My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 696: The Magic Woman and the Nightcrawler

Chapter Sixth Ninety Sixty-Six Shape Woman and Night Walker

[! The starting point has been drawn again. The next chapter will be published repeatedly. Please do not subscribe repeatedly. The editor has been contacted for processing. 】

Berlin, Germany.

The defeat of the two world wars has put a lot of repression on this originally powerful country. In the 1980s, its rigorous and powerful industrial capabilities have not yet fully entered the world. Even Berlin is still in a depression, which is far from comparable to later generations.

In the original plot, Scott Awakening and the Magic Woman rescue the Blue Devils are two consecutive pictures, without indicating the time, and Anyang does not know whether the two happened at the same time. He just went to Berlin to try his luck, and if not, he took a vacation.

It took him a long time to find the arena in the plot. Fortunately, the Angels only play Game 6 now.

Since the magical woman has become a hero against Magneto, the mutants seem to have been generally recognized by humans, but secretly ordinary people are still full of jealousness about this rare but rare number of mutants, and hunting and pleasure are commonplace.

The arena at the moment is proof.

This world is much more open than the real world. The venue for gathering gambling and underground fighting is actually on the roadside. Anyang paid only a small amount of mark to enter. The guard with a gun also kindly reminded him that he can participate in the bet.

As soon as I stepped in, there was a rush of noise.

"Kill him, angel, kill him!"

"Kill him, kill him!"

"Oh! Oh! Oh! ..."

The field was filled with heat and violence, and the people who waved the banknotes snarled with blush, and the atmosphere was very warm.

The host dressed up like a gorgeous clown constantly mobilizes people's enthusiasm. The most central stage is an iron cage with high-voltage electricity. Next to it are many bald men with rifles, tattoos, and black clothes. vest.

Standing in the cage was a young man in a leather jacket, a pair of white wings was very eye-catching, and opposite him was a strong man over two meters tall. From the posture, it seemed to be a fighting athlete. The two were fierce. Fighting.

Anyang squeezed into a position close to the cage, and a strong man with a gun immediately glanced at the warning, but when Anyang jammed several large-value marks to him, he immediately opened his eyes to Anyang's behavior of crossing the audience line. Closed one eye.

Fighting the strong man is not bad, singled out a dozen or so adults are not to mention, but here he met his opponent.

Although "Angel" is a scum compared to Magneto and Wolverine and others, it is a mutant after all. The wings not only gave him the ability to fly and the spikes at the joints, but also gave him more flexibility and skill. The power is more than ordinary people.

The two fought fiercely, but the outcome was divided.

The fighting man was covered with blood, but he was not allowed to admit defeat on this **** stage. He had to attack the angel more than once, but each time he was surrounded by the angel, leaving him a visible bone Scars.

Whenever this time, there will be loud shouts in the field.

"Kill him, kill him!"

"Angel, kill him!"

These people don't care about the life and death of the strong guys, just want to work hard to vent, the worse they play, the more excited they will be!

After a while-

The bone spurs at the angel's joints swept through the back of the strong man's head! This time, he failed to hide, which also meant that the fight was over, the strong man fell to the ground with a thud, and blood soon accumulated a large pool on the ring.


"Angel of death, angel of death!"


The crowd shouted loudly with waving banknotes.

The angel also spread his wings and arms, and roared on the stage, and the tender face was full of **** madness.


Anyang decided that he would dig the corner of the apocalypse!

In the original plot, the frustrated angel attacked by the Blue Devil met the Apocalypse and was solicited. With the help of the Apocalypse, the wings evolved into metal wings to fight for the Apocalypse! But now, he does not expect to have this opportunity again.

There are also many scholars in the place of origin that combine humans and animals to create some monsters. They will even experiment directly on their guardian knights and want to gain stronger knights, but these knights will almost always lose their minds.

A few very successful people ca n’t combine so thoroughly and naturally like angels, so Anyang is full of interest.

He knew that this was a mutation deep within the gene.

This mutation has also appeared in the place of origin. He does n’t know if the principle is the same. He only knows that these people are usually regarded as the treasures of crazy academics, and they are very rare. They are very rare, so he did not study Opportunity.

When he met this angel, he didn't want to miss it.

The gorgeous clown-like host shouted: "Let us send off the famous fighting king Hulls, and at the same time, let us celebrate the sixth battle of the Angels of Death with cheers, according to the usual practice, until the end of today, cheer tomorrow!"

The audience was cheering again.

Several staff members took a stretcher to lift the dead fighting brave man ~ ~ The angel also came out, greeted everyone's cheers and took their own money. For him, this It is estimated to be the easiest way to make money.

Anyang also turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

He was not in a hurry, because he was afraid that after the absence of the angel, the organizer of this ring would not find the Blue Devil as the angel ’s opponent, and according to the law, the angel ’s tenth victory would be the day after tomorrow. It will be lascivious.

Back at the hotel, he continued to study Scott's genes.

Since Trask Industries in "Reverse the Future" can create powerful sentinel robots based on mutants, why can't he analyze the mutants' genes and apply them to other aspects? Even if you can't create artificial mutants, you can enrich the database and serve as a technical reference!

The third day.

The angel successfully defeated a big man in the tenth fight, and greeted the cheers of the host and the audience. He made a tenth stroke on the ground with the spikes of his wings. At this time, the staff carried a power The box came in.

"The next challenger, he comes from the Munich Circus! Ladies and gentlemen, the only one who can match the angel is the devil himself! Let us welcome the applause, amazing, weird, nightwalker! Haha!"

Several people opened the box in the middle of the ring and poured out a blue-skinned boy with a long tail. It really resembled the legendary demon! It's just that he was panicking now and fell to the ground blankly looking around.

Anyang also noticed that a woman dressed up in a very flamboyant manner walked into the fighting field with a very strange breath.

"Blue Devil, Demon Woman!"

Anyang smiled at the corner of his mouth, opened his hands, and the majestic mysterious energy poured into a surgical model!

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[This chapter is slightly shorter. I just drank and felt dizzy. 】

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