My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 718: Serve the Lord!

"Two million."

A gentle and faint voice was heard far from the needle-dropping auditorium, and even the back row could be heard faintly.

For everyone, this is undoubtedly an unfamiliar voice that has not appeared before, and it was added 200,000 at a time, which is almost a decisive hammer at this time.

Many people frowned as they followed the sound.

A young man who didn't know.

But sit in the best position!

Some people's faces are weird.

They vaguely remembered that several seat-level cadres and businessmen were sitting on this seat before, but somehow they all left and changed to a few of them.

The few people who had just made a bid were a little daunted.

On the stage, An You was completely stunned.

Ji Weiwei and Xiao Xueer from the audience were also stunned. Ji Weiwei even whispered to Anyang: "Are you crazy?"

Anyang only turned around and smiled at her, but didn't speak.

Ji Weiwei frowned and didn't care much. She probably could think of the reason why Anyang did this, but ...

Is the cost too high?

I have to say that there is still some deterrent in the center of the first row, at least many people are hesitant. Only the Xinghai Intelligence who insisted on adhering to the end, and the middle-aged woman who has not declared the company name but has always claimed to make a slight contribution to the out-of-school children in the mountain area are still bidding, but they have only given up for two rounds and gave up this. Meaningful moves.

The transaction price at this time is 2.3 million, a meal!

Although it is not as good as the famous Buffett and Cook, but you know, this is a student!

Many students in the auditorium are estimated to doubt life on this day. If they are optimistic, they will open their horizons and set new goals. If their personality is not optimistic ...

An You is obviously the finale. Although there is still a lunch behind, affected by the previous auction, it also took a high price of 170,000, but it has not caused a sensation.

The beautiful host suppressed his excitement and gave a thank you speech to announce the end of this charity lunch auction!

The song "Thanksgiving" sounded all around!

Miss Etiquette invited the successful bidders to the stage to make the charity payment, and took a group photo. Anyang also nodded to the previous bidders, and then went to the stage.

Successful bidders shook hands and left cheques.

Anyou stayed on the stage, walked to Anyang, took him a hand, and whispered: "Are you crazy?"

A few people around immediately showed surprise.

Obviously, although Anyou had lowered her voice as much as possible, they could still hear it faintly, and could not help but be puzzled.

What's happening here?

Is there such an attitude towards successful bidders?

Especially the teacher who was shaking hands with a middle-aged man frowned, almost trying to stand up and yell at Anyou.

But I saw Anyang smiled and turned his head: "Is it good to take care of your business? I am also doing charity."

Anyou was speechless for a while, but she was speechless.

As the organizer of this finale event, she obviously deliberately fanned people's sympathy and mobilized people's kindness, and also asked the host to say a lot of encouragement and encouragement. Now that the effect has been achieved, she can never be because she is her own brother Just say "you are not allowed to waste money"?

Also, what does it mean to take care of your business?

This guy ... really misunderstood and tarnished this glorious and great charity auction with his dirty ideas?

After holding for a long time, she didn't hold back any words, and finally had to gritt her teeth and shouted, "An Dayang!"

Anyang froze for a moment, and several black lines appeared on his face.

After a pause, he said innocently: "An Eryou, I tell you, you are not right to your buyer like this."

An You was in a hurry, what was the buyer?

"you shut up!"

Anyang said in a speechless voice: "You should be proud of what you are doing at such a raging price and selling such a high price."

It ’s okay not to mention this, and it ’s a breath to mention Anyou. If you do n’t have this guy digging a foot, this glory can really make you blow for a year.

Blame this guy!

"none of your business!"

"Huh, it's so spicy, no, I want a refund!"


An You reliefed, nodded and said: "Yes!"

This time Anyang was stunned: "Is it really refundable?"

Anyou scrupulously cared about the teachers and classmates standing around him, and also the successful bidders. He did n’t say it directly, but said euphemistically: "We are a charity auction. It will not be forced, everything is based on personal goodwill and love. "

"But I really want to support children in the mountains!"


"I said I missed it."

"You have too much money to spend ..." An You closed her mouth keenly, looked around, and took a deep breath.

Fortunately, now everyone has heard about their relationship, and they basically don't take their words seriously and make them a joke. Only a few well-known teachers and classmates from time to time looked in amazement. I wonder if this guy can actually throw more than two million yuan or that his attitude at this time is not consistent with his previous performance.

Anyou distracted, and Anyang gave the money over there.

This is good, even if she is a planner, she will also be the main decision maker of the donation, and there is no way to take it out!

Anyou's teeth are so bitter!

With so much money, you can buy a few houses, how long can she spend ... well, she won't spend this guy's money!

"An Dayang, are you watted?"

"Cough, this, Erya ..."

"No two girls!"

"An Eryou, so many people are watching, can you wait for a while, then you have to be shameless and I have to face it."

"What? You are shameless!"

"Then stop it."

Anyou called a piss.

But she had no way to take this guy, her face was dark and long for a long time, and finally she had to sneer and leave angrily!

Looking at her back, Anyang shrugged and said, "This classmate, remember to add more peppers for lunch tomorrow."

An You stepped in, and quickly stepped away.

