My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 687: 2 touch

Unlike the entanglement and anger of the two, Anyang and Xiaoqian's mood was not affected at all. They still sat in the cafe and chatted quietly, and they could tell the difference from their state of mind.

Anyang said: "These two people suddenly came to me in such an anxiety to test the reality, I am afraid that what they did to Anyou two days ago was killed by the person I sent to protect Anyou."

"Husband is so smart!"

"That is!"

Xiao Qian gave him a white look, and after a while, he said again, "Do you care if you don't care?"


"Take care of Xiaoyou's business!"

Anyang shook his head: "Too lazy to control, if I control everything, I must not be exhausted?"

"But Xiaoyou is your sister!"

"Sister sister ... she doesn't call me brother!"

"Really, how angry with the children!" Xiao Qian gave him another look, and actually put him in the same way as a child, reaching for the milk tea foam in the corner of his mouth.

The next night, the Tang family was ready.

Like Anyang knows nothing, Anyou knows nothing about the kidnapping against herself the other day.

At this time, she was walking with Xiao Xueer in the famous snack street outside Yizhou University City. This street is full of alleys. Almost every alley has a variety of snacks, all of which are explored by students. Many Everyone is happy.

"Cher, how does it feel to go back to school?"

"Good! Just worried about my parents."

"Relax, my uncle and aunt have experienced so many storms and waves, this can only be regarded as a small setback, it must be fine. Xueer, you can just enjoy university life!"

"I also want to enjoy university life, but our family is no better than before! Although the debts owed are all paid off, the money that those people have stolen from our family is also returned one after another with the help of Anyang brother, but The old problems my parents have worked for half a lifetime broke out this time, and the burden of the whole family will fall on me in the future. "

With that, Xiao Xue'er's expression was unusually calm.

An You sighed lightly. She used to envy Xiao Xueer's family, but now she only feels distressed to her.

Fortunately, there is more than one daughter in my family, and my parents also have retirement wages. Even if something happens accidentally, it will not be like Xueer. ...... With that guy in, it is estimated that it is not their turn to cover the expenses of the family.

"That guy is really amazing!"

"Did you say Brother Anyang?"

"Who else besides him!"

"Yeah, I thought Brother Anyang only met a lot of people in Jinguan City. I didn't expect it to be the same in other places. A few people who had been involved in the company's money had gone to Qianzhou Province, but they were still chased back , One is not left. "

"Ah, I'm so sad!"


The two haven't been together for a while, and Xiao Xue'er's family has suffered a change again. Anyou deliberately wanted to enlighten her, so they had a great time talking side by side. They are all delicate young women, all the way attracting people's attention.

"There is a tilapia fish that is very good, we two grilled one, just eat as a snack, how?"


The two smiled and walked into a small alley.

This small alley is very narrow and dark, but most of Yizhou ’s famous snacks are so, and the public security near the university city is also very good. The two did not think they would be in danger. Until a tall figure appeared in front, An You didn't find it right.

"Tang Xinduo?" An You stopped.

Xiao Xueer also stopped. Although she was puzzled, she still felt uncomfortable in combination with this situation and Anyou. She asked in a low voice, "Who is Tang Xinduo?"

"Don't worry, wait for something to happen, you should go first, and then call the guy when it's safe!"

"Ah? ... how does this work."

"Do not talk nonsense!"

Both An You and Xiao Xue'er were standing still, but this person gradually approached them until he walked under the street lamp, and the face reflected was indeed Tang Xinduo: "It seems that Xiao You is very impressed by me, this Is your good friend? "

"It really is you, what do you want to do?"

"Alas, I don't understand why you are so nervous, I really like you, and you are afraid of me!"

"Hehe!" An You sneered twice, without speaking.

If it is daytime, she will definitely not be so polite! But it was so late that Tang Xinduo had obvious ulterior motives here. She knew that the two of them were in a bad situation now, and she dared not easily provoke Tang Xinduo's anger, so her tone was very convergent.

An You looked around. Fortunately, there was only Tang Xinduo alone. There was no bunch of gangsters or bodyguards, but this was just a slightly remote aisle. No one was passing at the moment. It was really strange. There are usually two or three people.

Moreover, Tang Xinduo is tall and is the main force of the school basketball team. Even if he is alone, it is very difficult. In the event of a conflict, An You ca n’t be sure whether he can run away from Tang Xinduo, but his girlfriend ca n’t run away. of!

This is difficult!

"What the **** do you want to do?" Anyou asked again.

"It's nothing. You can relax. I just want to invite you for a meal. Your friends can go together too!"

"Why should I go?"

