My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 424: Elwynn Forest

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In the huge and silent high-tower library, several bookshelves were out of direction, the yellowed paper on the ground had also been settled, some ancient books were turned over and fell on the ground, and there were traces of just magical energy surging around.

Four men stood in the middle of the book pages.

Medivh stared at Anyang, his blue and deep eyes seemed to be able to see through.

"The power you just used is not magic!"

"Yes, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Anyang. I am a mage from another world. I came to Azeroth by accident. In our hometown, there is another spell system that is different from arcane magic. Is the power I just used. "

"I heard Lothar talk about you, he said you are a prophet, you almost predicted yīqiē?"

As he said this, Medivh's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Anyang's expression without blinking, trying to see the flaws in his face.

And the meaning of temptation in this sentence also overflows.

He was worried, he was afraid that Anyang would foresee his secret.

Undoubtedly, Anyang also heard this.

With a little hesitation, he said in the tone of this world mage: "Not exactly like this. When I was traveling in the western wilderness, the warm reception of the villagers in the village of Frio made me want to integrate in, so I stood by them From the perspective of gǎnshòu to the crisis that is about to be poured on them, and the evil dark force from the east of the Redridge Mountains, I can predict the invasion of the orcs. "

Medivh was still worried, still staring at him: "Then how did you foresee the evil and the orc clan's internal strife?"

"I have contacted the orcs in the black swamp, and found traces of evil energy from those green-skinned giants. I have also touched the chief of the Frostwolf tribe Durotan at the top of the Red Ridge Mountains. His strength is not stronger than me, so I use He, I saw the difference in ideas between the Frostwolf clan and the orc leader. "

Anyang's expression was very comfortable, as if he didn't know that Medivh was trying to test him, and zìjǐ also told the truth.

Such things as lying are simply his innate talents with An You, not to mention have experienced so many worlds, so many lives, changed so many identities, experienced rights and purity, wars and fighting, The powerful state of mind is already not so easily broken.

Medivh nodded, relieved.

Although Anyang didn't answer much, he already got the information he wanted.

It's just that he didn't know, these were only Anyang deliberately disclosed to him.

Lothar exited at this moment and asked, "Guardian, what is evil energy?"

Medivh turned to look at him, Shen Sheng said: "It is different from any spell, it breeds in life itself, it pollutes its users, it transforms everything it encounters, it gives powerful power, but There is also a painful price, where there is no evil energy in Azeroth. "

Anyang said quietly: "It comes from another world, including that orcish army."

Lothar looked at Medivh solemnly: "So we came to find you, guardian, we need your help!"

Medivh nodded: "Yes, you did the right thing, let's go together."


On the huge flat ground at the base of the magic tower, Lothar said goodbye to his griffin and allowed his griffin to fly back.

Not far away, Medivh changed his clothes, put on the mage robe like a string of navy blue feathers, and took on the legendary chicken drumstick.

He waved a rune energy circle easily, and the circle exuded a blue magical light. The mysterious lines of the mystery outlined a qíguài figure on the ground, and as Medivh took his hand down, it suddenly distributed Strong light.


The magical energy of blue rushed out of the rune constellation on the ground, forming a three-dimensional figure in the air, and the light was blue. The pale blue arcane rune was surrounded by the three-dimensional figure. The most crucial point was just by Medivh. Pulled by, the light flows like water turbulently.

"Stand in!"

The three stood immediately and stood side by side with Medivh.

Anyang saw that the light in front of him became brighter and brighter, until the blue became dazzling white, and a sense of weightlessness came.


The place where the four had just stood was empty, including the glowing rune array, all of which disappeared.

There was only a long grunt of the Griffon, and he lowered his head and combed the feathers of the zìjǐ. He kicked the ground with his hind legs and spread his wings to the sky!

There is also the old housekeeper, Moros, who respects děngdài.


Stormwind City, King's Hall.

King Lane was listening to the reports of the two ministers, surrounded by heavily armed guards.

As the blue light flashed on the ground, there was white smoke rising up with dust, and four figures appeared suddenly, squeezing the two ministers to the ground.

The guards around all of a sudden tensed, lay down the long-handed weapon in their hands, and rushed towards them while holding them, the silver armor collided and jingled.

In an instant of time, the guards surrounded them all, and the edge of the weapon in his hand was aimed at them, and the situation was on the verge.

