Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 728: New hatred

"I didn't see it! It turns out that you still have such a strong side, I didn't know it before."

In Long Xue's palace, all the subordinates had been screened back, and only Xiao Chen and Long Xue were left.

At this moment, the two of them were sitting calmly on both sides of a table, Long Xue holding his fragrant cheeks, smiling from beginning to end, gently looking at Xiao Chen opposite.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Long Xue smiled and said: "I have always been such a person! It's just that you didn't notice it."

Long Xue is not a deep-seated person in the city, but because of her unparalleled cultivation talent, she is very proud, and she always does everything straight forward.

But there was an exception when facing Xiao Chen. Long Xue never showed any strong side in front of him again, and was always warm and moist.

Xiao Chen scratched her Qiong nose lightly, and then said: "Long Nan is your second brother, will you be too much to him like this? If it's because of me, you don't need to punish him. Anyway, I have nothing to do. thing."

Long Xue frowned, and then shook her head again: "It's okay. Although Long Nan is my second brother, we are not a mother. My mother is the former queen, and Long Nan's mother is Concubine Qiao."

Which emperor is not from the Sangong and the Sixth Court, of course Long Bufan is the same. He has more than a dozen children, but no two are from the same father and mother. Therefore, Long Xue has no feelings for Long Nan.

Xiao Chen said with some worry: "I heard that Long Nan is a powerful candidate for the next emperor. If you treat him so much, your father's face may not look good!"

Long Xue said with some disdain: "Although my father is faint, but at any rate he has been the emperor for so many years, it is absolutely impossible for Long Nan to succeed."

Long Nan's mother, Guifei Qiao, was born in the Qiao family of the top ten families, and the Long Qiao family are therefore inextricably linked. This is also the reason why the Qiao family dared to confront Xiao Chen and vowed not to submit to him.

It is precisely because of the favor of the concubine Qiao's harem and the support of the Qiao family that the second prince will be conspicuous in the controversy for the concubine. There are many ministers in the court who support him, but his ability is really questionable.

In terms of martial arts talent, the eldest prince Long Beigao had more than one thing, and in terms of political talent, he was only ranked in the middle of the princes. How could such a person be the emperor of the iron-blooded dynasty.

Therefore, Long Xue asked Long Bufan to completely sever Long Nan's succession to the throne without any pressure.

Seeing Long Xue's resolute appearance, Xiao Chen could only silently mourn for Long Nan, and I was sorry for the uncle.

At this time, Long Xue said with some dissatisfaction: "I said that you finally came to Canglong City, don't you want to tell me something else? You said these silly things."

Xiao Chen was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Long Xue who was sitting there, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth.

He stood up, walked to Long Xue's side, and hugged Long Xue in his doubtful eyes.

Long Xuejiao let out a cry, and then hurriedly caught Xiao Chen's gaze with both hands, but Xiao Chen's lips had already closed Long Xue's red cherry mouth.

Since you don't want to talk nonsense, just do it!

Xiao Chen came to Zhongyu this time. Although he brought a lot of beautiful women, he didn't bring any of his daughter-in-laws. He was a little impatient if he hadn't been exposed to meat for so long.

The two of them practiced the Double Cultivation Method together. As long as they get close, they will easily have a certain desire. Anyway, this kind of thing will increase their own cultivation.

So Long Xue didn't deliberately suppress it, just a little shy, and then took the initiative to respond.

For a time, spring is boundless in the entire palace.


In the royal study room of the imperial palace, Long Bufan sat on the golden dragon chair, kneeling in front of the guard leading him.

Long Bufan is more than 500 years old this year, but his appearance is only more than 50 years old. His cultivation level is not very high, only the three-star Wu Wang, but he is extremely majestic.

Martial artists have a long lifespan, so Long Bufan didn't even think about having children in his early years. It was not until he was nearly 500 years old that he had no future in the martial arts, and he crazily wanted children.

So when he was nearly 500 years old, the eldest prince Longbei was only less than 30 years old.

Long Bufan put down the memorial in his hand and said, "Are you sure Xiaoxue said, that boy is her man?"

The guard hurriedly nodded and said, "Yes, your Majesty, hundreds of guards were listening."

Long Bufan waved his hand to make him withdraw, and then he seemed to say to himself: "Dark, do you know the identity of this young man?"

His voice fell, and a deep voice came from a dark corner of the Imperial Study Room.

"Xiao Chen, the emperor of the Great Zhou Empire, miraculously rose up like a comet half a year ago. He unified the Northern Territory in just one month, and the palace was forced out of the dynasty by him. It is suspected that there are several powerful martial arts under his team."

After listening to the dark words, Long Bufan's face showed a hint of surprise. He was negligent of national affairs, and he didn't know that such a figure appeared in the dynasty in the past six months, and he had a close relationship with Long Xue.

Long Bufan said angrily: "I knew that Long Nan was difficult to become a great weapon. I didn't expect to be so stupid. He would take the initiative to provoke such a character to pass the decree. Leaving the mansion without authorization."

After leaving the Imperial Study Room in secret, Long Bufan narrowed his eyes and muttered: "There are several Wu Zun subordinates, if he can really be subdued by Xiaoxue, the Long Family will..."


"Is the second child out?"

Longbei, who was feeding fish by the fish pond, put down the fish esophagus in the mansion of the big prince Longbei.

A maid said: "Yes, the emperor gave him a decree and put him in confinement."

In the history of the Jagged Dynasty, the prince who has never been imprisoned before can finally inherit the throne.

Long Bufan's move was tantamount to telling everyone in a disguised form that Long Nan had lost the right to inherit the throne.

Long Bei sat on the stone table and took a sip of his teacup, "It seems that Jiumei's words are still very important, and even the father and the emperor have given enough face."

The servant smiled and said: "This Young Master Xiao Chen is really a blessing. He can be favored by the Nine Princesses. The young masters of this dynasty don't know how many will be saddened."

Long Bei said indifferently: "That's also the man who Xiao Chen has the ability to bring all the top ten families under his banner. He is indeed qualified to match the Nine Sisters. Prepare a gift for me and send it to Nine Sisters. Too thick and not too trivial, just appropriate."

Long Bei is not only extremely talented in martial arts, but he is also a very smart person. He knows that people like Xiao Chen don't need to be close deliberately, just keep a proper distance, otherwise it will only make the other party more disgusted.

Anyway, Long Nan was finished, and his chance of seizing the throne had reached 80%, not to mention provoking Long Xue and Xiao Chen too much at this time.


Qian Tianzong, Jianfeng!

On the first day of Qian Tianzong's wind and rain, a sword flattened the opposite mountain peak, and then retracted the sword into its scabbard.

He murmured to himself: "Dynasty Wushu is finally about to begin, Xiao Chen, new hatreds and old hatreds, let's resolve it at Wushu, Long Xue, it must be mine."

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