Wufu Village was busy all night.

In the snow field that Zhou Yanci led people through, several granaries collapsed in zigzags

The grain inside is stuffed full, and you can even smell the fragrance of grain.

At this moment, Xie Yinghui seemed to hear the cry of the field mouse.

"You are copying your home." Xie Yinghui swallowed.

Zhou Yanci raised his eyebrows, girl, are you very promising, you can even detect my hidden hobbies? If you can't copy your home in such a famine year, you can copy a mouse hole.

Wufu Village is full of people digging for grain.

Even the dissenting voices were choked in their throats, and their faces hurt.

At the moment on the snow mountain.

"Hey, aren't these places ancient tombs? The little village chief asked us to come and rob the tombs? Even if you're hungry and crazy now, you won't be digging the tombs, right?" Guan Suo was full of doubts, and he mobilized the crowd like this.

"Roar!" Suddenly a roar came from a distance.

"Dig quickly, if there are footprints here, I'm afraid there will be wild animals." Wu Qishan waved his hand, he also had doubts about Zhou Yanci, but since he came, he took a look.

A group of people hurriedly started digging holes according to the said direction. Three holes were dug for more than half an hour.

Sure enough, it was an ancient tomb. And it is also a group of ancient tombs.

The three holes happen to be connected into one piece, but there is no gloomy atmosphere in the tomb inside, but it has a bit of animal-specific smell.

"Be careful, it smells like blood." Wu Qishan frowned and held the big knife in his hand steadily.

Everyone walked through the winding tomb, and there seemed to be arrows flying out of the ground, nailing a bear skin to the ground fiercely.

The stones of many animals have only fur left. Do you think this cave was excavated by wild animals?

"I'm afraid these beasts dug it to avoid the wind and snow, but it cost a lot of money." Guan Suo took his brother to pick up the fur along the way, thinking that this winter will not be afraid of the cold.

So many traps have been broken by wild beasts, but it is cheaper for them.

This group of people are all lickers at the knife's edge, so naturally they are not afraid of graves.

But when he reached the deepest point, he still couldn't hold back his breath. I saw more than a dozen sarcophagi, large and small, at the entrance, and the surrounding area of ​​the sarcophagus was covered with bones.

In this extremely cold place, everyone shivered.

"I don't know who is so vicious and buried. Let's go out, this kind of tomb is usually immovable." Guan Suo pondered for a moment, his brows furrowed.

"It's not like we haven't distributed money from dead people before, but this is too evil. Let's go out." The brothers said one after another.

On the contrary, Wu Qishan pursed his lips, and a bold guess came to his mind.

Stepping forward to push the sarcophagus away, the originally calm face could no longer be maintained, and he didn't close his mouth for a long time in shock.

"It's not the owner of the tomb that is vicious, it's our village chief!" After a long time, he managed to utter a sentence.

The brothers looked at each other and hurried forward, only to see gray hares and countless frozen birds in the sarcophagus where the corpses should have been lying.

"Boss, there is a wild boar here!"

"This sarcophagus is a deer. It's so fat, it's all frozen to ice. I'm afraid it was put in just after winter." Guan Suo's eyes lit up with excitement, and there were sixteen sarcophagi, big and small, all of which were full of meat.

This is actually a freezer!

And it was hidden by a wild animal with a sense of urgency on the mountain.

Look at the footprints, I'm afraid there are more than one kind of beast that came in to hide things.

"This beast has become smart. Before the natural disaster comes, we have stockpiled food in advance. I'm afraid this village will starve to death, and these guys can still eat for a few months after returning from hibernation."

"Move quickly, leave three people behind and don't move." Wu Qishan waved his hands to let everyone do things, and the shock in his heart couldn't be more shocking.

If it was said that staying in Wufu Village was half coerced and half voluntary, but seeing what Zhou Yanci did, he couldn't help being frightened.

Dozens of people reluctantly moved their things away, and when they went down the mountain, they did not forget to take a look under the marked tree.

Well, don't even let the squirrel's food be spared?

I thought they would attract the attention of the village when they went back, but they didn't want to go back when the village was busy driving cattle and carts to transport grain, sweating profusely in the snow. Some good-natured people stepped forward to take a look at the frozen meat they brought back, but they only showed a little surprise, and then hurriedly transported the food.

They thought the whole village would welcome them, but they didn't. The whole village was shocked, no.

A group of bandits......

It seemed that his previous shock was so good that it couldn't be put on the stage.

Food and frozen meat were piled up in the ancestral hall, and the village sent more than 30 young and middle-aged people to protect it. At this moment, they couldn't help but rejoice that it was fortunate that they had no communication with the outside world. If this spread, people would swallow it alive?

The village chief walked and stepped on the ridge of the field, and then found food?

Thinking about it feels fantastic.

That night, every household took out their own food reserves and ate a full meal. Some families even steamed a few slices of bacon, which made the whole village fragrant.

Wufu Village was immersed in joy.

But goose...

Howled all night on the snow-capped mountains and on the ridges of the fields.

Animals, worse than animals! Even animals are not spared, you despicable humans!

Ono burst into tears, there were three sarcophagi hidden in those frozen meat with pigs. Things that are inferior to you beasts...

The sad Ono ate the food with big mouthfuls.

I'll eat it back for you all...

The next day, pig manure, bear manure and rat manure were everywhere in the village.

I have nothing else to say but shit to express my inner feelings!

Seeing that the entire village was being cleaned, Xie Yinghui laughed silently. Why do I feel overwhelming resentment.

"What do you think of the three burrows of the cunning rabbit? They are more than one nest, and they are reserved for work." Zhou Yanci said slowly, knocking his melon seeds.

"Yanyan, how did you know?" Xie Yinghui was curious.

Zhou Yan smiled.

As God's own daughter, can she say that in her eyes, those places where food is buried are blinding people's eyes like big light bulbs?

"You think I'm the same as your brother? I walked on dog shit?" The two sisters-in-law laughed together.

Xie Jingxiu, who was in the distance, commanded his subordinates with a sullen and majestic face, and suddenly sneezed so loudly that everyone looked sideways.

Xie Jingxiu remained expressionless. If you look closely, you can still see the corners of his eyes slightly twitching.

Well, serious, with a frosty face! In this way, I can barely maintain the glory of my general!

"Tomorrow everyone will go to various parts of the town for disaster relief and distribute food. Before the next batch of food arrives, they will find people who are good at talking and go to rich households to borrow food. Don't cause conflicts, and everything is mainly for disaster relief." Xie Jingxiu, who is bitter, borrows food everywhere .

His daughter-in-law was looking for someone to dig through the snow-capped mountains, and took the whole village out to step on the ridges of the fields.

The same people are disaster relief workers from Tianya, but the same people have different fates.

The beasts in the mountains trembled.

Boss, be merciful! We still need to save some face and work so hard to hide some food, how easy is it! ! !

Zhou Yanci, who was busy accumulating blessings, didn't know at all that because she accelerated the progress of disaster relief, she was about to start the second battlefield...

Save Xie Jingxiu's path to decline.

The day after tomorrow will continue to add more days... to prepare for the shelves.

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