My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 610: True mystery

Anyang opened his eyes suddenly, and saw Misha's beautiful face in front of her. Her skin was greasy and slightly blushing. Her long hair was soggy because of the water splash just now, and it was stuck on the delicate neck, and her full chest was half hidden. Semi-present.

What's more terrible is that he didn't realize that Misha was only wrapped in a thin layer of white gauze. Once it was soaked in water, it immediately became a tempting translucent, tightly attached to the girl's delicate white body, portrayed Hot curves.

Because the bath tub was not big, Misha was almost sitting on his lap, with only a layer of wet gauze separated from his leg. He can feel the amazing touch of Misha's leg skin, slender and round, and can also feel the contour and elasticity of the girl's buttocks.

Anyang took a deep breath, sucked quickly, lowered his head slightly, and his body immediately became hot.

The girl ’s **** are tender, full, firm, and well developed, but still maintain the original appearance and color. The white skin and pink buds under the cover of translucent tulle make people want to spur blood, and also draw out temptations. People shape.

"Brother Ain, Misha is here to help you take a shower!"

Misha raised her slender white arm, her skin color was milk-like, and her fingertips crossed his neck, her fingers spread open on his chest. Although her voice was soft and sweet, it was also very tempting, and the sound of it hit him in the face, and she was a little hurried because of tension.

The girl's **** undulate more and more.

Although it was said to serve the bath, her hand slowly turned down, and her palm grasped the most important part of Anyang.

Anyang shook his head, biting his teeth to recover.

But immediately before it was dark, another pair of delicate hands touched his temples, gently and slowly massaged, so that the defense he had just mobilized suddenly relaxed, and when he looked closely at the person in front of him, he wanted to spur blood a little bit. Too.

Lu Nan was tall. Although he was only 16 years old, he was about one and seven meters tall. His waist was slender and his thighs were long and straight, but his **** were full and firm, and his hips were round and round. .

At this time, she was only wearing an exposed black leotard short skirt, similar to **** clothes, her chest was tall and snowy, and the girl's attractive body curve was perfectly outlined. The lace was also in sharp contrast with the snow-white delicate skin.

The girls' beautiful legs stretched out from under the black lace skirt, so dazzling that they deliberately overlapped in a seductive pose.

"Brother Ain, are you comfortable?"


At this moment, almost half of Misha sitting in the bath barrel on his leg twisted the lower waist, causing amazing friction. The smooth skin and soft elasticity immediately lit his evil fire, snorting, hands Involuntarily stretched up.

One side is a slender and elastic waist, holding a delicate and smooth full in one hand, it is bloody.

Anyang has a **** spirit, where can I bear it!


After taking a bath, she changed to a tantalizing leather armor and walked to the door with a cross sword. She was just about to knock on the door, but heard a roaring sound coming from inside. The owner who can hear the sound is Misha.

Sherri's cold face dropped her hand.

"These two little leprechauns!"

She gritted her teeth and stood still at the door.

It didn't take long for the baron to return.

Lidia was looking for Anyang for the first time, but was blocked by the cold Shiril at the door. Her expression was stiff as she was about to talk to Shirley's theory, and she also heard that if there was no sound, her face was suddenly blue and white!

"This ... Damn it! Damn it !!! Let me go in!"

Lidia yelled, trying to rush in, but still stopped by Shirley, and could not touch the door at all.

After a while, she gave up.

Lidia probably knew the gap between her and Shirley, and knew that Anyang was not wrong in doing this kind of thing. She had no solution other than impulse. She only looked at the door of Anyang, and she walked a little lost. Too.

At this time, Anyang was cultivating on Lunan's body, and his delicate and tall full body made him crazy.

Even if he feels that Lydia is coming, he doesn't want to stop!

Anyway, he will leave soon after ...

If anyone can be compared with Lu Nanbi, it is Xiao Xueer in the real world. The same tall, equally well-developed, and equally white and tender young girl, but he can not touch Xiao Xueer, emotional debt and trading are different.

Time passed little by little, and the wind and rain stopped.

Anyang was lying on the wide bed, resting quietly.

Lying on his side was the sweet and sweet Misha, with a well-proportioned and full figure, and no more than one point. It belongs to a type with a good figure but very soft to the touch. It feels right and comfortable. On the other side lies the tall and attractive Lunan, her **** are also not small, and are delicate and round, and a girl's delicate long straight legs also carry him.

Has to admit that these two charming and attractive little beauties are indeed very easy to indulge in.

"Okay, get up."

Anyang has n’t been addicted for long.

The two girls twisted their snowy bodies and felt some pain, but they got up and put on their clothes.