Tang Xinduo didn't answer, but sighed: "Xiaoyou, I really like you. I admit that I didn't understand and did something wrong, but I have already corrected it. As the saying goes, the prodigal son turns back Do n’t change gold ... "

After a pause, he said again: "But why are you so against me, or do you think I am not worthy of you?"

Tang Xinduo's tone and expression are very serious, and I don't know that he really likes Anyou's infatuated prodigal son. If Xiao Xue'er on the side had enough understanding and trust in her girlfriends, she might also feel that there was some misunderstanding.

"At this time, I don't want to talk to you more. If you really like me, don't stop in front and let us go!" An You also understands that he can't take fierce speech at this time, it is best to follow the other party's words before they can There is a ray of life.

I have to say that Nizi is very clever, but she did not expect that Tang Xinduo is not a prodigal prodigal at all! Even the purpose of his trip is not only to get Anyou to get started, but to use a gentler method to test her identity!

"But I have booked my dinner and some elders in my family are also there. If you don't go, I'll be done!"

Tang Xinduo has not shown a fierce appearance until now, but has been smiling and using a soft knife, so that even if you step on the 10,000th chance, An You really has a relationship with the behemoth, he can avoid many possible troubles!

People are not allowed to be kidnapped this year, are they not allowed to confess? Young people, it's normal to show the radical way!

An You did n’t know if what he said was true or false, but she certainly would n’t go in this line: "This has nothing to do with me. You did n’t have the right to make a plan for me to arrange the itinerary right now. Now Xueer and I are going. , Please let go! "

Tang Xinduo stood still, "I will not let go, no matter whether you accept me or not!"

In fact, he just waited for Anyou to be impatient, so that he had reason to make trouble for her. With difficult reasons, he can not cause a little conflict, and then "the young man is impulsive for love", and use this to explore the details of Anyou.

"Disgusting!" Anyou's eyes were full of disgust, and she turned around and walked back, "Xue'er, let's go!"

Tang Xinduo's eyes were cold, and he just wanted to pull Anyou up according to plan, but suddenly he felt stiff and unable to move. It seemed that this body was no longer his own. The whole person stayed in place in a stiff posture, which was very strange.

This ... what's going on? !

Can these two women be black magic?

There was a look of terror in Tang Xinduo's eyes!

An You's heartbeat thumped, pulling Xiao Xueer to speed up her pace. She heard a lot of Tang Xinduo ’s notoriety, which caused her to carefully listen to the footsteps behind when she turned and left. She was afraid that Tang Xinduo would catch up, so she could only run!

Fortunately, there was silence in the rear, and the bird was silent!

Xiao Xueer didn't understand who Tang Xinduo was, so she was not so afraid, and looked back curiously, immediately found this strange scene: "Xiaoyou, look, he seems to be hit hard, standing there. like a statue."

An You also glanced back, but only felt that this scene was very abnormal, pulling Xiao Xueer's footsteps to speed up again.

Is it evil? ... or is there an ambush ahead?

It was not until they left the alley and returned to the turbulent flow that An You felt the rest of the life after the robbery.

Glancing back, the guy was still standing there!

Xiao Xueer opened his eyes wide and said, "I think he was really hit by you, and the whole person was stunned. But Xiaoyou, you seem to be afraid of him. This is not like your character, because Does this person often come to haunt you? "

"Nonsense, don't be fooled by him. This guy is a girl. I guess I'm sick now!"


The two gradually left here.

At this moment, Tang Xinduo felt his actions suddenly recovered. The next second, a strong fear invaded. This instinct from the instinctive awe of the unknown force made him fall to the ground all at once, and his body was soaked with sweat!

He was just about to get out of his phone and left here, and suddenly felt a silver flash in front of him, and a metal figure came down from the sky!

"What!" Tang Xinduo suddenly called out!

But when he took a closer look, he opened his eyes again, feeling like he saw an army from aliens!

This figure is all silvery white, powerful and streamlined, full of science fiction. If it's common to see him, he can't tell clearly and thinks who is imitating anime characters, but with the foreshadowing just now, he only feels a panic.

"You ... who are you?"

This figure didn't speak ~ ~ Just came to him step by step, two shoulder-mounted ion cannons popped with a click on his shoulders, the muzzle of the ion cannon exuded a light blue light, like the cold stare of death , Approaching him unstoppable!

Tang Xinduo panic completely, the scene before him not only challenged his cognition, but also challenged his courage to death.

"You ... what do you want to do? Don't come over, I can carry a gun, yes, I have a gun, a gun!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang! ..."

Tang Xinduo was completely desperate after the bullets quickly finished.

Without a word, the metal figure raised his collar and walked to a darker alley beside him. The 54 pistol hit the armor at close range without leaving any traces. Of oppression!

The darkness swallowed the two.

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