Mysterious World, I Have Special Understanding

Chapter 288 I, Ji Que, God of Ping A

Yes, as a wing, Ji Que only cared about his own pleasure, and kept doing the inversion of the Luanfeng's technique, injecting true energy into Lin Xiangzhi's body violently, greatly increasing his strength.

In the past, when he was the subject and Lin Xiangzhi and the others were the wings, he kept asking for it, and he didn't feel uncomfortable, but rather comfortable.

But people's physiques cannot be generalized. Ji Que has always grasped the fire, but just after the last blow, he was so addicted to playing that he forgot that it was not his own body, and blasted a blow that exceeded Lin Xiangzhi's body tolerance. The fist caused Lin Xiangzhi to become suffocated until she passed out.

But fortunately, after some adjustments by Ji Que's luck, Lin Xiangzhi just fainted, and there were no serious consequences.

Ji Que believes that as long as there is Ning Hongyu in this capital, even if Lin Xiangzhi is broken, he can be repaired. It's just that he is under psychological pressure. After all, this cat is his true love, and if he suffers, he will always A little distressed.

After such a battle, Lin Xiangzhi was so weak that she almost fainted, but Ji Que was still full of energy.

His physique is one in a million, plus he didn't use his body in the fight just now, so he naturally consumed less.

After the monster babies in the water were killed, the back of the stage became a lot quieter, but the voices of the people kneeling on the ground in front of them became more and more obvious.

These voices gathered together, appearing vicissitudes and old age, as if a corpse that does not belong to this era has been dug out of an ancient tomb, and it seems so incompatible with this world.

Ji Que carried Lin Xiangzhi to the front of the stage, ready to wake up these innocent people with his fists, but at this moment, he stopped suddenly.

Because the grimace of the weird sculpture on the stage is looking at him!

Ji Que only felt a little tingling in his scalp. He remembered clearly that the grimace of the sculpture was facing the audience before, but now it was on the right side, facing him who had just come out from behind the stage.

At this moment, Ji Que felt that this thing was really alive.

MMP, a few horror movie scenes a night is enough.

Do you want my little heart to rest?

Ji Que didn't make a move immediately, after all, he didn't know the depth of the other party, and whether there was any other trick.

Holding Lin Xiangzhi in his arms, he came to the people who were still talking about it.

During this process, the centipede-like grimacing sculpture never moved, but Ji Que always felt that the other party was looking at him.

As soon as Ji Que turned his head, the "Tai Chi Strength" of physical strength suddenly spun, and the common people were swept up into the air.

I saw that these common people who were still talking about it made a humming sound in an instant, looking both happy and painful.

Seeing this, Ji Que couldn't help stepping up his efforts.

The triple strength of Taijiquan has a triple sense of refreshment, which is more refreshing and more refreshing. How can ordinary people stand it? The whole body is already trembling like a sieve.

How could Ji Que get so much now, and he shot like lightning, and directly threw him out of the people who were still enjoying themselves on the ground.

The moment the bodies of these people fell to the ground, they were as light as fallen leaves, and they were all safe and sound.

The reason why Ji Que was eager to throw these people out was because he felt that this thing was about to come to life, and he was afraid that the fighting area would be too small to use it.

But he didn't let go of Lin Xiangzhi in his arms. After all, there might be ghosts outside, and he couldn't control those people too much, and Lin Xiangzhi's safety must be guaranteed.

Thinking about it, Ji Que sucked Lin Xiangzhi in his arms directly onto his back, using the touch of passively dribbling into people.

The weird sculpture still didn't turn its head at this time, but there was already a weird sound around the whole stage.

This voice is like countless people talking, no!

Not a conversation, but a soliloquy.

Just like many prisoners who have been locked in prison for too long and have not seen the sun, but are full of energy, they utter crazy ravings, which are very aggressive.

The next moment, there was only a crackling sound, and the statue suddenly turned its head, and the grimace mask on its face was cracked!

This feeling is like a lot of things are about to break out of the shell, the sound of the whole stage becomes louder, and the lights above the stage also start to shake, as if a ghost is blowing there.

With a bang, the grimace mask was completely shattered at this moment, and then the candles on the stage were also extinguished.

Ji Que's eyes brightened slightly, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

I saw an unknown number of faces gathered behind the grimace mask.

