Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 1036: 10 years

  Chapter 1056 Ten Years

  Hearing the wrench, everyone's eyes turned to him.

  Looking at the disdainful mocking expression on the wrench’s face, Captain Klaas suddenly drew out his large-caliber flintlock, directly blasting his mind.

  At this time, he must not let the situation get out of control.

   "Papa Papa~!" His clapping clapping caught everyone's attention.

   "You are still not Lao Tzu's crew! This difficulty has completely frightened you? Take out the momentum of following me against that thing in the sea!"

   "No matter what this is, who the **** will be defeated by us! We are not even afraid of death, are we still afraid of this thing?"

Feeling the emotions of the crew aroused, Klass continued to appease: "What about staying for another 10 years? This ship is our home, and we are here as if we are going home! Don't you usually go home? "

  "We will not be hungry, sleepy, or die now! We will not even increase in age. Compared to outsiders, we have been given ten years of life for free. Isn't this a good thing?"

   Then he began to call his crew one by one.

   "Huck, didn't you always say that you want to learn to read, but you said you don't have time? Now that you have 10 more years to give you, you can study hard!"

   "Cook, didn't you always say that you want to become a painter like Governor Charles? Now you have time to practice!"

  The crew looked at each other, their angry expressions gradually calmed down. Listening to the captain’s explanation, it seemed that he didn’t need to react so much.

  Klass’ words worked, the crew began to do so, and everyone began to face this time and again for forty minutes.

  They put these cycles together to form a day, one day they gather together to find a way to escape, and the other day they do their own thing.

During   , most of the illiterate crew members have been literate under the guidance of their companions, and the crew members have learned how to cook from the chef and how to treat diseases from the ship’s doctor.

  Now as long as they can relieve boredom, they will do it.

  Even the advanced knowledge Lily learned from the academy, they always come.

  Time just passed day after day. The first two years ended in such a harmonious atmosphere, but I searched for two years and still found nothing.

  The crew subconsciously rejected this question.

  Starting from the third year, the crew began to feel tired, and they looked for other things to relieve their boredom.

  The location of every book on the ship was told to everyone, including Lily’s love stories.

  After the fourth year, all the words on the ship had been seen countless times by them, they began to try to make up their own stories.

  At the beginning, Lily still resisted joining them, but gradually she became more and more silent, and a long time was washing everything in her heart.

  No matter what Lily thinks, time continues. When the story is completely untellable, the crew began to show dangerous ideas that they had thought about but did not try.

  For example, take off your clothes and jump directly into the dark sea, such as directly ignite the fuel depot and ammunition depot,

  Lily can feel those hidden gazes that hit her, but no one dares to do anything yet.

  Captain Klass, as the sole leader on the ship, no matter how ridiculous the crew did, he still maintained the basic surface stability.

  In the sixth year, looking for a way to escape, no one mentions it anymore.

  In the seventh year, the crew began to self-mutilate, using severe pain to relieve the boredom of the ship.

  As the leader, Karas did not stop him, because he knew that what he said before was completely self-deception.

  In the eighth year, self-harm began to escalate. They began to find more unique ways, such as swallowing a whole piece of red fuel.

  But in the ninth year, the crew's extremely bad mood began to gradually improve. The ten-year deadline in the wrench's mouth is finally coming.

  Because of the problem of sanity reset, even if they are locked in this same place, they are not crazy, but they are really going to be unable to support it.

  It is very interesting to say. At the beginning, the crew was always worried that they might remember the time incorrectly, but later discovered that everyone was silently remembering it.

  It is as if those prisoners who are held in prison always know how many days they have left to release.

  The new cycle began, everyone was teleported to the deck again, but everyone’s face was extremely excited.

  Everyone remembers very clearly, they have three more times at most, and they are going out.

   "Three!" All the crew members felt heartbreaking loudly, as if they wanted to scream out the stress that they had experienced in the past ten years.

   "Two!" Many crew members have knelt to the ground.

   "One!" Lily, flushed with excitement, followed the others and shouted out these words.

  When she returned to the deck again, Lily instantly used the snow in the sky with light.

  Everyone rushed into the cockpit with excitement. Everyone was laughing, laughing wildly, even Lily.

  Now they are no different from the previous wrenches.

  Only people who have been locked into that kind of cycle for a full ten years can understand how depressing that kind of life is.

  How uncomfortable the feeling that you can't die, you can't be crazy.

   "Chief engineer! Turbo overload! We immediately turn around, we leave this ghost place!" Klass immediately issued a new order.

   "Wait! We can't go yet, we have not arrived at the destination yet!" Lily rushed to him, feeling anxious.

  "Don't go!" Klass rejected the request for the first time.

  "I must be responsible for my crew! No one knows what else is ahead, do you still want to live the torture days before?!"

  Lily opened her mouth slightly, but she couldn't say anything. UU reading

  After ten years of torture and Charles measured it in her heart for a second, she instantly made a choice.

   "In fact, we only need to avoid the snow!"

  Klass didn’t bother to bother about his employer. "Chief engineer! Turbine overload! Hear no!"

  But there was no response in the communication channel except for his voice.

  Everyone's heart suddenly flicked, and extreme fear shrouded everyone's face.

   Soon the person who inquired about the news returned from the turbine cabin, and his voice was full of grief and indignation.

   "Head! Those guys in the turbo cabin are still frozen in place! We are still in the loop!"

  Almost everyone present was unsteady.

  Tears ran across Lily's cheeks, but the tears could not take away even the slightest despair in her heart.

  Everyone turned their heads mechanically and looked at a small snow bag on the deck outside the glass.

  That is the wrench that was completely submerged by the heavy snow.

  (End of this chapter)

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