Mystery: Shadow of Order

Chapter 274: Jamil and Romit

Cragg Club.

Klein came out of the lounge and returned to the lobby on the first floor. He found that his only acquaintance, Mr. Talim, had left, and he had also finished his marksmanship practice. After eating today's limited supply, it was time to leave.

But before he got to the door, he saw the well-known surgeon Alan coming in with a cane. After saying hello, he asked with concern:

"Ellen, how are you doing recently? Has the fortune improved?"

Alan, who was naturally cold-looking, showed a sincere smile on his face:

"At least it's not so unlucky!"

"According to your suggestion, I went to the church and told the bishop. He asked me to go directly to the confession room to pray to the goddess."

"While I was praying, I actually fell asleep, but I seem to feel that the goddess has given me a state of peace and tranquility. Since then, my fortune has been normal!"

"Praise the goddess!" He drew a crimson moon on his chest.

Klein subconsciously also wanted to draw a crimson moon on his chest, but as soon as he raised his hand, he remembered that he was now a believer in the God of Steam and Machinery. Mechanical Emblem.

Fortunately, Allen didn't pay attention to it. He was looking into the hall just now, as if he was looking for someone.

"Have you seen Will Auceptin later? It's the kid who saw off a leg and said your luck would be worse."

Klein believed that the Nighthawks would definitely follow the clues provided by Allen, so he was a little curious about the ending. He wondered whether it was the child who changed Allen's fortune or the tarot card in his hand.

"No, I haven't seen him since he was discharged from the hospital." Allen shook his head affirmatively.

It's a pity, the night watchman can find it according to the address registered in the hospital, but I can't rashly intervene... Of course, that child might have moved out long ago...

Klein and Allen chatted a few more times, and found that Allen had been looking into the hall, knowing that he had something to deal with, so he said goodbye.

And Allen also noticed that his actions were a little rude, and stopped Klein with a wry smile:

"I'm sorry, I'm here to find Talim, and I have something to discuss with him."

"Talim? Then you're late, he's already gone." Klein pointed to the door.

Allen sighed, paused his crutches and said:

"Okay, then, have you talked to him? Let's have a chat, shall we?"

What do you two think of me? Confidant sister? It's still emotional consultation... Seeing that Allen was walking towards the small hall next to him on crutches, Klein had to sigh and follow.

"Talim hasn't been home for a while, so I asked someone to watch outside the Cragg Club and let me know when he sees him here..." Dr. Allen put his crutches aside and patted himself legs, "but it's still too late."

Maybe you can entrust it to me, and I'll help you hold him back... Klein sat opposite him, a little puzzled:

"He is the equestrian teacher for those noble children. Even if there is something for him to do, it should be fine, right?"

He originally wanted to say that there should be no danger to his life, but he thought that Talim had just said to himself whether he knew someone with strange abilities, and involving Beyonders, it might endanger his life...

"It's the social season and the fox hunting season again. Every year at this time, something happens, especially among the nobles, because a single prey can make the two families go against each other." As a Backlund, it is Born in a middle-class family, Alan Kreis has a certain understanding of those things of the nobles.

Klein nodded. As a "keyboard man" who knew a little about everything, the filth among nobles existed in ancient and modern China and abroad, even in different worlds.

"In Backlund, the nobles also have party divisions, but unlike the lower house where only the New Party and the Conservative Party are, the upper house has more divisions, ranging from origin, territory, support to parties, and attitude towards the royal family..."

Allen shook his head, stopped talking about this, and turned to Talim:

"Now Talim is the equestrian teacher for Viscount Conrad's youngest son, and Viscount Conrad's family is a loyal supporter of the royal family, so I am worried about him..."

The Royalist Party or the Royalist Party, just with the strength of the Augustus family, who will protect who is not sure...

But Klein soon realized that things were not as simple as he thought. He looked at the royal family from the perspective of an Extraordinary, but in the eyes of ordinary people like Allen, the royal family was not that strong, especially after the Industrial Revolution. , the new party, the Conservative party, the new aristocracy and some old aristocrats, plus the church, the royal family has almost become a mascot.

