My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 638: Mystery battle and escape

"You just want to kill all our students!"

Flynn's tone was full of anger. Music-text-

Corresponding to this is the panic of everyone.

The mysterious woman said: "No, you can rest assured that I am not going to kill everyone. I will at least save face for the silent tower to avoid you from initiating a full-scale war, so I will only kill those talents OK! I heard that you actually recruited six first-class talented students this year. It ’s incredible, otherwise you wo n’t come by yourself? ”

When the voice fell, many people secretly let out a sigh of relief, and at the same time looked at Anyang a few people unnaturally, some dodge.

The mysterious woman swept away from these people's eyes, and soon locked the five Anyang and another first-class talent. Withdrawing her gaze, she paused and said: "And you are a famous black bird, naturally I am not the only one to deal with you. Just in case, I have a helper who wants to hear more than you. Lord Greta. "

The voice just fell, and a figure came slowly ahead.

The figure was also wrapped in a black robe and was slender. He walked and lifted his hood to reveal a vagrant face.


Flinton took a deep breath.

Gree stopped beside the woman, looked at Flynn and greeted like a friend: "Master Flynn, good day."

Flynn didn't answer, and said coldly: "I just want to ask, who leaked the news!"

"This question is meaningless. Are you silent and there are spies embedded in our organization? If you hadn't been in that conflict ten years ago, you wouldn't be able to win. Since the matter has now reached this point, let me be clear , I respect your knowledge very much. If you give up resistance, we can kill fewer people. "


Hearing that the other two were bargaining like discussing animals, the mood of all the team was a bit complicated.

But fortunately, most people will not die.

At least they still care about silent towers.

This should be like a struggle between countries, as long as the country is not destroyed, no one exists alone.

This is an interest dispute, not a fight between life and death.

For the first time, they do not dislike their low talent.

If it's high ...

Everyone looked at the carriage in Anyang.

There is also a first-class talent who has been shaking.

In front of the carriage-

But Yu pressed one hand on the sword and asked solemnly: "Master, Lord Flynn seems to be in a weak position, what shall we do?"

Anyang said lightly: "Let's watch its changes."

Sheryl pulled out her long sword and wiped it carefully in front of her knees. Suddenly she picked up the sword and asked tentatively: "Will I take advantage of the unexpected surprise and pass the two ..."

Anyang glanced at her and said with a deep voice: "I told you that the mystery is extraordinary, and the power I give you is the same. Before you can cover it up, you must not expose your talents and differences in front of the mystery. Yes, if exposed, your ending will be very miserable. Those unrecognized creatures along the way are examples! "

"But now is the point of life and death, as a guardian knight, I should sacrifice myself to protect you!"

"Not yet here!"

"Adult, the opportunity is not to be missed!"

Anyang looked at this cousin, a guardian knight who always felt weak, and rubbed his head: "I can still cope with these two people, but it is not convenient for me to expose my strength. And the real mystery is surrounded by various bodies. All kinds of protective force fields, even if you flicker in the past, it is not necessarily useful, if it is blocked ... "

Shirley immediately draws his sword to show his loyalty: "I'm not afraid!"

Anyang: "..."

Next to Lidia looked at her coldly.


But now she is no longer in the castle. She is no longer the guard in the castle. Sheryl is not the distant relative who has to choose to please Ain in order to survive. She is no longer qualified to say anything to Sheryl, And she couldn't beat Shirley, so she didn't say it.

"Maybe the status in Ain's mind ..."

Cousin Lydia sighed silently.

At this time, the battle between Flynn and the other two mysteries has been triggered!

But someone's hands are faster than them.

It was a somewhat trembling war bow knight, presumably he knew that once the mysteries shot, they could not survive, their hands were unstable, and an arrow shot out.


The arrows are extremely fast, can wear gold and armor, and the aiming direction is the mysterious woman immediately.

