My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 415: Durotan and Doomhammer

The red light of the sky is getting richer and thicker, like a pile of fire sweeping the sky, but with the color of blood, sprinkled on the rolling sea of ​​clouds below to paint a layer of magic The light of the hue makes the sunrise on this mountain look more beautiful.

The black swamp is located in the east of the kingdom of Azeroth, and Anyang faces the direction that the orcs are about to climb up, just in sight of this beautiful scenery.

Perhaps the season at this time is not suitable for enjoying the sunrise. The red light is not so extreme, and the sunrise is not perfect, and it is very short.

Soon, a golden blazing sun emerged from the horizon of the sea of ​​clouds, and emitted the first ray of light towards the high mountain. The light was like a sword, and it struck a long distance across the high ridge in an instant, against the black The mountains and the white snow also hit the silver armor.

This scene is so sacred and magnificent, no wonder it can attract so many climbers!

Anyang narrowed his eyes, and then adapted to it after a while.

The sunrise is over!

The orcs riding the giant wolf traveled particularly fast, especially in the process of climbing the mountain, and they quickly distanced themselves from the large troops behind them. Among them were the Durotan and Orgrim Destruction Hammer of the Frostwolf tribe. , Gradually, they are close to the top of the mountain.

The pass that the orcs are going to cross is very close to the ridge where Anyang is located, just below the mountain peak. As they continue to run forward, as long as they look up here, they can immediately see the narrow and steep top. A silver and white figure stood on the ridge, all covered with tight alloy armor, very conspicuous.

(Note: In the original book, Orgrim Doomhammer is from the Blackrock clan and is a friend of Durotan. After Durotan died, he overthrew the black hand to seize power and became the chief of the entire orc tribe, but in the movie he was the adjutant of Durotan, Belong to the second in the Frostwolf clan, like this.)

Anyang can already see those strong and tall figures, facing the first two heroes who are well-known among the orcs, and are also highly respected heroes in the real-world Warcraft players. Walking on the ridge, intending to say hello to them.

By the way, he touched the phone and poked to light up the screen.

"System, how about translating for me?"

"This is not my function."

"But you're a mobile phone, you don't even have a translation function, so you're embarrassed to be a mobile phone?"

"My essence is the main system of time and space shuttle."

"Well, as far as the function of the space-time shuttle system is concerned, you only provided me with the default translation of Azeroth ’s language, but the plot of this mission involves two worlds, you do n’t have the language of the Draenor world at all. Give it to me and don't provide the default conversion. Isn't it your negligence? What if I want to disguise myself, and then temporarily learn the transmogrification and the technique of transfiguration to join the orc tribe? "


"You default?"

"Friendly reminder, the selected person has become more and more precise recently!"

"Look, all the friendly reminders are here, you know how to measure, so don't install a rigid program for me, you must be flexible!"


"Don't talk, do you default?"

"The simultaneous translation of the Draenor Orc language is ready, valid only in this world!"

Anyang shrugged and felt his changes, and put away his phone.

What works only in this world is full of fart, with a bio-assisted chip, he can completely record the language translated by the system and compare it with the words he originally said, or enter it into the real-time translation system that comes with the armor. Yu mastered the language.

In short, this is another great victory in the debate with the system!

Anyang was walking on the top of the cloud, as if walking a tightrope, on both sides were the high mountains and cliffs that connected the sea of ​​clouds to the bottom, but he was on the ground until he calmly walked down the ridge. The number of the group exceeded 300. The figure of the orc warrior became clearer in his eyes, and the huge footprints on the snow were clearly visible.

at last--

A frost wolf with a shoulder height of more than two meters found him, and suddenly raised his head and snarled at him.

Immediately afterwards, the orcs marching at a swift speed stopped, and the sudden stop under the huge war wolf made the snowflakes fly, and the orcs looked up at him, all surprised.

They should be unimaginable. There are still people at the top of this red-ridged mountain range that crosses the continent, and they are still walking on such a steep ridge. Then they looked down a little and saw the nearly vertical cliff that was difficult to climb. Surprised, how did this person get up?

Durotan halted the frost wolf and realized that something was wrong and shouted: "Ready to fight!"

The brave and belligerent orcs held their weapons and raised their heads for the first time to look over the insurmountable ridge, screaming and shouting to prepare for the battle. But he slowly waited for the figure covered in silver and white metal to walk slowly towards them like a leisurely walk, because they knew that they couldn't go up.

