Mystery: Shadow of Order

Chapter 261: where to buy medicine

Under the shroud of night, the "Generous City", which is rich in coal resources, did not fall into darkness. The street lamps burning gas turned on one by one, and the dim lights illuminated the island city.

At this time, Bayam was even more lively than during the day, the scorching heat receded, and the cool wind sent water vapor to the island.

The pirates who sneaked in secretly don't need to focus all their energy on official forces, and can sneak out to enjoy it quietly. The enthusiastic girls in the "Red Theater" have already rested and can serve the tourists who come here at any time.

As one of the two major gambling cities in the vast overseas colony of the Loen Kingdom, hundreds of casinos of all sizes also welcomed guests, not only the pirates who just exchanged the looted items for thick gold pounds, but also There are rich people from Backlund and Jianhai Coast. The former often fail miserably and are kicked out of the casino, while the latter rarely win any money, and there are not a few people who land on land, real estate, and goods.

Rawls also changed his outfit, with wide-leg pants, a dark blue taraba shirt, and a yellow-brown straw hat, walking aimlessly along the flow of people. This outfit and his typical Loen face convey to the outside world that this is a young tourist from Loen who is more interested in everything about Bayam.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. He only made a little camouflage on his face, against the blurred lights in the night, those who were not familiar with him would definitely not recognize him.

Alger has prepared a lot of information. If he gives this information to the Church of Storms, and the "Sea King" Yan Kotman, who is in charge of the Rhosid Sea Area, wants to make trouble, the black market and underground transactions in the entire Rhosid Sea Area will be uprooted. rise.

Of course, the "Sea King" wouldn't do this. It would offend many people. Loen's nobles, admirals of the navy, and wanton pirates would be happy to trouble him, even if Ion Courtman was already a cardinal , that can only be transferred back to Pasu Island, the headquarters of the Church of the Storms.

From what was described in those sources, Rawls absolutely believed that there was a huge network of smuggling trades in several of the islands in the Rorsted Sea, mainly around Bayam, the "city of generosity".

At the top of this network are several rulers of the Rhodes waters: George Negan, Governor of the Rhodes Islands, Auston Levitt, Governor of Oravi Island, Nidro Wolf, Governor of Tuscat Island, Sino-Soviet Amirius Levitt, the supreme commander of the Navy of the Nia Seas.

The reason why he made this inference is because of the resources, locations and rulers of these islands.

The resources of the Rhosid Islands are mainly concentrated in minerals and spices. They are located in the central area of ​​the Central Sunia Sea, connecting the northern and southern continents; Oravi and Toscat Island are both plantation economies, but they belong to the Feysac Empire. The Gargas Islands are even closer.

According to the information provided by Alger, items from the Feysac Empire will not only appear in Oravi and Tuscat Island in large quantities, but also have a lot of sales in the underground trading market of Bayam.

The rulers of these three islands, the three local governors, all came from nobles who supported the Conservative Party without exception, the Negan family, the Levitt family and the Wolf family, a duke and two earls. For them, giving the family a bigger benefit will allow them to stay in this position longer.

This is the Central Sunia Sea. Smuggling requires a large number of ships. It is not enough to have the support of the Governor. Admiral Amelius Levitt and the brother of Governor Olavi must also be a member of the trading network.

After figuring this out from Alger's scribbled handwriting, Rawls is one of the top two, and Philip wants to investigate the Auston Leavitt and Feysac smuggling deal, which the Negan family is apparently also involved in In the network, the investigation will definitely involve the Negan family in the end.

Will Auceptin's hunch is indeed correct. Even if Rawls can find evidence of other secret transactions in addition to smuggling between Auston and the Feysac Empire, Philip needs to be able to convince the three major families to take Aussac. Dayton tossed out alone.

Not to mention that Philip has not inherited the title, even after Duke Negan's death, he can't do it if he inherits the title. At most, he will use this to tie the Levitt family to the chariot of the Conservative Party.

This time 17bXwX Zhang Si. Rawls sighed, stopped and looked up to see where he had come: in front of him was a red building with a very large area, brightly lit, music hidden, people coming and going at the door, carriages alternated, and there was no late night. a feeling of.

The man who went in was a man, and the man who came out was also a man; the face who went in was excited, the corners of his eyes were smiling, and the man who came out was drowsy with aftertaste; The 20-year-old was also holding his waist, his face pale.

This is one of the most famous places in the entire Sunia Sea. There are mysterious Balam girls, passionate Fenebot girls, open and seductive Intis girls, and tall and fit Fusac. There are conservative and quiet Ms. Ruen, and there are gentle and tame local people.

This is the Red Theater, a man's paradise.

Rawls, who suddenly stopped here, immediately attracted the attention of passers-by. Seeing his outfit, seeing his young face, all of them looked at him with wicked smiles, and walked into the building with a smirk on their back. go.

Looking left and right, Rawls had a "yearning and shy" look on his face. After hesitating for a while, he chose to leave, turning back as he walked, as if he wanted to return at any time.

Soon he left the street where the "Red Theater" was located, but in addition to the "Red Theater", there were large or small, bright or secret brothels everywhere, and there were many street girls who were not enough. Money guest.

Make a big tyrant. According to the information provided by Algi, it is believed that some people near the Red Theater may be the secret eye of pirates in Bayam, because many pirates will knock on the doors of nearby people with money and ask for a fight with the hostess of the house. Friendly matches, and they tend not to refuse.

Avoiding a few street girls who wanted to post it, Rawls dodged into an alley with few people. The few people in front of him had obviously enjoyed it, and even when they were walking, they supported their waists. .

The man closest to Rawls heard the footsteps, turned around and glanced at Rawls, coughed and took his hand away from his waist, straightened his chest and strode forward. After a few steps, he stopped again, turned and walked towards Rawls.

"Friend, it looks like you are in good shape. Where did you buy the medicine, or is it mummy powder?"

He stopped three or five steps in front of Rawls. The man was lean and his skin was a little dark from the sun. Judging from his facial features, he was a typical Intis man.

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