King Ryan stood up, looking at the center in a solemn mage robe, bowing his head with a hood, and some face was not clear, but holding Medivh, "the legendary staff of the guardian of Etyes", the corner of his mouth opened a smile Italian, came down and shouted: "Medwin!"

The guards around him suddenly withdrew their weapons, stood neatly, and there was another noise when the armor collided.

Medivh raised his head, looked at King Lane, and shouted calmly, "Your Majesty."

King Lane opened his arms to the childhood friend who grew up together and was mischievous in the palace, laughing, "I haven't seen you in too long!"

Medivh loosed his hand more than two meters long, like a thin stick on top of a mass of small things, like the legendary stick of the chicken leg of the guardian of Etijes, the staff suddenly Panning backwards, it fell into the hands of Khadgar, who was frightened to take it.

The two came to a warm hug!

King Lane quickly released his hand and went straight to the topic: "Come on, help us find the root of these **** and how to eliminate them!"

Medivh has not yet been completely controlled by Sargeras ’soul (this is different from some of the original sayings that“ Medwin was controlled by Sargeras when he woke up in a coma, ”and the film prefers another way of saying, Medivh slowly fell in the struggle with Sargeras' soul), naturally he would not refuse King Ryan's request, at least he still kept reason at this time, remember the duty of the guardian of zìjǐ.

King Lane opened the door and walked forward, leading them to the strategic command room.

Diligent armed guards opened the door for them and stood by.

Medivh first entered and said bluntly: "I have heard Lothar said that it is a group of orcs."

King Lane nodded: "Yes, the frontline army said they were giants, heavily armed giants, wolves, unstoppable giants, Anyang said that their names were called orcs, from the world of Draenor, he had their portraits, It ’s lifelike, you can take a look. "

Medivh was silent, and said, "I have seen it, and I know them."

King Lane and Lothar were surprised: "Have you seen it?"

Khadgar's eyes were also full of surprises.

Only Anyang looks as usual.

He knew that Medivh had seen orcs, and these orcs were invited by Medivh when they were influenced by Sargeras. It was only in the original plot that Medivh only knew from King Ryan ’s mouth that they were a group of giants, but could not know those giants It was the Draenor Orcs he had ever seen.

His arrival undoubtedly changed a lot, and greatly promoted the progress of the plot.

Medivh said: "Yes, I used to go to their plane in the parade and stay there. In my impression, they are a noble and powerful race, advocating nature, and adhering to integrity and Sincere, not brutal and belligerent, I do n’t know why they came here. "

King Lane frowned: "But I heard my soldiers say that they are extremely ugly monsters, they did not leave a living mouth during the raid, either they were killed, or they would become their captives and taken to their establishment Go to the camp, and now the western wilderness has fallen. "

"Face does not mean that yīqiē, the beauty of the soul, is the most sincere beauty of a race. The orc I saw was a very natural, peace-loving and self-respecting race. I think there must be a reason for this ... For other kingdoms, do they encounter the same problem? "

"Not yet, but according to the feedback from the front, the orcs are already marching towards them, but they have not arrived yet. I believe they will soon see the brutality of the orcs!"

At this time, Lothar said: "I guess they will come to us for help!"

King Lane nodded: "Yes, but at the same time they will tell us nothing because they refuse to trust us."

Lothar put his hand on the central map and said: "We must figure out why they came here, and their specific information, how strong their soldiers are, so we need a captive!"

King Lane said in silence, anxiously saying: "I don't know what danger we are in."

Medivh said calmly: "My existence is to prevent this kind of qíngkuàng, your majesty, this is the purpose of my coming to you, I am the guardian."

After a pause, Medivh looked back to Khadgar, who was visiting the weapons and armor on display, and added a sentence: "At least temporarily."

King Lane looked back sharply and said, "Yes, what's his name?"

Khadgar looked up sharply: "Kadgar, Your Majesty."

While saying this ~ ~ he happened to hit the drumstick in his hand against a shield and made a bang.

King Lane and Lothar both had cheeks.

Medivh said: "I want him to go with us, and it's better to start right away."


Anyang stood by and listened to them quietly, daring not to speak more, nor to "predict" anything at will.

He was afraid that Medivh suspected him. He was afraid that Medivh would be afraid of his "prophecy" ability. In the original plot, Medivh broke into his house to stop Khadgar's investigation and burned all his investigation notes, even ordered Warn him not to investigate further, but he dare not touch this mold easily.

At that time, the evil in this guardian's body became more and more irresistible, because he was afraid to see through zìjǐ, what to do if he were to get rid of him?

That's no joke!

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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