Only the classmate standing in front of her could barely see the usual generous and polite classmate's teeth and fists!

Anyang returned to his seat, the party was over, and the people behind had started to leave in an orderly manner. Only Ji Weiwei and Xiao Xueer were still waiting for him in their seats.

Several people handed him his business card, and he smiled and accepted all the orders, but he obviously would not read it.

"Are you waiting for the girl here?"

Xiao Xueer nodded: "I want to say to Xiaoyou."

"Then wait a while."

Anyang sat down in his seat, and when he looked up, he saw Ji Weiwei's apparently hated teeth but pretending to be light and flirty: "I see how you explain when you go back."

"... Actually Xiaoqian wanted to do charity for a long time."

"Oh, this is true!"

Anyang said weakly: "It was originally true."

"Huh, don't be too arrogant. I still don't know what you are doing!" Ji Weiwei waved her hand. "I'll ask you now, where do you get so much money for water?"

"That's not water float, it's charity!"

"There is no place to spend money, right?"

"It's almost the same."

Ji Weiwei rolled his eyes and simply didn't bother to take care of him.

It didn't take long for Anyou to come out of the background, and the clothes were replaced with a professional skirt. A white shirt wrapped in a slightly thin body and a black tube skirt. It was quite energetic.

At a glance, she saw the three people still waiting in front, and walked directly to Xiao Xueer, still not wanting to take care of Anyang.



The three walked out of the auditorium together.

Anyou ’s dormitory is quite far from here. It ’s estimated to be a 20-minute walk. Anyang ’s car did n’t stop very far, but it was on the same line as her dormitory and could be on the way.

It was already autumn in October and half, and the weather was very cold. The sun was shining during the day, but the temperature dropped sharply at night. Even Xiao Xueer and Ji Weiwei brought a thin coat.

Only An You wore very thin clothes, especially after getting used to the warmth of the auditorium, she came out and was blown by the wind ...

Gee, that's sour!

Anyang saw that she was so cold that she took a breath and laughed: "Knowing the weather, I don't want to bring a thick dress!"

An You glanced at him, tit-for-tat: "Then you are better than you!"

Anyang said lightly: "That's called charity."


After all, An You planned this auction. She also said the words before, and she said everything about "glory", "love", "greatness", and "poor children in mountainous areas". Speechless. But this doesn't prevent her from being angry with this guy to throw money!

I thought he lost his job more than a year ago!

Anyang smiled, took off his coat, and threw it to Anyou: "Take it yourself, don't catch a cold."

"Well ... who wants your clothes!"

The four people walked forward gradually, the street lights were dim, and they could not illuminate the area far away, and their figures gradually moved away.

After about ten minutes-

An You got out of the car, went upstairs, and watched the tail light of the car fade away on the balcony. When she stepped into the bedroom, she suddenly realized that she was still wearing Anyang's coat.

"It happened, I forgot to give it back to that guy!"

"This is ... call Versace, what a luxury!"

The next day, the second floor of No. 1 Cafeteria of Yizhou University.

This is the best canteen of Yizhou University. There is no one. The reason is simple. The other canteens are self-operated by the school, and only the canteen No. 1 is contracted out.

The reason is not much to say, everyone understands.

In the past, the No. 1 cafeteria close to the girls ’dormitory was always filled with various couples, and the second floor was even more popular. Because of the charity lunch auction that shocked the entire school last night, the second floor of the No. 1 cafeteria was almost full of people. It was not until the Student Union sent the Organization Department and the Sports Department to maintain order that many good students were evacuated. At least the aisle was cleared.

There is an empty space in the center of the hall. Several middle-aged people have sat down to eat, just like a successful person.

Some girls stood at the table, dressed up very beautifully at the request of Anyou, and were ready to add tea and pour water at any time.

One of the sweet-looking girls gathered everyone's attention. There is no doubt that this just caused a sensation in school forums, post bars, Weibo and other places.

Classmate An You!

"Why doesn't that guy come yet!"

"Waiting for you to come and see how I clean you up!"

Anyou stood in front of the canteen window, frowning and complaining, while reminding the chef to be spicy.

In addition, she also prepared a bottle of chili sauce that is said to be "chrysanthemum pain", ready to "satisfy" Anyang's requirements!

Whenever she thought of this, she wanted to snicker.

Soon, Anyang came.

The students of the Student Union quickly maintained order, the noise at the scene was reduced, but the strange tranquility was restored.

Anyang casually found an empty seat ~ ~ He beckoned to Anyou standing beside him: "Serve!"


Anyou gritted her teeth and shook her head angrily, and went to the dish.

At the same time, she kept admonishing herself: But she is the planner of the event, she can't be angry, she must set an example!

The dishes came up one after another, and they were very rich. They were full of half tables, and the dishes were also very good. After all, they were worth more than 2 million.

Anyang glanced at her: "Pour water, why is it froze?"

An You took a deep breath and poured a glass of water for him, but his hands were shaking when the glass was held, and the green muscles bulged.

Anyang nodded with satisfaction: "Yeah, be sensible, and wait a little bit, give you a good review!"

[Sure enough, no one rewards ...]

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