Each of these faces is only the size of a palm. Apart from the facial features, there are also endless eyes.

The expressions on their faces are all angry and ferocious to the extreme, making one's scalp tingle.

Immediately afterwards, the sculptural centipede-like body also moved.

Ji Que originally wanted to destroy the statue with his bare hands, but now that he saw how scary this thing looked, he decided to let Xiao Qianji do it.

In the next moment, Ji Que's figure flickered, and he flicked towards a bamboo chair under the stage.

Seeing this, more than a dozen ghost faces let out a hysterical roar at the same time, and rushed down from above.

Its speed was very fast, like lightning, and more than a dozen grimaces showed their sharp teeth at this time, making a clicking sound.

What's even more weird is that there are human voices in this clicking sound, as if there are countless people living in its mouth.

I saw these grimaces stretched forward, their necks became longer, and they bit Ji Que like a snake.

Their speed is astonishingly fast, but Ji Que's speed is even faster.

Ji Que first jumped onto the bamboo chair, then scratched his itchy nose with his hands, and then stabbed fiercely with his sword.

It was just one sword, but six sword flowers bloomed in the air.

Qianji Sword changes smoothly and naturally.

I only heard a series of bang bang bang bangs, and everywhere the swords passed, there were bloody flowers.

The six grimaces who attacked first let out a burst of wailing, and their faces had been blown to pieces.

In the next instant, the centipede-like body of this strange sculpture was thrown over like a whip, so fast that the air seemed to be cut through, forming a white scar, which was particularly eye-catching in the dark environment.

Faced with this sweep, Ji Que swayed lightly, leading Lin Xiangzhi to escape.

With a sound like the sharpest blade slashing across, the curtain under the stage and the chairs were swept off by the tail, not to mention the two trees outside were cut in half, and the incision was smooth and smooth.

It's a pity that no matter how sharp the sweep was, it didn't hit Ji Que.

Ji Quefeng flicked his leg, bringing out an afterimage, which appeared behind the grimace sculpture in an instant.

The Qianji Sword in his hand gave off a cold reflection, which was a sign that the true energy in Ji Que's body was circulating in the sword body.

With a bang, the centipede-like body of the grimace sculpture flew halfway out, and was still twisting on the ground.

Ji Que looked serene, twisted his neck, felt that Lin Xiangzhi's chest was a bit pressing, and could not help changing his body from the left shoulder to the right shoulder.

After Ji Que cut off half of his body with his sword, the ghost-faced monster let out a terrifying roar.

The sound was like the heart-piercing screams of hundreds of prisoners being burned at the stake at the same time.

After that, the speed of the grimacing monster suddenly accelerated, whether it was the snake-like neck or the centipede-like body, they all sent out a series of lightning-like attacks.

Ji Que still had a blank expression, and his speed also increased.

At the beginning, Chen Hanshi claimed to be able to catch flying swords, but he succeeded in sneak attacking. He was faster than him, and he rarely met opponents.

Ji Que's body was constantly lit up with sword lights, illuminating this confined dark space brightly.

The air was full of exploding sparks, and the buzzing sound continued. It was the grimaces and bodies of Qianji Sword and the evil thing colliding continuously.

Not long after, there was only a crackling sound, which was the broken body of the evil thing.

The evil thing has eighteen heads, and now Ji Que has divided them into seventy-two parts.

Its centipede-like body looked quite long, so Ji Que chopped it into eighteen sections.

The ground was full of deep sword marks, and the tarpaulin surrounding the stage had already had many cuts. It was just because Ji Que drew the sword too quickly, and one had to look carefully to see the signs.

When Ji Que looked at the squirming organs in this place, especially when there were many eyes in those centipede-like bodies, he felt very uncomfortable.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed: "Ping A feels good?"

Yes, as long as the speed is fast enough, flat A can solve all problems in general.

With a bang, a gust of wind blew, and the cloth curtains that had been cut into pieces were scattered all over the ground, revealing the figure of Ji Que carrying Lin Xiangzhi on his shoulders under the night.

Those people who were thrown out before have woken up, but they are still on the ground too excited to get up.

When they saw Ji Que, they immediately let out a cry of excitement and horror.

Those wriggling pieces of flesh on the ground, and those wriggling half-faces with their mouths and eyes still open, are enough to scare people to pee.

Especially some girls, pee directly.

