My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 664: Cousin, I have something to tell you

"In the first class, I have to come up with some real materials, so what I discuss with you here is what are the important parts, the most error-prone parts, and how to avoid these errors when constructing the surgical array. This discussion will probably last for three lessons. After that, I will discuss with you how to slightly modify the operational array to suit you better! "

The person sitting below was completely surprised!

This is a valuable experience that only high-level academics can have. They all regard it as a treasure, and it seems that listening to Anyang's tone will be very specific!

Many people began to regret not having paper pens!

And they naturally do n’t know that these are actually the general framework of what Anyang is going to say to Shirley and others. It just happens that the tower stipulates that the academics have an annual class index. After the light of Shirley and others, I heard such an exclusive knowledge experience that only merged three world civilization systems.

"I see that most of you sitting here are qualified trainees, so you don't waste time talking about the basic building blocks of the technique control array. Go directly to the topic!"

The title of this class in Anyang sounds like a discussion, but in the end it is still an educational lecture. After all, few people in this area can discuss with him, most of them passively accept the 100% of the gold content he passed. Knowledge, many people just felt the value of the knowledge he said just a few minutes after listening, and opened their mouths almost all the way.

"... Therefore, the first important part of the surgical array is the energy control part, including the absorption of energy by the core of the array, the subsequent conversion, storage, recall, and output. This is directly related to the basic functions of the array. The efficiency of work and the energy supply obtained by the natal method also have a bearing on the strength of the natal method, the stability of the control array, etc. "

"The most error-prone in this respect is the direct participation of energy in the portrayal process. This is the easiest error to solve. I experimented with a very good solution ..."

Underneath a humming sound of writing, everyone was attentive and had a feeling of focusing on the end of college.

"... The last point I want to talk about today is the connection of the major control array components. What I have to mention is that many first-tier academics with high talents and rich knowledge accumulation are difficult to enter the second order because the establishment was originally established. There was a mistake in this aspect during the operation of the array, and this is the most difficult part to modify in the future.

Gradually, even Natalie was shocked.

Because she was trapped as a first-class academic, this problem is mainly in this respect, and she has been searching for the knowledge to make up for such errors for a long time, but has been unable to get what she wanted.

After a whole afternoon, the first class was considered to be over.

Anyang spoke about one-third, and it was only a framework, and he would not tell the details in detail.

Even so, the people underneath felt full of stuff in their heads, and their whole body was occupied by what he said.

This feeling is probably similar to the graduation of college students to attend the training class, most people will feel that the training class learned a week more than the school semester.

This process is actually very tiring, but if you are really involved in it, you will feel extremely fulfilled and satisfied.

Most of the trainees are eager for knowledge, because the effect of knowledge on them is more profound than that of students in the real world, and it is more direct than those of the born society, and what Anyang said even if they paid a lot for their respective tutors The cost is also difficult to hear, and their mentors cannot speak this level, so they naturally concentrate on God.

The applause when Anyang left was particularly warm!

His first lecture was completed successfully, and at the same time, he changed his impression of genius in the hearts of everyone, and added a lot of knowledge.

The wind outside is slightly cooler.

Natalie quickly caught up with him and said with a smile: "Master Ain's first lecture was unprecedentedly successful. It is much better than I was. Congratulations, Master Ain!"

"You laughed, Master Natalie."

Anyang and Natalie have been with each other for a long time. She also knows that she is a character who likes to ridicule her mouth. However, most scholars keep an appropriate distance between them and rarely make jokes.

There were also several first-class academics behind Natalie, who all came to Anyang and said flatteringly to him, and they flattered him a few words, probably wanting to get to know each other well.

When all of these people had passed, Natalie looked at him in surprise: "I didn't expect you to have such insights in spells and spell control arrays. It's amazing, I feel ... I feel like you will see you every time Bring me a new shock! I have decided not to miss every lesson after you! "

I'm afraid you can't hear a few lessons ...

Anyang said so in his heart, but there was a humble smile on his mouth: "You praise me for being such a killer ..."

"How come, this is called learning from each other!"

"You are right."

The two talked for a while, and Natalie left.