The mist in the morning scatters the not hot sunlight, and there is a faint light of Buddha above the mountains, and the scene reflects like a myth in a circle.

Anyang walked to the end of the ridge and jumped suddenly. At the same time, the propeller was turned on. The soles of his feet were sprayed with light blue or yellowish flames in white, which suspended him in the air, and then slowly flew towards the orc on the ground until Stopped tens of meters away from them.

A closer look, these beast talents are truly shocking!

They generally have a height of two meters, three or four, and a big waist and a round waist. The body is very tall and sturdy. The whole body is covered with muscles. They have facial features that are more gritty than humans. Thick armor, the arrogant air came from the face.

Anyang thought that if he stood in front of them, it would be like a child.

Fortunately, their skin was naturally brown, and did not turn green, that is, they were not contaminated by the evil energy of Gul'dan.

He fixed his gaze on the strong orc standing next to Orgrim, and glanced at the orc's Frostwolf banner and asked: "Are you Durotan? Son of Khadgar, Chief of the Frostwolf clan , Durotan? "

The orc raised his head violently, grabbed a heavy, powerful axe, and squinted at him: "Who are you? You look similar to the draenei, you are in this world Human? But how can you know my name? "

Anyang chuckled and turned his eyes to Orgrim carrying the giant hammer: "So, are you Orgrim Doomhammer?"

Orgrim squeezed the huge Warhammer quietly and said to him lightly: "I bet you will pretend to be like that, and I will tear you apart!"

Anyang chuckled and said, "How do you tear me up and throw your hammer to knock me down?"

As soon as he had finished speaking, an orc roared and threw a heavy weapon at him.

Anyang quickly took off, avoiding the blow.

I have to sigh that the temper of this group of orcs is really too irritable, but they are also a race that advocates force and nature, and yearns for glory. They respect the most powerful and upright warriors. This is particularly reflected in Durotan, but in After Gul'dan took power, it began to change.

At this point, the orcs below scorned with contempt, and some shouted with deterrence.

"Weak human, do you only know to hide above it, you dare to come down and fight me!"

"Come down, beat him down!"

Anyang did not speak, and directly called up the ion shoulder gun, and the automatic aiming system accurately hit the shoulder armor thrown by an orc.


There was a muffled sound, and no flames exploded, but at least a few dozen pounds of heavy shoulder armor seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, and it was violently shaken in the air. Before being touched by the silver figure, it was hit hard. He had to roll back and fall into the snow with a deep bang.

That piece of shoulder armor made of a large piece of steel has been severely deformed, and even has a few huge cracks.

The orcs took a breath, they were brave and belligerent, but that did not mean they were reckless!

Undoubtedly, they felt the powerful force of this man in this hit.

"Magic, that's the power of magic!" Durotan muttered to himself, and looked up at Anyang with full of warfare. The two fangs wriggled slowly in the corner of his mouth, which looked extraordinarily tyrannical and powerful. Can a person's strength stop us? "

Anyang shook his head: "You misunderstood, I just came to say hello to you, I just want you to remember me."

Without waiting for Durotan to respond, he began to take off slowly: "We will see you again, Durotan, I hope we can stand together then."

Durotan looked at him suspiciously, and Orgrim's expression was also puzzled.

Anyang flew a distance, but stopped in the air, turned around, and the missile compartment quietly opened.

A scream punctured the snow sky!

Several mini missiles were shot from his arm in an instant, hitting the mountain peak that the orc army was about to cross like a few meteors, triggering a shocking explosion, accompanied by a deafening loud noise.


The flames rose into the sky, the shock wave lifted the thick snow layer, and the ground was shaking.

Durotan was shocked all over his body ~ ~ The frost wolf "sharp teeth" under his crotch was a little uneasy, and he could no longer appease him, so he shouted in the sky.


The orcs present basically belonged to the Frostwolf tribe. He naturally followed the great chieftain's words and immediately scattered to find a place to escape.

In less than two seconds, the snow layer closest to the missile hit collapsed under the blast of the explosion, and suddenly swept down like a turbulent long river. This is the unstoppable force of nature, and it will be a strong orc almost easily. Toppled to the ground.

This is still the first snow layer to fall, and no avalanche has formed. When these snow layers continue to fall, if the iron tribe led by Gul'dan is unlucky and is just on the route of the avalanche, then it is the prestige of destruction, even if it is The terrifying orc army will also suffer heavy losses.

The snow continued to fall, and the top quickly returned to calm, except that two snow fields collapsed slightly.

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