[1531 Treasure Hunting Journey (seeking subscription)


Li Wei used his superb power to disappear again and rushed into a deeper place.

However, just after rushing for a hundred meters, the sight in front of him did not expect him.

Laser cutting channel!

This channel is filled with intricate lasers. Because the laser beam is small and the temperature is high, even if Li Wei has some indestructible physique, he still has to avoid three points when encountering weapons such as laser cutting.

And this channel in front of me is not like the infrared beam in the movie, it can pass through with the passing body and the luck of saving the entire universe.

There are so many laser beams here and the interlacing is so complicated that they can’t pass through by dodge and avoid at all.

Li Wei is worried now. After all, there is only this channel, so he has to go through this laser channel if he wants to enter. “Seven nines three” but the current situation makes him very embarrassed. If this passage is directly destroyed, it is likely to cause the passage in front to collapse.In this case, he can only dig the passage by himself, which is time-consuming and laborious, but if it is not destroyed, how can he pass?

“This thing is too annoying, but if I can become as small as Ant-Man, or even become an atomic file size, then I can pass it easily.”

Li Wei suddenly had an idea. Although these lasers are intricate and complicated, there are still some gaps in the end, so as long as they become small enough, they will be able to pass.

However, how can it be made smaller? Ant-Man’s Ant-Man battle uniform is only available to him, and the yellow front suit is also kept by the Wasp. Li Wei does not have any Ability that can shrink his body.

“Oh…it hurts my brain.”

Li Wei sighed and tapped his head hard, trying to make his Civic alive.

“There is always a way, I should be right, I have this!

Just when Li Wei was about to break his head, he suddenly saw the ring on his hand!

Space ring!

Although Li Wei cannot be made smaller, he can create a space and put him in a smaller container, just like a space ring.

The space created now is definitely not in a hurry. I looked at the file size of the ring and can pass through the laser gap. Li Wei didn’t think much about it, and went directly into the space ring.

During the monitoring of the laser channel, it can be seen that a living terrestrial person was still there just now in a hurry, but suddenly disappeared in place, and a ring fell on the ground.

The space ring was originally a small cockpit. Li Wei designed it into a transport aircraft-like structure at the beginning of the design, so in it, Li Wei can fly it everywhere, but the power of the space ring It is his own power, and manipulating the space ring to fly also consumes energy, so Li Wei has never driven before, and slowly forgot this function.

“It seems that I still have a vision, but this fuel is still the biggest problem. Go back and let Stark study it again, can you let this space ring burn something else.”

Li Wei said to himself, while pouring his energy into the space ring.

With the roar of the engine, the space ring started, and at a superb speed, it directly passed through the daunting laser tunnel.

After coming out of the space ring, Li Wei let out a long sigh of relief.

“Roar, next, there should be nothing difficult.”

Li Wei said to himself, because he wants to trouble the color stone as soon as possible, Li Wei can’t wait to rush in now, but strictly speaking, this laser channel is only the second level leading to the color stone. The teenager does not know how many levels there are. Although Li Wei is confident that he can win, he is still a little bored from the bottom of my heart.

After shaking his head, Li Wei still walked forward. Although he was a little impatient, he still had to go the way he should go.

After passing through a dark passage, Li Wei’s eyes suddenly opened up.

In front, it turned out to be a land full of poetry and picturesque scenery.

In such an underground world, there are trees and grass, and there are even sunny, white clouds…

“No! How can there be white clouds here? If there is sunshine here, I still believe that, after all, the technology of man-made sun and earth can also be realized, but what’s the matter with white clouds!”

Li Wei suddenly felt that something was wrong with this place. It didn’t seem to be underground anymore. Even if the technological level of Alpha Star is high, it is impossible to make Baiyun so realistic, and then it still floats underground.

Suddenly, Li Wei felt that the ground under her feet began to vibrate violently, and the mountains under her eyes began to shake violently, and some even began to collapse.

What weight is there, huge amounts of things are coming!


Suddenly, a huge amounts of fist hit Li Wei.

Li Wei didn’t dodge either. He clenched his hands into fists and hit them with fists dozens of times larger than him.


That fist broke directly!

Immediately afterwards, countless fists hit Li Wei again, but only fists, like fist-like bombs, hit Li Wei.

Li Wei still did not dodge, smashing all his fists one by one.

“My God, what is this going to do, why can’t I see where the attack is on me?”

Li Wei is now on the spot. Although these fists are not worth mentioning to him, it is still a test of physical strength to hit so many at one time.At this time, Li Wei is already out of breath, but when he opens the sea of ​​consciousness, he No creature or even a machine attacked him.

It’s like the fist just now, it was created out of thin air!

And Li Wei looked around again, the fist fragments that had been smashed by him suddenly disappeared, as if the attack on him just now was just his illusion.

However, the feeling of hitting 1.2 perceived is obviously very real!

Li Wei couldn’t figure it out, and hurriedly turned on the energy of Mind Gem. If the mental attack caused Li Wei to hallucinate, then Mind Gem would definitely respond.

But Mind Gem didn’t respond at all, so it meant that it was not an illusion just now, but a real reality.

Before Li Wei could understand, a quack suddenly penetrated into Li Wei’s ears.


Li Wei reflexively punched out, and a long sword was shot down.

“My God, and…

Before Li Wei could finish spitting out, hundreds of long swords stabbed at Li Wei in mid-air!

The black long sword was like an iron cloud, Roar screamed, making a terrifying sound, and rushed towards Li Wei, as if they were yelling to smash Li Wei’s body!

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