Anyang prepared a manuscript for Xuelier and others, and advised them to choose carefully according to their actual conditions before embarking on the carriage to return to Lou Luo Tower.

At this time, Eve was already able to get up. She was sitting alone in the thin clothes by the window, looking at the tree that was gradually turning green. A silvery white curly long hair was scattered, and she suddenly heard the footsteps of Anyang. Waking up, he quickly stood up by the wall and dared not speak with his head down.

At the same time, Anyang noticed that she was still bare, and her soles were as white as jade, and her shape was exquisite and very beautiful.

"Leave me alone, what do you want to do."


Eve just sat down again, his expression very haggard.

"Have you missed home?" Anyang asked.

"Ah?" Eve raised her head in a panic, as if she was seen through her mind, and then said lowly, "A little."

"Is there only one thing?"

Eve didn't dare to answer, she couldn't figure out the specific character of the owner, and didn't know if she would make him angry.

Anyang shook his head and withdrew his gaze, then took out a potion and handed it to her: "It seems that the neutralization potion has good effect at noon. After drinking this one, it will heal in up to two days, after about two or three months. I will leave here, and then I will send you to the opposite coast to return you free. "

Eve heard the words and raised her head, staring at him with green eyes open, unable to believe: "Really ... really?"

Her voice is a little trembling, but it is very nice, and the elven language used is also more tactful. It sounds very soft and beautiful, and it is easy to arouse people's sympathy.

Anyang nodded and walked into the laboratory.

He had to prepare tomorrow's neutralizing potion for Eve.

Shenzhou World's high-end treatment methods are mainly based on various recovery spells, supplemented by panacea, and the effect is very good;

Azeroth's high-end treatments are mainly priest treatment, supplemented by drugs, and the results are also good;

Only this **** world is actually based on pharmacy, supplemented by surgical methods. If there is no precious material to make high-end pharmacy, the therapeutic effect is almost scum!

Two months later-

Anyang ’s series of lectures on surgical array control has caused a sensation in the tower, and every class is full. It is said that even the position of doing the lead job for him has caused fierce competition! In the end, the Silent Tower official came directly to solicit his opinions, sorted out his class records, and put them in the library in the form of books * all students paid to read.

Of course, most of his income goes into his pocket.

This undoubtedly made him more conspicuous. At least the top of the tower has proved that what he said is correct, and the gold content is so high that it can be made into a book.

At this moment, another shock came out again.

Anyang was promoted to a third-order academic!

In less than a year, from the trainee to a third-order academic, this news spread directly to the tower!

Those high-rise towers that took 200 years to become third-tier scholars are estimated to be extremely ...

Everyday someone came to knock on Anyang's door, and then flattered with him for half a day, each time making Eve feel that Anyang was talking with others in Federal language to resell her.

Lydia has successfully become a first-class scholar. During this time, she is the most frequent, but mainly worried.

"Become a third-order academic within one year, which has not been recorded in ancient books, you have to be careful!"

"Relax my cousin, although my promotion may be coveted, it is a pity that I am already a third-tier academic, and it is estimated that few people dare to challenge me."

"You can do it yourself."

"Got it."

Anyang smiled carelessly.

Such a fast promotion is indeed unique ~ ~ Even in the long history of the place of origin, no one has the power of two other civilizations and such a high talent, and his understanding of energy He has already reached the level of a third-level academician, so he does not seem to be practicing this system, but is more like recovering his strength.

After reaching the third-tier academic, it may rise for a while, and then he will return to the normal degree of his talent, but this degree will also be amazing.

After all, his constitution is so high ...

'S timing is also just right. The third-order scholar is just the top of the power of this area. Even if he attracts bad intentions because of his advanced degree, it is enough to protect himself!

Anyang believes that although he is not as good as those of the third-order scholars who are one or two hundred years old in the background of the mysterious system, with three natal methods, the combat effectiveness will never be worse! Moreover, he also has inherent advantages in basic knowledge, and the accumulation of knowledge is also amazing. In some specific aspects, it is not worse than those of the third-order scholars, and there is no need to fear them.

"Right, cousin Lydia, I have something to tell you."

Lidia raised her head and saw Anyang's solemn expression, and her quiet and long heart was a little faster!

"Why ... what?"

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