(23) Goal, Supreme Wisdom! (1 more)

Hara Star is a huge amounts of planet, its volume is ten times that of the earth.

This is a planet with abundant technology but severely barren resources. The Cree people have developed this place to the limit, making it a planet with only people and technology!

An extremely cold planet.


Li Wei The Flash’s super-light speed, flying extremely fast in the sky above Hara Star, began to patrol here.

According to Li Wei’s memory of the Kri star when he was in Wakanda. The appearance and everything of Hara’s heart became clearer as he watched the flight.

“Unexpectedly, the Crees are also divided into races!”

Seeing that there are people with two skin colors on Hara Star, Li Wei couldn’t help but sigh.

The Cree tribe, in fact, were pure blue-skinned humanoids at the beginning, but with the loss of Cree evolution, they began to pursue the gene integration of alien species.

Therefore, this led to the dilution of the Cree bloodline.

Among them, the most diluted is the earth-human beings.

The Cree people have never given up on integrating the evolution genes of the earth’s people.

And from this, the pursuit of evolution, the light-skinned ethnic group that is more like the earth people was born.

The latter type of people, also known as Wai Cree, although there is no discrimination, there are serious differences between the two types of people.

The first Cree people had blue skin. Later, there appeared a lot of light-skinned ethnic groups that were more like people on earth, mainly because they used end-view crystals in Antu. The barriers to evolution that existed in their race were directly broken.

They were forced to mate with other races and finally produced such offspring.

Although their physical strength and endurance are several times stronger than that of humans, the Cree people are also very sensitive to the issue of genetic purity, and they will never allow non-Cree males to make Cree females pregnant.

Compared with the Skrulls who are fanatical in gods, the Cree people are more ruthless.

They are a group of people who advocate nationalism, imperialism and militarism.

They developed the computer of life-the supreme wisdom, as the supreme administrator of the whole country, let the living people only act as the assistant of the supreme wisdom, and let the supreme wisdom become the god of the Kerry people.

Moreover, the Cree people have mastered an advanced technology-the all-power wave launcher, which can realize hyperspace communication and manufacture high-performance weapons.

Such a powerful weapon has even become a coveted object of races such as Skrull. In addition, they also have the well-known energy weapon Uni-Beam system, which is also very advanced in other space navigation and machinery.

It can be said that the success of the Kerry people has a lot to do with these technologies, and even contributes to them.

Li Wei thought about the memories of the Kerry people, while flying to observe the general situation of Hara Star. He didn’t fly towards the same place until he got a basic understanding.

After returning to everyone, Li Wei, after telling everyone some major information, prepared with everyone.

“Okay, everyone, let’s start working!”

After everyone agreed, Li Wei led everyone towards the tallest tower on Hara Star, the Tower of Wisdom.

What Li Wei has to do is simple – attack the wisdom tower!

Catch the thief first, catch the king, and hit the supreme wisdom guy. It is estimated that the Kerry people in the universe will be angry, and then they will directly guard.

In this way, there is no need for Li Wei to look for it himself, Captain Marvel, who was brainwashed as a warrior, will definitely appear!

And Li Wei has Superman’s vision and hearing. As long as Carol shows up, the purpose of this trip will be achieved.


Li Wei led the crowd, leaping over half of Hara Star, and then before the tallest building on the planet.

Tower of Wisdom!

The seat of supreme wisdom.

A high-tech tower that stands above the city and reaches the sky!

The tower is full of endless lines and light, as if it is protecting the entire planet.

Li Wei led everyone to the foot of the Tower of Wisdom and saw the tall technology tower in front of him, which was daunting.

This wisdom tower is a huge building that can be seen on the ground at a glance, which is a full 10,000 meters high.

It is the core of Hara Star, which brings together the wisdom of all Kerry people. The top of a high tower with golden light, and layers of stairs, extend down from the spire of the tower.

“Johnny, go attack that door!” Li Wei walked to the front of the Wisdom Tower and pointed to the 100-meter-high door of the Wisdom Tower.

“Huh?” Obviously Li Wei’s words caused Johnny to startle, “I… are we here to destroy this place?”

The other four people behind him also looked at Li Wei dumbfoundedly. In fact, even though they have obtained Super Ability, they have not really attacked and fought before, and they can’t help but reject this kind of thing in their hearts!

“Forget it, let me come personally!” Seeing that Johnny and the others were unmoved, Li Wei shook his head and simply walked forward in person.

I saw him walking slowly to the gate of the 100-meter-high wisdom tower, clenching his fist tightly.

With a loud bang, the huge door in front of everyone suddenly exploded!

Li Wei’s punch knocked the alloy gate of the Supreme Wisdom Tower into ruins.

At the moment, the group of people behind, collectively dumbfounded…

Thick billowing black smoke rose from the feet of the Wisdom Tower, and this loud noise also attracted the attention of all Cree people.

Woo woo–

In need of time, the 10,000-meter-high building of the Wisdom Tower sounded a rapid siren together. In the tower of At the moment, the noise of people and the sound of footsteps are integrated.

“Mr. Li Wei, aren’t we exposed like this?”

Pili Huo Johnny asked Li Wei timidly.

“Yes, we just want to expose. This is to attract people, the simplest and rude way is to catch the thieves first!”

Li Wei’s thoughts are very direct, making movements to attract supreme wisdom. The abducted Captain Marvel will definitely appear here.


While Li Wei was thinking a little bit, outside the gate of At the moment’s wisdom tower, the entire Kerry warrior inside the tower had already been gathered.

The Supreme Wisdom in the tower issued an alarm towards the Keli Star, and the Almighty Wave Launcher was launched. For a time, the entire Kerry people knew about the attack on the Wisdom Tower.

At the moment, no matter how strong Kerry is in the Large Magellanic Cloud, they are all rushing towards Hara.

Their supreme leader was attacked.

This is simply something I can’t imagine.

No one dared to attack the Supreme Wisdom, but now the Tower of Wisdom has been attacked?

This made the Kerry people in the universe a little bit emotional. Ding,

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