My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 473: Strength up 1 level

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

An Qi's sweet face is still there, and even her youthfulness is still there. It seems that the years have not left her any traces.

The perfect body curve was wrapped in a silver-white tight combat suit, which outlined a tantalizing undulating contour. She moved her tight and shapely legs and followed step by step behind Anyang, accepting the startling eyes of civilians in the city , Like a woman walking out of the painting with a paper umbrella.

Every year, many newly released gods will not be able to bear their temper and want to be violent against the soldiers, so they are rebelled. Anyang feels that she understands them a bit.

Tianbing's appearance is too perfect, if there is no willpower, it is likely to sink into it.

Those who have just become **** generals think that they have summoned the Heavenly Soldiers, and the Heavenly Soldiers will follow their own words. Although they can prove this in battle, the Heavenly Soldiers also have their own thinking and ideas, not a puppet that can be manipulated by anyone The consequences of rash violence against female soldiers are very serious.

If you have enough patience, it is easy to establish feelings with the relatively simple Heavenly Soldiers with the help of God ’s identity, and then you can do whatever you want.

Anyang shook his head and forgot all these unrealistic ideas.

"Angel, what you said to me last time, is the Holy Warrior project mature?"

Hearing the question, An Qi's calm expression was slightly more serious, and her body seemed to be straighter.

"General, the Holy Warrior Program has indeed matured a lot, theoretically it can greatly increase the physical fitness of Heavenly Soldiers and God Generals, but because of your ability to provide us with physical fitness bonuses, plus the ability to increase the power of Dao, Holy The samurai plan was slightly affected. "

"It doesn't matter, it makes sense."

Anyang nodded. He could not hope that while the overall strength of the sky soldiers increased, the Holy Warrior transformation plan could achieve such a high effect.

There must be an overlap between the two, and the higher the physical fitness, the more difficult it is to increase.

"If we carry out the sacred samurai transformation plan for Tianbing with all our strength, the effect will also be affected due to the different physical qualities of Tianbing. According to the standard you stipulate, it may reach the overall level of 6 to 8, but the difference between the parameters . "

Angel paused and said: "The transformation plan has the best effect on the increase of strength, the speed and physical strength are relatively weaker, and the effect on the brain is very slight."

This reminded Anyang of the former Silver Moon God general who had traveled through the wilderness alone with a negative sword. His physical qualities seemed to be like this. His strength was relatively large, and his speed and physique were relatively weak. I did n’t think about it.

"What about transforming an ordinary person?"

"The physical level of ordinary people does not fluctuate much, probably between 5.8 and 6, and a few can exceed it."

Anyang recalled and said, "It seems that the former Silver Moon God will be among these few!"

Angel pursed her lips.

Anyang paused and said with a sigh: "Unconsciously, the Silver Moon Gods will all be promoted to the gods, it seems that my heart will be upgraded to a higher spirit. It ’s really hard for you! "

Angel said very sincerely: "It is an honor for me to serve the general, and the Count Lord also contributed to it!"


Anyang smiled: "I haven't seen him for a long time. Will you tell him to be back?"

Angel calmly replied: "Master Earl has responded, he is on his way back."

"Well," Anyang nodded. "Since that is the case, take me to try this transformation plan first!"

Angel immediately straightened up: "Yes!"


Among the Silver Moon Altar.

Anyang looked at the busy soldiers and a super-sci-fi laboratory.

Experimental equipment with metallic luster, neatly arranged glassware, bubbling experimental liquid, instruments with sci-fi shining, and even a huge mechanical arm above the head of the head, everything is hard to imagine at this altar Outside is a world without a steam engine.

Anyang looked at the heavenly soldiers and felt that they were really suffering.

Obviously they are all pure combatants, but they are going to engage in such high-tech research!

But except for the soldiers left over from the original temple, no one in this world seems to be able to shoulder this task.

Along with Angel, he gradually went deeper.

He nodded to the many soldiers who had subconsciously put their hands down and stood straight to salute him. He walked through a corridor and entered a vast space.

"This is not a reconstruction center after mass production, but the initial test site of the samurai reconstruction plan, so it preserves the most sophisticated equipment and has perfect safety measures. I recommend you to strengthen your body here, we will try our best to let you Get better results and experience. "

"So, let's get started, let me see how much physical quality it can enhance me."

About a quarter of an hour before the preparation time passed, he stood beside a porcelain cylinder filled with green liquid and gently unbuttoned himself.

Angel's eyes widened slightly behind him, staring unblinkingly at the front.

She feels a little shy, so it seems unreasonable to peep at God Lord blindly, but she is reluctant to let go of this great opportunity. After all, if that woman is Linna, it is estimated to be crazy!

After hesitating for a while, An Qi stepped forward and served the gods who served her.

In an instant, she changed from a role of close guard and acting **** to a gentle maid.