It was only after the previous king, the "strong" William VI ascended the throne, that it improved. After the current king George III ascended the throne, the Augustus family returned to its previous appearance.

It is obviously a powerful Beyonder family, how could it become like this? Klein was a little puzzled, but when he thought of the true gods behind the three major churches, he was not surprised.

It should be some kind of agreement between the seven major churches and the four countries of the Northern Continent...

"You didn't ask the lawyer friend's opinion? He should know something, right?"

"Rolls has been away from Backlund for a while, and he supports the Conservative Party..." Allen pushed his glasses and said no more.

Bayam, 13 Fragrant Tree Avenue.

On the coffee table in the living room is a beautifully decorated wooden box inlaid with gold and silver on the surface. The box has been opened, and inside is a bizarre plant the size of half a palm resembling red coral. The ruby-colored vines are twisted and covered with With a layer of light brown crystals like amber, if this natural thing is put up for auction at the auction site, it will definitely fetch a sky-high price.

This is the crystallized twisted blood vine sent by Roy King, the main potion material of Sequence 6 "Corrupted Baron".

And Rawls is now lying on the sofa, looking at Alysia's reply. The letter doesn't say much about the follow-up of her arresting the members of the Gnosis Society, but only that there are clues, and it needs to be in Pritz Harbor. Stay nearby for a while.

As for the verdict required for the promotion ceremony of the Sequence 5 "Teacher of Chaos", she wrote several locations in the letter, which were recorded by the Tamara family when they collected the materials for the "Knight of Retribution".

One of them was on Dirinius, the first island after the Rorsted archipelago went south, and the closest place to it. The rest are either islands along the route to the southern continent, or a few places at the northern end of the southern continent.

As for the traces of the ghost fox and the crown-haired baboon, she doesn't know, nor does she know about the shadow killer and the giant ghost mandrill involved in the main material of "Fallen Earl", but she has written to the clan, asking them to help inquiries related information.

In addition, there is a detailed description of the ruling on Dian Berlin, but he is not in a hurry. The main material of his "Corrupted Baron" now is only the eyes of the ghost fox.

Tonight, he is going to the "Swordfish Bar" to attend the Extraordinary Party. It is best if he has clues. Even without him, he can buy the auxiliary materials of "Corrupted Baron" there.

There is an underground trading market that sells herbs, essential oils, ancient books, spells, and various common occult materials. There are also various guns and ammunition for sale, but many of them are old antiques, such as firearms and lead bullets. Few are working revolvers, but most are used weapons.

After Rawls discovered this situation before, he thought that there should be a good channel for smuggling arms, but the owner of the Swordfish Bar was not fooled and ignored Rawls who pretended to be an alcoholic. It is also impossible for him to set up a stall there with a few revolvers, and the long spear is not attractive to adventurers. Fortunately, the "Scented Leaf Bar" is hooked.

He rarely has free time to collect potion materials now. Roy King saw that the certificate of George Negan, the governor of the Rhodes Islands, has not come yet, and at the "Scented Leaf Bar", he can hang "Giulius" Ozier for a few more days. If there is no clue of ghost fox eyes, then he can only smuggle some arms first.

Eight o'clock in the evening, Swordfish Bar.

Rawls has already shaved off the stubble that has grown over the past two days. Although the hair is already neck-length, it is not suitable for this sultry pirate, but in order to disguise, he has not cut it off, but simply tied it up. He wore a half-black mask on his face, showing only the part below his nose, a black cloak, and a hood.

At this time, there were already a lot of guests in the bar. Although some people also came to attend the Beyonder party for a while, there were not many people who pretended to be like Rawls.

Of course, as a gathering place for adventurers, the adventurers here have the most guests. Although they drink here, their eyes have been wandering on the more disguised people like Rawls.

