Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 223: "Shinshi"

"Sorry, Lord Envoy, we only have this right now."

Seeing the long monster shaped like a lizard crawling towards the corpse, Aguino curled up on the ground, afraid to look any more.

The trumpet-shaped sucker opened up, exposing the ticking milky white mucus teeth.

The sharp teeth covered the corpse, and the sucker began to wriggle continuously, and the three-meter-high corpse was slowly sucked into the hideous mouth by the monster.

But at this moment, the monster seemed to be frightened by something. The reflective skin was instantly black, and the suction cup opened suddenly, vomiting the corpse again.

The tail with bone spurs was suspended by it, shaking constantly like a rattlesnake, as if demonstrating to something.

"Gluck~" The trembling voice became deeper and deeper, and the monster seemed to have found something.

Agino, who was lying on his stomach, turned his head and looked behind him, but found that he was empty behind him, and no one was there.

"Pop!!" A beam of light flashed, and the far corners instantly turned black.

"My Lord God Envoy?" Aguino's face was puzzled, not knowing what the other party was doing.

"Gluck..." Seeing that there was nothing unusual, the monster slowly leaned back and continued to swallow the salted corpse.

A minute later, the rope linking between the two ships sank slightly again, and Charles's expression was extremely ugly.

He reached into his clothes and scratched his skin with nails.

The itching on his body is hard to compare to the shock in his heart. What did he see just now? What was it just now?

And Charles also noticed that Aguino called that disgusting thing a divine envoy?

God’s envoys have grown like this. God knows what their gods look like? There are too many weird beliefs in Earth Sea.

"No, that thing looks very dangerous

Don't let that disgusting thing continue to follow us. "Charles immediately made this decision.

But a question posed in front of him. Should he just cut off the rope and walk away without saying a word?

The half-crouched Charles just stood up and looked at the turtle shell ship, and found that at some unknown time, another Hiker had poked his head out of the turtle shell and looked around vigilantly.

He saw Charles looking towards this side, with a light smile on his rough face, and nodded to Charles.

It is not possible to act rashly now. If the stimulus reaches the opposite side, it is difficult to guarantee that the other side will not jump the wall in a hurry and start grabbing fresh water and fuel from the Narwhal.

After a simple response, Charles turned and walked towards the captain's room.

Gathering the others, Charles recounted what he had discovered.

"I have dissected them. The Heikes are just big numbers. Without weapons, they are not much better. There are five people on the opposite side. I don't think there is any need to care. I just cut the rope and ran away at full speed. "The doctor spoke first.

Thinking back to the Heikes who worked with Anna before, Charles shook his head. "Not necessarily. They should also have special abilities. We don't know the strength of the five people on the other side. Moreover, the so-called divine emissary can feel the invisible me, so it should be good."

The crew members discussed each other for a while, but in this situation, they did not propose any useful solutions.

Charles stood up with a heartbeat. In this isolated sea, he didn't want to wait any longer. He was the captain of the Narwhal, and he was responsible for the lives of the crew.

Just as Charles was about to speak, a right hand wrapped in a yellow bandage was raised.

"Captain...maybe...we...just go back...that thing maybe...not...dangerous to us..."

"Why are you so sure? That thing doesn't look like it's not dangerous at all. When the dead people on their boat finish eating, maybe it's time to eat us."

The bandaged head dropped, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes, as if thinking about something.

Seeing him like this, Charles was shocked, and he walked over and patted his shoulder with his hand. "Did you remember something?"

There was a trace of confusion in the bandage's eyes. After a long time, he raised his hand and pulled out Charles' black blade and carved it on the table.

Soon, a hideous monster was carved out, with an anti-knuckle index finger, a trumpet-shaped mouthpart, and a long tail with bone spurs. It was the "divine envoy" in the turtle shell boat.

" this?"

Charles's pupils shrank slightly. "What? Have you seen it before? Remember what this is?"

Facing Charles' question, Bengdai shook his head. "I... don't... know... I've seen it before, long... long... it's... not... dangerous,... should."

Seeing the dazed first mate, Charles was very embarrassed. This guy said that the thing was not dangerous from the feeling, it was a bit unconvincing.

"Captain." This time it was the chief engineer.

"I also don't think they are bad-hearted. If they really want to do something to us, they should have done it long ago, and they may not have to wait so long."

"Moreover, it is not a sensible choice to do it in this situation. If we are forced to burn the ship directly, they will be trapped again under the watchful eyes of all the crew. , Charles lowered his head and gestured with his fingers on the chart in front of him.

The big circle in front is the entire sea of ​​mist. There are three points in the big circle, one is the location of Broken Heart Island, the other is the location of 041, and the last is where he encounters the turtle shell ship.

Judging from the location of the tortoise shell ship, they should not have come from the outer sea on the right, but from the depths of the sea of ​​mist.

Thinking back to the hideous appearance of the "God Envoy" again, a thought flashed through Charles' mind. Could it be that what Elizabeth said was true? Is that thing really the product of a hybrid between humans and indigenous people?

"That thing was once a human?" Charles felt a strong sense of discomfort when he thought that this kind of speculation was very possible.

Perhaps the Haike people really have customs that are unacceptable to the people on the outer islands.

After considering various issues, Charles finally decided.

"All of us cheered up. We continued to take these guys away, hoping that the first officer felt right. During this time, everyone took their weapons with them. I thought there was a special accident."

Charles decided to wait and wait. For some reason, after thinking that the disgusting thing might be a human, Charles felt at ease, at least part of the monster's body was of the same kind.

The captain's order was reached, and the crew immediately knew what to do and quickly returned to their posts.

In a slightly weird atmosphere, the Narwhal took the tortoise shell ship and moved on.

Fresh water is still given every day, and the Hikers did not express any dissatisfaction.

Sometimes they showed a tendency to have a deep conversation with Charles, and Charles pretended not to hear it.

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