In this electric light and flint stone, I saw this female mystery jerked his wrist violently, danced with a whip, and actually hit this arrow that could easily penetrate through the plate armor!

Everyone was in an uproar.

This trick is afraid of the strength of the big knight!

Anyang suddenly understood that this is a mystery who is good at melee, or that he is used to physical assistance when the power is released.

Flynn looked stern and shot at this time.


A black smoke exploded from him, forming three crows in the air, and suddenly flew towards the mysterious woman.

"Quak! Quack! ..."

The crow made an unpleasant cry.

At the same time, the mysterious woman lifted her black robe, pulled out two full moon scimitars from between her waists, and flicked up on her horseback, rushing towards Flynn.

Brush brush! Three times.

The full moon scimitar dances out of Ling Yun's air, and splits the crow!

The woman slammed on the ground.

At this time, the talents found that under her black robe, there was a voluptuous figure in a gray leather armor. Her waist, chest, hip width and tight legs were simply perfect.

But all this tempting everything was ruined by that unrecognizable face, and no one wanted to appreciate it.

"Blackbird, you are a little famous and it is better to meet!"

The mysterious woman danced the moon scimitar with both hands, said.

Flynn looked at her solemnly: "It turned out to be the full moon scimitar Osoya. I heard that you were a peerless woman before. I didn't expect to make it like this.

As soon as this remark came out, Othia's face suddenly sank.

Obviously, appearance is her taboo!

"I still wanted to kill only five first-class talents, and I will leave one for you. Now, just kill them all!"

Osoya said, raising her scimitar towards Flynn.

Bang Bang Bang!

Her figure was thin, but her steps were particularly heavy, and she slammed on the ground. Every step made a hole or two on the ground covered with fallen leaves, before she rushed to Flynn.


Two lights and shadows drew two rounds of silver meniscus in the air, but it seemed that two invisible bombs were hit, and two flames with a diameter of half a meter were suddenly exploded in the air, and the waves burst.


Osoya stepped back three meters, staggering the grips of two scimitars and staring at Flynn with cold eyes.

"Your burst defense is losing energy?"

"It's enough for you!"

Flynn waved his hand violently, and a fiery red light spot suddenly appeared in the air, forming a circle of Mars with a diameter of about three meters with his body as the center.

Osoya patted a little burnt hair and stood straight, confronting Flynn coldly.

Suddenly, waves of bowstring tension came from behind.

Teres shouted suddenly: "Let the arrow!"

The mercenary regiment burst into arrows!

倏 倏 倏 ……

The materials of war bows used by knights are unique to this world. Ordinary soldiers can't pull them apart, and the corresponding power is also great. When the arrows scream, they are like to cut through the sky.

This is a rain of swords that pierced the two!

But Osoya's face didn't move regardless of her disregard.

Suddenly, the leaves on the ground shook violently, and an invisible chaotic force field had surrounded her.

I saw the arrows shot with a strong force, but when approaching her, they were shot into the raging quicksand, all of them were hit by the direction force, and some were even broken by the sky!

The grid farther away is more chic and magical.

In front of him suddenly appeared dozens of purple-red dots with long thin lines, like shining tassels, just as many arrows hit him, swimming rapidly in the air.

In the blink of an eye, the tassel collided with the arrow!

These front ends with light dots and thin lines were originally like planktons drilling into arrows, but at the moment they touched, they exploded, emitting a small and dazzling purple-red light.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! ..."

All arrows are accurately intercepted!

The knights of the mercenary regiment suddenly felt chills!

Anyang also took a deep breath.

These defensive techniques are the surpassing means of the mysterious and the guarantee of their life and status.

This is undoubtedly the most troublesome part of a mysterious person, and it is also a means that both the practitioner and the mage lack.

Anyang suddenly remembered the resistance field.

This first-order spell from Scout is also a good defensive spell, better than Osoa ’s chaotic force field, and similar to Flynn ’s burst defense, but the resistance field is creative and long-range and high-speed. The defense should be better, while the burst defense is better than the near, the power defense and have a certain degree of aggression, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

But Anyang is very interested in Gree's purple tassels!