Unlike the "Fragrant Leaf Bar" where pirates gather, there are not many pirates, but it is not that no pirates will venture here. These adventurers or bounty hunters are looking for hidden pirates.

These are what Old John, the contact person of the "Dark Emperor" in Bayam, told him. For this old pirate who retired due to injury, most of the Beyonder gatherings and underground black markets in Bayam are his concern. Object.

The Beyonder party at the "Swordfish Bar" was different from what Rawls had in mind. It was a semi-public kind. Even frequent bar patrons knew that there was a party here, but it was only open to Beyonders. The main participating members are adventurers, and pirates are not welcome, so the participants are seated in the bar before the party starts to identify whether there are pirates among the participants.

Rawls raised his head slightly, and his gaze swept over several similarly dressed adventurers. They only looked at Rawls once and then withdrew their gazes. They dare to do such a thing, naturally they are old hunters, they can easily recognize the pirates in the crowd, and people like Rawls who don't have a pirate taste don't need to pay attention.

When he came to the bar, Rawls just had a glass of beer and sat at the small table beside him to wait for the party to start. It's not the first time he's here, but he's already drank a lot when he came here before, and he hasn't carefully observed this bar.

On the side of the bar, there are three blackboards supported by wooden frames, on which are pasted sheets of yellowish white notices, with various contents and strange, some hired bodyguards, some asked for help to find people, some investigated the situation of a certain island, There are those who offer a high price for a pirate's head, and there are those who claim that they have obtained a treasure map and want to form a team.

In short, the affairs that have been divided up by private investigators and security companies in the Loen Kingdom are still reserved for adventurers here.

He just sat down for a few minutes, and the beer in the glass was only one-third full when he saw a short young man also wearing a mask ordering a local Zarha beer at the bar, and he glanced around. Then he walked towards where Rawls was.

"Hello, friend, it's only you who have free space here, can I..."

"Sit down." Rawls raised his eyes. Although the guy on the opposite side was wearing a mask, he still covered his face completely, but he had a black mole the size of a finger on his neck, which was very conspicuous.


The young man thanked him and sat down with a beer in his hand, but he soon discovered something, he couldn't drink at all while wearing a mask. After hesitating for a while, he still chose to drink while wearing a mask, but the liquor flowed down his neck and soon wet his crew-neck shirt.

He pulled the neckline and continued to drink regardless. Most of the liquor spilled, all of which flowed in along the pulled neckline, and then soaked the clothes.

Rawls frowned. His long education made it difficult for him to accept this way of drinking. It was not heroic, but more stupid.

"My friend, are you here for today's party?" Different from just now, the young man is a little slurred when he speaks.

Looking at him in surprise, Rawls was surprised to find that this guy can't be drunk, right? His neck was red, his eyes were blurred, his eyelids were drooping, and he looked like he was about to fall asleep.

How much did he drink? A cup of Zalha is at most five or six hundred milliliters, and most of it is wasted, so you can get drunk?

Just when Rawls was about to get up and take his wine glass to leave to avoid the alcoholic, the young man suddenly changed, his red neck returned to its original state, his eyes widened, and he didn't seem to be tired, which made him feel tired. Rawls just stood up and sat down again.

"What's the matter? There are nails on the chair?"

The young man's words were very clear. After he finished speaking, he even wanted to look sideways at the chair Rawls was sitting on.

Seeing the young man's movements, Rawls placed the wine glass on the table, neither too light nor too heavy, and pointed to the empty wine glass with his chin:

"How does Zaerha taste?"

"Uh..." The young man was taken aback and nodded, "Yes, at least not bad in a bar."

I'm pretty sure you haven't had a drink, even this is the first time you've been in a bar... As a "lawyer", Rawls still has the basic ability to observe words, but I didn't expect such people to exist in this era.

This guy is not tall, and his voice sounds a bit harsh. Is this still in the period of voice change? The accent doesn't sound like a Loen, nor does it sound like an Intis...

"This is your first time here?"

"Uh, no... well, yes."