The slight touch of the fingertips, the soft and hard contact, she felt that her breathing was not smooth every time she brought the adult closer to God.

As Anyang took off his clothes, the figure that was not fat or thin when he was wearing clothes immediately changed.

The outline of the body without a trace of fat is streamlined, the natural muscle lines are evenly distributed, contains a powerful explosive force, and is also full of beauty.

An Qi felt that her heartbeat was a bit abnormal, and she took a step back quickly, but she glanced at God's red fruit body.

She knew that the combat power of Lord Admiral was extraordinary, but she never thought that Lord Admiral does not look strong, but has such a figure.

Not inferior to the perfection of Heavenly Soldiers!

Several celestial soldiers came up to attach thread tubes to Anyang ’s body. Many other instruments were connected to the other end of the tube, and needle tubes connecting another red liquid were inserted in some places. When it was due, it was withdrawn.

Angel squeezed her hands, feeling the residual temperature of her fingertips, staring intently at the front.

The technology of the temple is still very reliable, and even if it fails, there is no danger, especially for the Lord General.

She was not worried, she just waited for the moment when God lifted the adult from those green fortified liquids, and the inexpressible emotions flowed in her heart.

"Holy warrior transformation plan begins!"

A calm male voice sounded, and the overhead light immediately turned red.

Anyang felt that the wire tube inserted in his body suddenly emitted a current of a specific frequency. Some of the substance flowing into the porcelain cylinder along the pipe caused the originally milder fortified liquid to suddenly roll up and flow into his pores. Inside him, he felt a lot of discomfort.

Now he can feel uncomfortable, and think about what kind of suffering ordinary soldiers and ordinary people will suffer!

And the current and the liquid in the needle tube are still forming a double stimulation to the body, making the body more crazy to accept the enhanced liquid.

He let go of his resistance, contracted mana and a touch of arcane magic energy, otherwise these liquids could not penetrate his body so easily.

"Seventeen, detection and analysis."

"It is detected that unknown substances are invading your body. According to your will, your body chose to accept rather than defend."

"I know, analyze the result of the intrusion of matter."

"After the preliminary sampling and analysis, take the subcutaneous absorption results as an example. This substance will remain in your cells and will be harmless to the body. External stimulation is prompting you to accept more substances and absorb or even digest them. "

"Harmless and useless?"

Anyang frowned suddenly.

Now his control of the body is powerful, and there are also good repairs as an auxiliary. Even without a biochip, he can feel that this so-called fortified liquid does not have any effect on the body, even nutrition.

How is this going?

But the next second, the red liquid began to pour into his body, and immediately a chemical reaction occurred with the fortified liquid.

With the resistance brought by his current physique, I can still feel a burst of pain!

"The results of sampling analysis have changed, the substance is changing its nature, and it is initially expected to strengthen the cell strength."

"The substance is accelerating the reaction ability of the nerve reflex arc ..."

"This substance is strengthening your fast response muscles and chronic response muscles ..."


With the series of reminders reported by the bio-assist chip, Anyang gradually closed his eyes.

He can sense his own changes.

Now his physique is terrifying 9.1 and his strength is 8.7, which has almost exceeded the highest effect that can be achieved by strengthening liquid. The overlapping part is just the difference in effect.

After about two hours, he stood up.

The light green liquid lay down from him, and the fitting thread fell, and he came out.

An Qi quickly came up with a white bath towel, covered it for him, and took the opportunity to look at it quickly.

Suddenly, her face turned red and she quickly withdrew her eyes.

"Can't be greedy, can't be greedy anymore!"

An Qi said to herself in her heart.

It ’s enough to watch for so long, after all, it ’s only her honor!

At least Linna could not see the woman.

Anyang didn't think about the thought struggle of his most loyal men. He touched his cell phone and glanced, feeling extremely satisfied.

physical fitness:

Physique: 9.8

Strength: 9.9

Speed: 8.2

Brainpower: 7.0


Physique increased by 0.7, strength increased by 1.2, speed increased by 0.6, and brain power really had no effect.

Very good results!

Although the strength of the enhanced liquid to the ordinary sky soldiers is at least 4 points or more ~ ​​ ~ is likely to be as high as 5 points for ordinary people, but his base is already close to 9 points, which is stronger than most sky soldiers Later strength is even higher! This thing is like mountaineering. The higher the altitude, the more strenuous it is to walk. The overlapping effect, antibody effect and step effect produced by the strengthening liquid on him are undoubtedly more. It has been very satisfying to achieve this effect.

After all, at this point, it is difficult to improve every point, and every improvement is a qualitative leap.


Anyang wiped her hair: "Give me hot water, I want to take a shower."

Angel hesitated and said, "Hot water is ready. Do you need me to bathe you? General."

Anyang shook his head: "No more!"

Angie bit her lip and quickly followed him.

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