At this time, Flynn's heavy voice came from the front: "Tris, find the best horse, give it to the six people, and let a small group of fast knights lead them to withdraw first, and the rest of the knights drag me together Stay with them, you are responsible for aiming at them and continue to shoot arrows, don't stop, this can consume their energy, and leave the rest to me. "

"Yes, Lord Flynn!"

Tris immediately set out to arrange.

The rest of them were a little apprehensive. Although the main targets of the two mysteries were only six first-class talents, Flynn only arranged for knights to **** them away. Will the killing intention be locked on them? But no one dared to obstruct the mercenary regiment, nor did they dare to oppose Flynn.

Osoya snorted and looked at Flynn: "Master Flynn is really naive, do you think they might get rid of it?"

Flynn said in a deep voice: "Try to know!"

"We are prepared!"

"Am I afraid of you?"

"In this case, Master Greta, please do it!"

The man in black robe also walked forward.

His age didn't look big, but his momentum was strong, and Flynn seemed to be afraid of him, his expression immediately dignified.

"Admiral Flynn, you know that I never mercilessly shoot. You still don't want to be obsessed, they can't escape."


Flynn didn't respond, but there was a thick black smoke.

"The rest of the people also fled their own way. If they can run, they can run. If they ca n’t, they will hide. The silent tower will come to you!"

Although this bearded man is usually indifferent, it seems that he doesn't care about everyone's life along the way, regardless of the students, but at this time, he especially protects everyone.


There was another soft sound, and the black smoke began to gather in the sky into a huge falcon, instigating the wings to blow down the leaves.

Both the trainees and talents started to panic.


Tris singled out some brisk knights.

Several horses were also brought in front of Anyang and others: "Master Ain, you ride the horses all the way to the north. It is best not to take the road. It is safe to reach the Blackwater Pier!"

Lidia and Shirley looked at Anyang.

Anyang nodded: "Let's go."

Several knights quickly escorted the six men around and ran away. They had to bypass the two mysteries ahead and continue to move forward.

But a group of people who were afraid of death were stopped on the road.

"Sir, take me with you!"

"I beg you, Lord Villa, we can say that, you have to ensure my safety!"

"Master Rael, we are allies!"

"Master Ain, do you remember me, Master Ain!"


Although Flynn let them escape, but the wild mountains and hills are full of monsters with great hostility towards humans. They leave the knights' guards almost to death.

Even trainees may not be able to survive!

So Flynn had good intentions but caused panic.

Several knights were a little bit difficult to walk at one time, and the road was originally narrow. In addition, there were a few people who were the objects of the oath with them. These days, they also have some feelings, which is more difficult.

Tris looked in the distance and shouted with a calm face: "Give me a hurry, whatever stays or blocks is killed!"

The knights gritted their teeth and drove over.

Anyang signaled that You and Martin would deal with those who could do everything at the juncture of life and death, and guarantee a smooth journey.

A knight enjoined shouted: "You don't want to die and run into the forest. If you have the ability, go north, and if you don't, cover your body with mud and leaves to hide!"

Anyang Cema crossed several people.

He looked back and saw that Osoya chased them with a machete, faster than the warhorse, but Flynn only stomped his feet, and a protruding black smoke pillar blocked her ~ ~ Gree couldn't help but shoot.

With a wave of his hand, dozens of dots dragging long thin lines into the sky seemed to want to fly over to Flynn and they were also blocked by the dozens of black crows flying out of Flynn.

"Oh! Ooh! Ooh! ..."

"Bang! Bang! Bang! ..."

The purple light exploded again and again, looking magnificent.


The black eagle above Flynn's head fluttered towards the two.


Anyang withdrew his eyes and ran forward intently.

A few familiar people wanted him to stop, but he didn't care, and he ran into the forest not far afterwards.

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