almost dissipated.

After hearing this and thinking of Mr. Blaine's past miracles, Tran was relieved and said gratefully: "It's really a shame to trouble you..."

As he said that, he remembered what the mysterious man had just mentioned about the captain being occupied by the demigod and the tricks he had arranged on him. He pursed his lips and said with some anxiety: "The captain's side..."

Abner knew what he wanted to say, so he waved his hand and said with a smile: "I will be careful not to touch the methods left by the demigods with Gwen... and don't worry, I will 'hint' her Forget some unpleasant things, and remember not to mention them in front of her in the future."

When he helped Gwen treat her mental problems before, the other party was unconscious throughout the whole process, so naturally she would not have any unpleasant memories.

"Mr. Brain, you are such a gentle person." Lydia and Tran said at the same time after hearing this.

The three of them came to an agreement and took action separately. Regardless of Tran and Lydia, Abner relied on "Evans' secret barrier" to board the military flagship unimpeded and found Owen's cabin.

Although there were ritual guards around the cabin, how could Abner's arrangement possibly stop him?

After entering the cabin quietly, Abner found Gwen who was placed on the bed by him, and at the same time released the control of her "virtual personality".

Gwen woke up quickly. She was a little confused at first. After seeing clearly who was in front of her, she subconsciously asked: "Abner, why are you here?"

Abner smiled and replied: "Lydia asked me to save you."

"Save me..." Gwen then recalled what happened before, and her face suddenly turned pale. She checked her body carefully and found that there was nothing unusual, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

"That demigod may come back at any time, let's get out of here first." Abner said, picking up a belt studded with jewelry from another table and handing it to Gwen.

"Okay!" Gwen, a woman who is very decisive and capable of action, responded immediately. When she saw the "belt" handed over by Abner, she was even more surprised and said, "Golden Snake Sword! Great, it He was not taken away by that demigod!"

With the "Golden Snake Sword" in hand, she can "transform" and have combat power close to that of a pirate general.

Speaking of which, Abner had studied the sword's ability before while healing Gwen's spirit, and overall it gave him a lot of inspiration.

You know, since the power of a ship equivalent to the level of Sequence 3 can be borrowed after transformation, why can't the "Pure White Eye"?

It's just that if you "transform" too much, you may be contaminated by the "Pure White Eye" and then be dominated... It's similar to the side effects of Gwen's transformation... But if you control the time well every time, the problem is not too big. …

And I actually feel somewhat familiar with the principles involved... Well, the body left by the Duke of Rhine to Lilith actually has a similar effect... Did Russell get the inspiration from this? Of course, it could also be a tokusatsu drama.

While making random guesses, Abner held Miss Gwen's hand, carefully dodged many patrolling soldiers, and returned to the "Black Throne".

At this time, Gwen's crew members were also rescued by Lydia and Tran. They were very happy to see the captain return and almost cheered.

Lydia came to Gwen and hugged her, as if she wanted to comfort her, but then she twitched her nose, with a look of surprise and confusion in her eyes. When she saw Abu standing next to Gwen with a smile, After accepting it, he showed a sudden expression, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion at the other party's attentiveness.

Grain irritation

Abner was puzzled by Lydia's eyes. After observing the simulated "mind reading" ability for a while, he shook his head in confusion.

It turns out that this girl thought that in order to cover up Gwen's "violation", she helped remove some of her aura...

No longer paying attention to their little thoughts, Abner reminded everyone that they were not out of danger yet and asked them to sail away from here quickly.

After "Vice Admiral of the Deep" Hal Constantine returned to the captain's room of the "Dominator", he waited for his subordinates to report the news of Tran's escape...

But who would have thought that there was no movement for a long time. Just when he was about to check again in confusion, he suddenly heard a sharp whistle, and then shouts came from all directions: "'Black Throne' weighs anchor" Escaped!"

Did the "Black Throne" escape? It seems that I still underestimated the descendant of the angel of the "Moss Trappist Order"! "Vice Admiral Deep Sea" sighed with emotion and felt that this was actually acceptable, so he felt happy in his heart, his face darkened on the surface, and he ordered his men to start the pursuit.

However, it was too late to lift anchor, and its speed could not match that of the "Black Throne". The fleet of "Vice Admiral Deep Sea" lost track of the ship after only pursuing it for more than ten nautical miles, and had to return.

Since they were responsible for guarding the prisoners last night, and now that such a big thing happened, "Vice Admiral Deep Sea" naturally received a severe reprimand from His Highness Owen.

It was only then that he realized that even "Ms. Long Wei" had been rescued last night.

"Only demigods can destroy the demigods' arrangements... In other words, the elders or friends of those three people actually came last night?

"Judging from the time, the other party who talked to Tran probably also heard it...

"And I didn't deliberately disguise myself. That demigod can definitely guess my identity... Now it depends on whether they have any plans for revenge...

"If you want to take revenge, it is very possible to track our fleet and discover the existence of the 'Deep Sea Festival'!

"Looks like I have to take a gamble...

"Hey, if according to my original plan, Gwen or others on the Black Throne are still captives, they will definitely follow...

"It's a pity...Owen Delion is a waste!"

"Deep Sea Vice Admiral" Hal Constantine listened to Owen's reprimand while thinking about his future plans. He was not afraid that the other party could monitor his thoughts. After all, he was a dependent of the sea monster, and the other party wanted to invade his thoughts. , you must first break through the sea monster's will.

It wasn't until Owen waved his hand to let him go with great disgust that he bowed expressionlessly and retreated, returning to his ship.

When the sailors under "Vice Admiral Black Sea" saw their captain coming back with a pale face, they all said angrily: "Obviously it was those bastards from the Navy who went to the town to have fun, which caused the guards to be weak and let the enemy escape... but all the mistakes were ignored. It’s on us! What a bunch of shit!”

When Hal saw the appearance of his men, the corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and then returned to its original state. He just said lightly, "There are demigods here," and then opened the door and entered the captain's room.

The pirates were speechless when they heard this, and finally suppressed their resentment in their hearts and dispersed.

In the captain's room, "Vice Admiral Deep Sea" observed the status of the crew through the window and said silently to himself: "The deeper the resentment is, the easier it will be to exploit it...

“Because ‘there are demigods,’ they have to endure.

"But what if there aren't any?"

Suddenly, he suddenly woke up and realized something was wrong, because such thoughts would never arise in him except on the full moon night before the "Deep Sea Festival".

Even if he plans, he will think about it in pieces, and they will not be connected together like now, because it is impossible for him to complete it when he is dominated!

What's going on now? As soon as he thought of this, he was suddenly stunned because a strange man appeared in front of him.

It was a certain aura of the other party that blocked the sea monster's control over him.

"If you want to get rid of control, learn the secret technique above!" The man pushed up his glasses as he spoke, and placed a note and a charm covered with strange patterns on the table.

After that, he disappeared.

"Vice Admiral Deep Sea" waited vigilantly for a while, then slowly picked up the piece of paper, put it down after a while, and said silently:

"Unknown land? What is that?"

At the same time, Abner, who returned to his cabin, returned to his "Owen" appearance, held his chin and thought:

"When Hal relies on this secret technique to get rid of control, my 'Secret Technique Tutor' potion will be completely digested, right?"

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