My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 1273: King Zong (12)

 “You want to start over?

Want to get another chance? "

The leather shell on the ground has been outlined with a complete life pattern, and it gradually turns into a vague human shape. Now it only needs an opportunity to truly come to life. Su Wu sat cross-legged next to the vague human figure, looked up at Ji Xingzhou's face emerging from the brazier, repeated what he had said before, and asked him.

Ji Xingzhou’s eyes trembled as he stared at the blurry human figure.

 The chance to live again is now very close to him!

Even if Su Wu digs a hole for him now, he will jump into it without hesitation: "I think! I think!"

Su Wu stood up, looked at Ji Xingzhou in the brazier, and said, "I can give you this opportunity to start over, but before that, you must agree to some of my requirements."

"What's the request?" Ji Xingzhou frowned and stared at Su Wu, his mind filled with fear for this young man.

"I think you have arrived now." Su Wu did not answer Ji Xingzhou's question, but instead suddenly talked to Ji Xingzhou about thinking about you.

Ji Xingzhou looked shocked when he heard what Su Wu said.

After a long time, his expression calmed down, but he lowered his eyes and murmured: "It should be like this, it should be like this... You have asked me about things related to Xiang'er before, and I am also separated from 'Xiang'er's descendants' Sora fought once—

 At that time, it was already showing signs of recovery.

 Since there is a "sign", the final "result" is also destined.

 Your request, is it because you want me to help you seal off the town of Xiang'er? "

Ji Xingzhou looked a little unnatural when he mentioned the matter of "sealing Xiang'er".

Su Wu nodded and said: "Your Excellency is the only person I have found so far who has had indirect contact with Xiang'er.

 I do have the idea of ​​asking you to help me seize you.

 But whether you help me or not is not too important to me.

There are actually only two requests I have for you at the moment - I want you to create the time and space for the "Heaven on Earth - the Original Heaven and Great Luotian", not now, but in the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, I can only take you back to Tang Dynasty and give you a chance to live again, but I will not let you live again in reality.

 Secondly, if I return to the Tang Dynasty, I may have to rely on your reputation to act. You must regard me as the master in everything and be at your disposal. "

Ji Xingzhou originally thought that Su Wu would take the opportunity to make some extremely difficult demands on him, and he was mentally prepared to agree to Su Wu's wild demands. But now he heard that Su Wu's demands on him were so simple. , which made him stunned.

 He ​​then reacted and said directly: "If I can live another life, I can give up everything and try my best. Xiaolang's request is relatively simple for me.

From now on, don’t say that you are your master. Even if you ask me to be your dog, you will agree to it!

 I agree to all your requests! "

Su Wu had already expected Ji Xingzhou's answer. Under Ji Xingzhou's attention, he took back the leather shell that turned into a blurry shadow and said instead: "It is not the time to set off for Tang Dynasty yet.

 As the date approaches, I will give this skin to you, so that you can escape the confinement of the Yuanhuang Temple and be able to live a new life. "

"It should be like this, it should be like this." Ji Xingzhou nodded repeatedly, not daring to show any dissatisfaction.

“I also want to ask you something about ‘Xianger’.

—Your Excellency once said that he had fought against the "incarnation of Xiang'er". I wonder how much you know about the laws of "Xiang'er's" death disaster? "

Hearing Su Wu's question, Ji Xingzhou's eyes widened. After being stunned for a while, he opened his mouth and said: "In a certain life, I fought against seven incarnations of Xiang'er.

These seven Xiang'er incarnations are all equipped with top-notch talismans to practice. Such talismans are not rooted in any temple system among the three mountains of the world, but are directly connected to the "heaven".

  The Heavenly Constitution is in your mouth, and the law follows what you say. It is nothing more than this.

—Except for these seven incarnations of Xiang'er, I have never really seen the "original form of Xiang'er". I only heard that "bad people" once surrounded and suppressed an extremely terrifying "incarnation of Xiang'er".

That statue of Xiang'er incarnates with its head resting on Zhongnan, its back leaning against Mount Tai, and its feet reaching Heluo. It planted talismans on the bodies of all the people in the world, and shaped its own body with the help of millions of people in the world.

In the Tang Dynasty, the imperial court used the mountains and rivers in the world as a prison to imprison the world's secrets. Once this incarnation of Xiang'er appeared, it caused a sensation in the mountains and rivers, and countless evil spirits escaped from their prisons.

 The "bad guys" consumed countless human armors, killed and injured countless people, and finally destroyed this incarnation of Xiang'er.

 This incarnation was later called the ‘King Zong’.

The head of Wanchuan Dayue is called the "King of the Clan". "

What Ji Xingzhou said made Su Wu frown deeply. He raised his eyes to look at the other party and asked: "You have previously said that you are on equal footing with Xiang'er, and that you have fought with Xiang'er several times and it is difficult to determine the outcome.

 If you fight against this so-called ‘Zong King’…”

"I fought against the seven incarnations of Xiang'er. It was indeed a battle of equals, with both sides winning and losing." Ji Xingzhou said without changing his expression.