Ji Que sighed, walked to the front of the stage, picked it up with his finger, and the flame of the candlestick started to dance again.

He took out a firework from his arms, a little.

With a bang, a huge firework bloomed in the night sky, forming a huge pattern of subduing magic pestle.

It has to be said that the subduing demon main building is worthy of being the main building, and even the fireworks in the messenger are so professional.

Ji Que looked at the people who were constantly struggling, and said loudly: "Calm down, folks. Everyone has fallen for this ghost, but now it has been killed by me. Don't worry, everyone, I am a professional demon caster."

As he said that, he took out the demon token and waved it outside.

People with signs are different. Even though they just glanced at it, the people gradually became quiet.

Gradually, everyone began to observe the people around them, only to realize that they were really people who had watched the theater together.

"My mother, you can meet ghosts every time you watch a play. What kind of luck is this?"

"Why is this ghost so rampant? This is the capital."

"The devil knows."

All of a sudden, the crowd hid behind Ji Que, discussing a lot.

It can be seen that they feel outrageous about this kind of thing, which is enough to prove that the previous capital city had good law and order.

A few women who were so excited before rolled their eyes gradually adapted to the refreshing feeling of "Taijiquan Triple Strength", walked over tremblingly, and saluted Ji Que: "Thank you, hero, for saving me."

Ji Que immediately replied: "You're welcome! The Demon Subduer takes killing demons as his duty, and these are what we should do."

After a while, Ning Hongyu arrived with a group of fellow Demon Fallers.

Ji Que had told her about the similar idea a long time ago, but she didn't respond for two days, so she went to work on other things, but she didn't expect Ji Que to wait for her.

Ji Que was worried about Lin Xiangzhi's health, so he carried her to see a doctor first.

In the eyes of these rescued people, this young hero has nothing to do with his sleeves, and he didn't take a cloud with him.

At this time, a woman whose legs were tightened by the strength of Taijiquan felt lost and said, "I actually forgot to ask that young hero's name?"

"Excuse me, girl who fell from the devil, do you know the name of the young hero just now?"

"I don't know." Ning Hongyu replied frankly.

At this time, she couldn't help looking at the ugly centipede-like body on the ground, and said to the colleague next to her, "Seal these things and take them back."

When Ji Que carried Lin Xiangzhi back to Ning Mansion, it was almost dawn.

After the doctor confirmed that there was nothing serious, Ji Que carried Lin Xiangzhi back to the bedroom.

Afterwards, he carefully checked the opponent's body again, and after confirming that it was just a loss of strength, he let out a long sigh of relief and went out.

If he hadn't been prepared, I'm afraid Lin Xiangzhi would really have an accident tonight.

How did Lin Xiangzhi get bewitched?

This world can only be said to be full of dangers. In the past, the Fenglian Sect preached and took away people, but now listening to a play is dangerous.

He has "Happy Journey" immune to bewitching, Ning Hongyu has celestial pupils to see through illusions, and Lin Xiangzhi has no talent in this area. Is this the reason why only Lin Xiangzhi was recruited among the three of them?

No, many people who attended the theater together that day had no accidents.

Is it a random arrest?

He didn't understand the reason for a while, so he could only talk about it after Lin Xiangzhi woke up.

At noon, Lin Xiangzhi woke up from her lethargy, and immediately ran out of the house, looking at Ji Que, who was lying there like a thinker, with complicated emotions in his eyes.

Of course, there are more doubts and fears in this complexity.

Lin Xiangzhi couldn't help asking: "Then what happened?"

Ji Que said: "You fainted, I got rid of Xie Chong, and then I brought you back."

Lin Xiangzhi thought about those memories, looked at her fist, and said with a puzzled face: "I felt super powerful at the time, and thought it was a dream."

Ji Que nodded and said, "From then on, I'll still be your wing."

Lin Xiangzhi's legs and hands were soft now, she quickly shook her head and said, "No, no."

Ji Que couldn't help but ask: "Do you know how you were recruited?"

"I thought it was scary at the time, but you don't believe me, wait a minute, that book, before watching the play, I read a book about a play." Lin Xiangzhi suddenly thought of something and said.

"what book?"

"Just a book on the bookshelf in my room, it's called "Galan's Tale", the first story is about an opera. By the way, the description of that kind of baby in it is very similar."

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