My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 431: Garona: What are you looking at?

The room was dim, and several white candles were lit on a candlestick, as well as candles on the walls and corners of the room. The peas-like flames shed a pitiful light, reflecting the simple decoration but with a simple and heavy charm everywhere. A young mage in simple clothes stood in shock.

This room does not seem luxurious, even a little low-key, but the extravagance in it is difficult to hide.

A man in a white robe sat on the wooden floor with thin carpets, and his yellow skin and dark hair and black eyes were incompatible with the people here.

"You sit down first."

Khadgar did not listen to him, and he was still shrouded in conjecture and shock.

He stood in the room and opened his eyes to Anyang who was sitting with his eyes wide open: "Why did Alodi pass the guardian and secretly remind me at the Karazhan Tower that this matter is related to the guardian?"

"Yes." Anyang admitted indifferently.

Card took a deep breath: "Where is the commander?"

"Accompanying his sister."

Khadgar frowned and thought, "Mrs. Talia, Queen? Where is the Queen?"

"In the prison."

"What's the queen doing in the prison?"

"Go warm to Garona, her tenderness will make this orc hybrid work with us."

Khadgar seemed to feel Anyang's tone of everything under control, lowering his head, and really saw his expression with a smile.

"Listen, prophet, we must discuss this with the commander and King Lane."

"No, it's too early to tell them, they won't believe it, and this thing is far more complicated than you think."

Watching Khadgar froze in place, Anyang beckoned to him again: "Let's sit down and talk."

Khadgar hesitated and sat down obediently.

Anyang jumped an oil lamp in front of him with his fingers and said casually in his mouth: "I will only tell you about this matter. You should not tell others or expose the anomaly in front of Medivh too early. If possible, you can guide Go to Lothar and let him discover this. "

"Why not tell them directly?"

"Loza is too confident, and he and Medivh are childhood friends. If you tell him so rashly, guess what he will do?"

Khadgar nodded inexplicably.

It was at this time that Anyang realized that perhaps the death of Karen in the plot was an inevitable.

It was precisely because of Karen's death that Losa realized that Medivh was unstable and then clashed with Medivh, discovering that he had been corrupted.

This conversation is not long, but the impact is unparalleled!

Khadgar didn't recover until Anyang left.

He shook his head violently, calming his thoughts, which were a little chaotic, and began to frantically flip through the books in his hand, as if he wanted to find a breakthrough in it, looking up line by line, muttering in his mouth. I was talking about the news that shocked me.

"Master Aegwynn has not defeated Sargeras. His soul is lurking in Aegwynn's body, and he took the opportunity to transfer to Medivh. Magic power. "

"The evil soul of Sargeras lives in the guardian's body ..."

"The power of the guardian has been weakened in the confrontation with the evil forces in the body, and will soon fall!"

"Dark gate, yes, dark gate, here, dark gate ... that group of orcs, they ... they were invited, and those who invited them ... would be guardians affected by evil forces! "



On the other hand, in the highlands of the western wilderness.

Durotan and Orgrim sat on the edge of the cliff. Below are the orc camps in full swing, various wooden towers, large tents, and the most conspicuous is the huge stone gate that is being urgently built in the distance, and countless wooden supports Holding it, there are many human captives in a cage next to it.

Durotan meditated, saying nothing.

For a long time, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the distant scenery, with a bit of nostalgia in his expression.

He stretched his waist, picked up a stone, and threw it at the nearby Orgrim.

Orgrim's daze was also interrupted, and the two smiled at each other.

Durotan lamented: "Ah, it's a pleasure to see the trees again."

Orgrim looked to the top of the white snow mountain in the distance: "Yeah, there is snow, I haven't seen it for a long time."

Durotan's face was faintly missed, and his eyes grew deeper: "Remember that we tracked the blood cows through the hills of frost wind cliffs? At that time, we always had meat to eat. No matter how difficult the life will continue, you understand, this Very strange. "

Orgrim looked stagnant, and he seemed to guess what his friend wanted to say.

He remembered the mysterious man they met when they climbed the snowy mountain just a few days after they arrived in Azeroth.

As expected, Durotan said quietly, "When Gul'dan is in power, we have lost our home!"

Orgrim was fascinated and said, "I always thought that an orc could not destroy a world."

"Are you sure?" Durotan chuckled. "Look at your surroundings, don't you remind you of anything?"