Su Wu did not pursue the question any further, but instead said: "It seems that 'Xiang'er's true form' has never appeared in the world. No one knows what the laws of death and calamity are for its true form?" "That's right. So..." Ji Xingzhou nodded and said hesitantly, "Maybe 'Xiang'er' has no true form at all, and maybe there is no 'binding' of the so-called law of death and calamity..."

 “There is no true form…” Su Wu muttered to himself.

After a while, he calmed down and said to Ji Xingzhou: "Your Excellency, please stay here for now. When the time is right, I will come and invite you to go to Tang Dynasty with me."

"How long will this opportunity be? Can Xiaolang make it clear?" Ji Xingzhou followed up and asked.

 “It’s not certain yet.”

Su Wu shook his head.

Ji Xingzhou wanted to ask Su Wu a few more questions, but Su Wu's figure suddenly faded in the empty temple. A burst of fire flickered past, and the light figure disappeared completely.


  Sanshan City, Fujian.

 Several boats parked in Jinchi Port slowly started to move. Amidst the roar of engines, the iron ship left the port and sailed towards the open sea.

The sun in the western sky has expanded to cover half of the sky.

 The sky is filled with golden and red colors that connect to the horizon, reflecting the sparkling waves of the distant sea.

 Sometimes a fish jumps out of the sea, and the seagulls fly over, pick up the fish that has not yet had time to fall back into the sea, and flap their wings again to fly away.

The father and son on the iron boat stood barefoot. The son picked up the telescope hanging around his neck and looked towards the distant sea.

The sea where seagulls flew over is now calm.

 On such a quiet sea surface, a vague shadow suddenly flew past.

The young man only caught the scaly claws of the shadow from the telescope. Curious, he turned his head and moved the lens barrel. His fingers quickly turned the lens barrel to widen the viewing distance of the telescope. He suddenly saw a piece of gold. On the red sea level, a figure stood there.

Beneath the sea level, there is a huge creature slowly lifting its wings, and its head is holding up the figure that looks inconspicuous in the vast ocean!

 When the young man saw this scene, he was immediately shocked!

He quickly handed the binoculars to his father and said repeatedly: "Dad, someone, someone is standing on the back of a whale!"


 I think you are out of your mind!

 Hurry up and sort out the fishing nets! "The father slapped his son's outstretched palm open, with a cigarette hanging in his mouth and his hands arranging the fishing net quickly.

The son took back the telescope angrily, muttered a few words, then set up the telescope and looked at the sea level where the "man riding a whale" was -

At this time, where can we see any figures in the lens tube?

 Not to mention the huge whale.

- Su Wu turned around and glanced at the iron ship that was getting closer to him. As his mind turned, the giant whale floating in the sea under his feet was wrapped in his thoughts, swinging its wings, and slowly sinking downwards. His figure Following the giant whale, it sank into the sea and suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The whale just came back to his senses and ran into a huge school of fish.

It just opened its mouth, and most of the fish were sucked into its mouth.

At this time, Su Wu's figure appeared in the depths of the sea. He was in the dark sea, and a talisman of cause and effect was spinning around his body, reflecting his own cause and effect.

Many causes and effects dive deep into the darkness, but there are also a few causes and effects that wrap around him, and the other end leads to the bottom of the deep sea.

He went to Fujian on this trip, and finding the loophole in "Haisheng" that he didn't know whether he left behind intentionally or unintentionally was just one of his goals. Now that we have arrived in Fujian, we naturally need to explore the location of the 'True Lu Mountain', completely collect the 'Houtu Bloodline', and seal it within ourselves.

 ‘Zhenlu Mountain’ is the ‘foot of the Three Purities’, which once sank to the bottom of the Minjiang River together with the ‘Houtu Bloodline’.

Later, Su Wu tried to restrain the "Three Purities of the Three Purities" with the Houtu bloodline, causing both of them to fall into silence, and reopened the "Lushan Divine Genealogy", making the true Lushan Mountain appear in the world.

Disciples of Lushan live in the mountains and practice with the help of the "Lushan Divine Book".

However, when Su Wu came to Fujian this time, he did not find any cause and effect in the Minjiang River that was related to the "Houtu Bloodline Lushan Divine Genealogy".

 On the contrary, in the vast sea near Fujian, we found the related causes and effects.

Su Wu followed the clues of cause and effect and finally entered the deep sea. The light from the sky was completely invisible when observed with the naked eye. There was thick darkness all around. Only occasionally some deep-sea fish had their own stars. In the area of ​​dots of light, he saw a purple-red crack stretching across the seabed.

There is also a purple and black talisman attached to the crack.

The moment he saw the purple and black talisman, Su Wu felt a warning sign!

The words Yun Ji on the purple and black talisman paper were recognized by his mind as the meaning of "Three Days of Eternal Town". When a warning sign suddenly arose in his heart, the talisman was also under heavy pressure. The bottom of the sea suddenly burst into flames - a Taoist priest wearing a purple robe and a high crown walked out of the burning black fire and suddenly pointed at Su Wu!

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