The young man hesitated for a while and nodded, then said excitedly:

"It's the first time I've attended such a party!"

Rawls frowned, sensing something was wrong, and asked:

"How did you know there was a party here?"

"When I got off the boat, I heard someone say that there is a party here today."

Huh, well, I just heard it, then how do you get in in a while... Rawls closed his mouth and didn't want to say anything more.

But he closed his mouth, it doesn't mean that young men will be like him, he will ask this and that. And Rawls pretended he couldn't hear him, just lowered his head and drank.

"Are there many mines in Bayam? I read in the book that Bayam is called the 'city of generosity', with gold, silver, copper, iron, and coal. Do you know where the mines are?"

"By the way, have you ever been to Nas? I read in the book that there are huge beluga whales there. Is there a big boat?"

"Haven't you been there? Yes, it's Feysac's colony, then have you been to the Southern Continent? East Balam is Loen's colony, you must have been there. I plan to go to West Balam this time. , my mother's friend is there."

It seems that the young man has not spoken for a long time. He murmured a lot of words and asked a lot of questions. Almost all of the questions included "I saw in the book...", and these questions were varied, and it was just a matter of hearing them. accumulated for a long time...

Rawls's heart moved, and he interjected in the interval between his words and asked:

"Are you from Lenburg?"

"No, I'm from Ma Xi." The young man subconsciously answered Rawls's question, but immediately realized that something was wrong, and covered his mouth with his hand nervously.

It turned out to be from Ma Xi, who should be a believer of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, and the possibility of being a "reader" path is very high, no wonder there are so many words, is it because you have read too much, come out and practice it?

Next, the young man stopped talking, and Rawls was happy, waiting for the notice.

Soon, a gloomy man in his forties walked out from the door behind the bar. His facial features were somewhat soft, his complexion was reddish brown, and he had obvious ethnic characteristics of the Southern Continent. His left ear was incomplete and had no earlobe. Chilled.

This is "Cold Noodle Man" Trani, the owner of "Swordfish Bar". According to Old John, his father was a native of the Southern Continent. He was taken here by pirates and gave birth to him with his mother, who was also a slave. So I hate pirates so much.

After exchanging glances with a few people in the crowd, Trani pulled a stiff smile on his face, turned and walked towards the door, while the bartender at the bar also guarded the door.

There were seven or eight people scattered in the crowd, walking towards the wooden door behind the bar one by one. Rawls also got up, adjusted his black cloak, and walked towards the door.

Seeing Rawls get up, the young man also hurriedly stood up and followed Rawls towards the inside. But as soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by the bartender.

"Sir, you haven't given the agreed code yet?" The bartender touched his waist and waved to the crowd.

The young man was stunned, password? What code?

Seeing that someone came to surround him behind him, he was a little flustered, he touched his pocket with one hand, and pointed at Rawls, who had already walked in, with the other, and shouted:

"I was with him."

The bartender turned slightly to look at Rawls, who turned his head.

Rawls sighed, looked at the adventurers who were already looking at him, nodded and said:

"Let him in."

The bartender bowed slightly to Rolls and moved out of the way.

The young man hurried up and walked in side by side with Rawls. Seeing that there was no one in front of him, he lowered his head and said:

"Thank you, my name is Jamil, I will repay you."

In return? You don't have to cause trouble... Rawls thought for a while, and then warned:

"After entering, don't talk nonsense."

"no problem."


A dozen candles were lit in the room where the Beyonders were gathering, and the gas wall lamps that flickered from time to time provided more light. Twenty or thirty chairs were placed in twos and threes, and a dozen people who entered first had already sat down.

The host of the party, "Cold Face" Trani, stood at the front, his eyes swept over every attendee.

Rawls found a chair at random and sat down, and Jamil, a young man, also moved a chair and sat beside him. Because the party participants had to arrive at the "Swordfish Bar" early, the party started shortly after they sat down.