But Misha ’s white tulle is still dry, and she is still translucent. She ca n’t cover anything, but she sticks to the greasy skin to outline the proud figure. Inside is a vacuum. Some are tall or pink. The privacy is more attractive.

Lunan is better, but not much worse.

Snow-white skin can always be in sharp contrast with black, and there are laces that cling to the skin, slender and straight legs stick out from the extremely short skirt, bare feet, the temptation of mature women and the delicateness of girls Go hand in hand.

Anyang couldn't help it for another time, a pillar of sky.

"Don't you come here like this?"

"No, Brother Ain."

Lunan replied softly, frowning and walking to the door barefoot, picked up a black and white clothes and draped over him.

Anyang nodded: "Well, you go back."

The tone of is a little cold.

"Yes, Brother Ain."

"Brother Ain, remember to miss Misha."

The two girls quickly put on their clothes and opened the door. They looked at Shirley at the door in surprise, and left quickly.

Anyang took a deep breath and rubbed his head in trouble.

"I didn't hold back!"

"Without Daoxing, did Xiu's heart disappear?"

Anyang glanced at a messy sheet with two spots of blood, waved his hand to let a maid come in to clean up, and during the contact with Shirley's eyes, he was very calm, with a calm face, no embarrassment, but a little bit distressed.

Fortunately, this is just a deal. Fortunately, he was also an emperor in the Divine World, and he can naturally see it.

From the time Lunan and Misha first pleased Ain, this was a standing team, and because of their low status, Ain was absolutely impossible to marry them, so their original purpose was to trade their bodies for a better life.

Say something nice is to catch up with Ain, if you are lucky, it is not impossible to be married as a concubine.

Because they had been with Ain before, and it was because of their insistence at that time, that two low-profile girls were recognized by Ain and Anyang. With the strong performance of Anyang now, they are finally accepted by others. envy.

But they also face tremendous pressure.

No one robbed them before, but now everyone's eyes are on Anyang, and they start to panic.

Estimated that he was anxious to get closer to Anyang and wanted to bring himself and his intimacy to a higher level. They were forced to do the things that hook him today, which may also be secretly encouraged by their parents.

Anyang will continue to rise in status, and they do n’t have to worry about their relationship with Anyang, so Anyang has no guilt for them, the transaction is smooth, and the guilt is waiting for their own Xiaoqian in the real world.

Although ...

Comrade Xiaoqian may not care about this ...

Walked out of the room, he didn't even admire the extraordinarily attractive Shirley.

Anyang's mana began to recover.

It's just a little bit painful. No matter how many exercises are related to the body during the practice of Taoism, the physical quality will increase synchronously during the practice, but it will not recover synchronously after being suppressed by the system seal.

Light is mana, not enough physical strength, this mismatch makes him feel uncomfortable.

Lunan and Misha began to enter and leave his room frequently. Each time they dressed more attractive than taking off their clothes. Anyang, who knew their thoughts, would not refuse most of the time. Enjoy these two delicate but hot Girl.

After about seven days, mana was completely restored.

It was also on this day that Marquis Aaronpol, who received the news of the return of the knight, personally arrived at the baron, and took only two guards to express the most sincere to Baron Kofinori and the mystery led by Kofinori apology.

The baron took the initiative to accept the knights brought by the marquis into the castle, and held a grand reception party.

This is certainly not his cowardice, but the gap between the baron and the marquis is really too big, probably like the gap between the county magistrate and the emperor in remote areas of ancient China. The marquis can put down the hatred and come in person. The baron naturally has nothing else to say.

Anyang has been silent during the party, looking at the marquis secretly, and occasionally keeping his identity and talking to the marquis.

Sheryl stood beside him, with a pair of long legs that attracted attention, and she was also the only armed man present.

Lydia rarely ignored him in the distance ~ ~ Lunan and Misha were not eligible to participate in such a party, but because of their relationship with Anyang, the baron sent the dress to the corner. So he seemed very happy, and occasionally made a provocative gesture to Anyang.

This means the promotion of identity, but it is only the first benefit of their relationship with Anyang.

Anyang also gradually understood the outline of the world's "mysterious" mold system from the marquis.

First of all, the "Mystery" is never as unbearable as the Knights of Atlanta said. From the awe of the marquis, it can be seen that the only dealings with the Knights of Atlanta are "training" Mystery ", or simply some river and lake con artists Naturally, these people cannot be called true "mysteries", and even the venerable slave sacrifices in the weeping forest in the south cannot be regarded as true "mysteries"!

The real "mystery" is extremely rare, but at the same time it is really above all the powers of the world!

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued ...)

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