Orgrim wanted to tell Durotan that the man had influenced his judgment, but he looked around the land below, the barren orc camp was out of step with the dense forest around it, but before they came, there was still a green tree below Ruin, he could not help but swallow the words back.

"That man is right, where Gul'dan cast his evil energy, where the land will die, the world will be destroyed, if our tribes want to settle here ... my friend, the hammer of destruction , Gul'dan is our enemy! "

Orgrim sighed and shook his head. "But our strength is not strong enough, we can't beat Gul'dan."

Durotan shook his head, but his expression was very determined: "Of course, we are certainly not strong enough, but with the help of humans, we can overthrow Gul'dan and lead the orcs to settle down here. We can live peacefully with them. Or lay a piece of land that is enough for our survival, instead of destroying the world and making the orcs homeless again. "

Orgrim gasped, not answering, apparently lost in thought.

At this moment, an orc riding a Frostwolf came from behind and immediately caught the attention of the two.

The face of the orc was slightly old, and his face was covered with wrinkles and scars, and he was very cruel. A frost wolf under his crotch hung with a heavy chopper, and ran quickly to the back of them. The frost wolf stopped suddenly. He turned to face them, gasping like a cow in his mouth.

"Gurush, what are you doing here?"

"Durotan, Orgrim, I think I have something to say to you."

"What's the matter?"

Guruush paused, patted his chest, bowed his head and said, "I didn't tell you before. In fact, when I was in the forest, I didn't escape like you. I was caught by humans, but they released Get me back, let me come back. "

Orgrim held the Destruction Hammer's hand for a while, and Shen Sheng said, "Do they want you to come back as a spy?"

"No, the glory of the Frostwolf clan Gurush can't be blasphemy!" Gurush said firmly, and then his face softened slightly, "When I was in a cage, I met someone, and he told me that Gul'dan Conspiracy with his magic, so he put me back. "

"The one who defeated us with a staff?" Orgrim asked.

Gurush shook his head.

"Is that young mage wrapped in black cloth?" Orgrim asked again.

Gurush still shook his head: "The one in white clothes riding on the horse."

Durotan raised his hand and interrupted Orgrim's further question, asking, "What does he want you to tell me?"

Gurush pointed to himself and said, "He said that Gul'dan has powerful power and unpreparable conspiracy. Gurush came back to help Durotan, and he helped the Frostwolf clan. . "

Durotan and Orgrim glanced at each other, and both were silent.


"But he is a human, he is our enemy, how can he believe what he said, and how can the orcs cooperate with humans?" Orgrim raised the huge warhammer in his hand and shouted with his mouth open.

The two fangs looked very rough and powerful with his bald head, and also very violent.

"He said he was not from Azeroth, he came from other worlds, he did n’t want to fight the orcs, he did n’t care about the war between the orcs and humans, he just wanted to fight the evil, he also said that the demon energy is not just talking It comes from the demon energy! "

"I don't believe what humans say!" Orgrim said quietly.

Durotan stopped him, beckoned him not to say more, and looked at Gurush again: "You told me your conversation in full."


In the storm stronghold, Anyang and Khadgar were sitting on the chairs, drinking tea leisurely, watching Lothar wearing light armor for Garona.

Garona's gaze wandered, and she finally stayed on the side of the weapon stand. She pointed to a cross sword and said, "I want that weapon!"

Lothar's expression was cold: "You have me to protect you, no matter how bad, there is a prophet in our team."

Garona stared at Losa firmly, and then glanced at Yu Guang with a smile like Anfei, and looked at him like Anyang, who lowered her voice and said, "I don't need anyone to protect me!"

"Really?" Anyang chuckled ~ ~ A short spell was spit out in her mouth, and she was covered with Lothar with a golden luster, "If you can break this circle of protective walls, I will admit you No need for my protection! "

Garona didn't even try, she took a deep breath and said, "Give me that weapon, I don't need your magic!"

Anyang continued to chuckle, pointing at Lothar, so she looked at it.

Garona turned her head and saw Lothar staring at her gaze with a startled expression on her face: "What are you looking at?"

Lothar turned around without a face, without answering.

Anyang's brazen and hearty laughter sounded in the room, and Khadgar next to him laughed with an unknown face.

This pair of CPs, who were put together by the director and the screenwriter, finally began to show signs.

It really hurts ...

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