Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 666: Cooperation

Charles's heart moved. "007 is the **** of light?" As soon as he said this, everyone present suddenly became quiet again.

   "Yes, we gave him a louder name before. Since you said that he is the **** of light, then he is called the **** of light."

   "Did the God of Light be killed by 002?" The corpse of the God of Light, who was kneeling on the ground like a giant mountain, flashed through Charles's mind.

   "From various circumstances, it should be true, but this is just a guess from the evidence. We were not there at the time, and no one knew."

   "What is 005 then?" Charles asked again. Not long ago, he had been in contact with 005-3, a derivative of 005.

  007 is the **** of light, 003 is the **** of Futan, and 002 is the origin of the relic, so it can exist on the same level as them, no matter how you look at the background of 005, it is not small.

Feuerbach was stunned, and then said in surprise: "Captain, you didn't say that you want 005 information. I don't have this data in the hippocampus of my brain. This level of information is separate. Stored it, wait a moment, and I will ask for instructions again."

   said that Feuerbach was about to leave, but was stopped by Julio, "Okay, you don't have to ask for anything, I don't care about what or what, return to the subject."

   Hearing this, Feuerbach quickly stood still, and with a light wave of his hands, the previous three-dimensional map reappeared in front of everyone.

   "Oh, yes, look, we are responsible for the left side, exploring the dark border on the left, and your task is for the right side, how much you can explore and explore."

   "It doesn't matter if you can't explore the edges. We will add the rest. As long as we know the boundaries, we can figure out their approximate positions, so finding anchor points is much easier."

   Others turned their eyes to Charles, and he had always been in charge of the exploration.

   "There is nothing to say about this, I agree, but I hope the foundation will provide some help in technology."

   "Didn't we give it? They are all in the memory of the communicator, and they have been re-translated in your slang specifically and thoughtfully."

   "What I'm talking about is not an improvement in force, but an improvement in technology, and it is better to improve the overall human technology."

  Although Charles is desperately searching for darkness to save, he also wants to find another way. If the Foundation's technology can enable the humans in the Earth Sea to survive without darkness, it would be great.

   "Uh...I need to ask for instructions on this. I can't be the master, but it doesn't matter whether it is or not."

   "There is a so-called, it is better to go and talk to them, this will not delay your efforts."

   Although under the pressure of the doomsday, the technology of the earth and sea humans is developing in a spurt, but it is completely incomparable with the foundation that can create the Dawning One.

   If it weren't for a 002 lying on the surface of the earth now, Charles felt that they would have entered the interstellar age long ago.

   "And us, if you can, please use your power to help us. The island is gradually being submerged. We are dying every moment. After the death, there are many fewer people, and we can't go any longer."

   It was Elizabeth's tired voice. Charles looked up, even if she was made of sand now, she could still see her heavy dark circles.

   "You don't need to ask for instructions, it's impossible." Feuerbach rebuffed it decisively, as if the GK Foundation had already prepared an excuse for him.

   "All of our power must now stay in search of the dark anchor, no time to waste in the earth and sea. Besides, this is not too many people dead."

   Feuerbach's indifference to the humans of the Earth and the Sea caused Charles's brows to gradually frown. The previous conjecture resurfaced in his mind, no matter what their goal was, it was definitely not everything before for humans anyway.

   "Okay, you can ask, I am here waiting for your reply." Hearing Charles' words, Feuerbach disappeared in front of everyone again.

   This time he came back very quickly, and said that the members of the GK Council said that even with this part of knowledge, the earth and sea humans cannot digest it in a short time. This requires a generation of efforts.

   But for the sake of cooperation between the two parties and to show their sincerity, they agreed to guide the humans of the Earth and the Sea to improve their technology.

   In the next period of time, some details of the cooperation between the two sides needed to be perfected. For several days, he stayed in the tent and did not leave.

   The scarred Narwhal needs to be repaired, but the other explorers have already begun to act, and they embarked with confidence and set off toward the dark boundary that needs to be found.

   After all, Charles, who hadn't rested much at all, felt even more tired than exploring. He watched the sand man in front of him gradually disperse. Stretching his hands forward, he stretched his waist.

   Just when Charles was about to leave the tent, he found Elizabeth was walking towards him.

   "My dear, I haven't been in contact for so long, why didn't you even send me a telegram." Elizabeth smiled and walked in front of him.

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   "Sorry, you also know that I am very busy now, and there is no time for personal affairs at all." Charles stretched out his hand to elizabeth's thin waist. But he took a gap, and his palm passed through the yellow sand and returned to his front.

   "It's okay, as long as you have me in your heart, don't forget me, although I have many lovers, you are the only man."

   Charles said jokingly: "Among so many which one do you like."

Elizabeth was very distressed, "How do you answer this? If I ask you, do you like me or Anna, how do you think you will answer? Of course you like them all, those cute girls are placed in front of you, you can bear to refuse Are we? We are now a big family."

   Charles shook his head indifferently, "Thank you, chatting with you can quiet my heart for a while. There are too many things now."

   Elizabeth looked at Charles thoughtfully, "Are you conflicting with Anna?"

   "Did you see it?"

   "It's so obvious that only a fool can't tell. If you need my help, you just need to say a word." Elizabeth blinked her right eye at him.

   Charles looked at the woman in front of him and nodded. "Thank you, if there is a need, I will come to you."

   After Elizabeth gave Charles a passionate kiss, her body gradually dispersed.

   Charles sat in the empty tent for a long time. He closed his eyes and thought about everything. When the noise outside gradually decreased and the time gradually reached late at night, he took out the communicator again.

   "My God, Captain, what time is it now, don't you need to sleep?" Feuerbach struck Hache and rubbed his eyes.

   "They don't care that I care. I need to know all the secrets that the Foundation has now. Who is 005? Is it Yi Dick?"

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