Trani's soft facial features show a cold and hard expression all the year round, even a smile is a bit cold:

"Before we start, I still have to say, all pirates should be damned!"

He looked around and observed everyone's reaction before announcing the party started.

If there is no "notary" and no powerful fortune teller, it is difficult to sell the potion formula at this gathering. Rawls' "Stand of Power" was able to identify the formula because it was integrated with a "notary", but he had no interest in the formula of Sequence 9.

Jamil, who was beside him, heard that someone was selling the formula. At first, he was interested. He seemed to want to take a picture, but he glanced at the person and gave up the purchase.

Rawls, who observed his small movements, was also a little puzzled. Can he identify the authenticity of the formula? But he didn't even get the recipe. That was to judge whether the person was lying, whether it was a "reasoning student" or a "knower"... However, considering this guy's performance, it should not be, otherwise he would have lost control!

After five or six people passed, Jamil raised his hand and said excitedly:

"I have a clue to the treasure in my hand. Do any of you want to accept my entrustment and go get the treasure with me?"

His passionate speech ushered in the silence of the audience. Rawls lowered his head and wanted to sit in a different seat, but the chairs near him had owners, which made his idea in vain.

After a while, when no one responded, the host "Cold Face" Trani said:

"This is an Extraordinary gathering. Almost no one accepts the commission here. If you really want to issue this commission, after the gathering is over, you can write the commission content and requirements to me, and I will post it on the blackboard outside."

"Okay." Jamil sat down a little disappointed.

His speech obviously shocked many people, and no one continued to speak. Rawls had no choice but to raise his hand and greeted a few pairs of contempt and anticipation.

"I need ghost fox eyes, do you have them?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jamil, who was beside him, immediately came to his senses:

"I know, I've seen ghost foxes in books?"

"Cold Face" Trani cast his eyes at the two of them, and said in a cold tone:

"Two gentlemen, this is not a place for children to play games."

These people have already seen it, the two people who spoke before and after knew each other, and they were making trouble.

Rawls had no choice but to stand up and explain:

"Sorry everyone, I just met him."

Jamil also reacted and stood up a little embarrassedly, not knowing what to say.

Trani frowned and pointed to the two of them:

"Do you still need a deal?"


Rawls breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and asked:

"How much do you need?"

Jamil, who originally wanted to say it directly, looked at Rawls's eyes and scratched his head:

"I've only seen it in books, but I'm not sure if it's there. How about 10 baud, er, 10 pounds?"

Rawls didn't speak, he directly took out a 10 pound note from his pocket, put it in his hand, and sat down on his shoulder.

The party was over, and Rawls was no longer interested in buying auxiliary materials. UU Reading pulled Jamil out of the Swordfish Bar, found an empty alley, and asked directly:

"Where are the ghost foxes?"

"Well, I'm not really sure that place actually exists, I read a lot of books, and some of them are different from what's in the books. I remember there was a place called the Isle of Stie between Denos and Oravi. There have been ghost foxes on the island, but I haven't been there, so I don't know if there are any there."

"Okay, I see." Rawls pointed to the outside of the alley, "You can continue your journey."

After speaking, he rolled over the low wall and disappeared into the night.

"Huh?" Jamil looked at the low wall in front of him, and took out the 10 pound note from his pocket, "Where are you going? I'm really not sure there are ghost foxes there? You better take the money back! "

Jamil, who hadn't waited for a long time to hear back, sighed and took off his mask. He had gray-blue eyes and high cheekbones, typical of the Lenburg and Masi areas.

He sat down against the wall, stared blankly ahead, and after a while, stomped his feet:

"Romit, come out."

The land in front of him suddenly softened and turned into a "swamp". A gray stone was drilled out, with quaint carving marks on it.

The exposed part is about the size of three adult heads, and the side facing Jamil has three holes, two small and one large, just like human eyes and mouths.

"Jamil, are you looking for me for something?"

The voice is soft like a kind mother, but the hole that symbolizes its mouth does not open or close, only the air blows out.

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