My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 368: Datong

With tall red walls and neat blue tiles, this magnificent and majestic building has undergone thousands of years of wind and rain, carrying the centralization of the three dynasties. The outer walls of the imperial city are painted with striking red lacquer. Compared with the heavy stone walls outside the imperial city, it has no defensive significance, but it isolates the imperial city from the imperial city and blocks countless civilians and rich people. Jia Haomen glanced inwards.

Therefore, even if people live at the feet of the emperor, they still do n’t know the beautiful scenery in this deep palace, and naturally they do n’t know how many people were locked in the depths of this heavy palace wall. Longing for the outside sky and not wanting, how many dirty incidents that are diametrically opposed to the gorgeous appearance have happened, and how many sad and lonely souls and hot blood are attached to these palace walls!

But many people do n’t care about this. Some people in Gong Wei want to go out, and some people outside want to come in, but most people still do n’t know until now that the main hall of this deep palace has collapsed, and that day thundered The loud noise turned into ruins, and it was from that moment on that the immortals over the emperor capital were in constant flow, and this millennium palace had quietly changed its owner.

This is the first meeting for Anyang to enter the Divine World.

Although he still only controls the Dayi Dynasty and its surrounding areas in the big Divine World, and his monastic forces are not controlled very much, his armored soldiers and celestial troops are advancing outwards quickly, the division of labor is clear, and each place is easy to use The iron-blooded means attacked it quickly, and speeded up its control. Then it laid down its own label and a nail, waiting for the outbreak after connecting the whole world into a film.

He doesn't even have to rush to completely integrate the area he conquered now, as long as he can ensure that he is in control and can operate according to his will, that's enough!

Anyang sat directly above the hall and listened to their report calmly.

"At present, the officials of the Ministry of Government Affairs have fully taken over the politics of the Dayi dynasty. Each department has basically been contacted. The important positions are all held by our officials. However, the division of our government affairs system is more detailed. The system difference is too large, even though it has been fully rebuilt, the dynasty ’s military and political mechanism is too bloated, the redundancy is too high, and the number of bottom managers is large. It takes a long time for the local officials or officials of the original dynasty to adapt our system , But please rest assured that I have discussed the orders with the ministers, but whoever influences the overall situation will be dismissed from the office. "

Anyang nodded. Although the administrative systems of the Huaibei base and the Dayi dynasty are somewhat different, they all share the same path, and it is not difficult to connect them.

He knows that the three provinces and six ministries are a very tightly organized ancient central control. The three provinces refer to the Zhongshu province, Menxia province and Shangshu province, and the six provinces refer to the local government, household, courtesy, military, punishment and labor. It ’s just a bigger division. In fact, there are 24 divisions in the six departments. If it is true, there are many points of contact with the major government departments of the Huaibei base. For example, the ancient criminal department is equivalent to the combination of the Ministry of Justice, the Security Inspection Department and the Ministry of Public Security. It is equivalent to the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Rites is equivalent to the combination of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Propaganda and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc ...

He Zhiping glanced at him and continued: "The Ministry of Defense is gradually controlling the army of the Dayi Dynasty and taking over the defense forces. The Ministry of Public Security and the Security Inspection Department are also taking over the official government system of the Dayi Dynasty. The system is also being built quickly. The basic candidates are selected from the officers of the original Dayi dynasty ’s army, military and criminal officials, and will soon cover the Dayi dynasty. At that time, we can announce the change of the dynasty and carry out military and political system reforms and science and technology. Cultural and Taoist education promotion, any resistance will be strongly suppressed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs! "

As soon as the words fell, the monks and monsters on the right side of the hall, and even the emperor Chongjia and the master of the country changed their faces!


A series of air-sucking sounds sounded!

What did they hear?

Promotion and education of technology, culture and Taoism!

Whatever technology is, they don't care. They only care about the culture and Taoist education. This is a bit of a mouthful for this era. There is no mediocrity here. The mouthiness does not prevent them from understanding the meaning of this sentence.

What does this stand for?

This means that everyone can practice Taoism. The Taoism dedicated to those who practice Taoism will be popular in the world. Everyone knows Taoism. Everyone will live longer. The mysterious and mysterious Taoism will uncover the mysterious veil. Masters of Taoism are no longer high, because everyone hopes to reach that level, and there will never be mortals who regard monks as gods, and they will have no advantage over mortals!

This means that everyone can read, knowledge is no longer a means for the powerful to rule the bottom people, the readers will become sparse and ordinary, and when the bottom people are no longer foolish, they will not be so confusing, feudal rule system will undoubtedly When challenged, scholars and officials will no longer be superior. Is this society a mess?

Some people think farther, such as how to solve some more troublesome factors?

As the saying goes, the people take food as the sky, and many poor people ca n’t afford to eat. How do they practise monks, how to study, and where do they spend their free money to go to school? The labor force has gone to school, who is going to farm, isn't it all starving? And how many teachers do you need to supply so many students, how many private schools do you need, do you need money to build so many schools?

How to solve these?

Anyang didn't know their thoughts, he thought in silence, and said, "This is no hurry. Our control of the internal forces is mainly stability, not speed, and we will not carry out civilized reforms or education promotion until we conquer the world. Later, even if there is resistance, the army can be used to suppress it strongly. At that time, it was only the speed and the implementation of the decree that mattered. "

He Zhiping quickly said yes, and other officials nodded.

He continued to report on the policies recently introduced and the results achieved.

Gradually, after hearing some words, the emperor Chongjia and the master of the country were even more horrified.

One of them is a monarch who has been in charge of the peak of the rights of a country for more than ten years, and it is not a faint monarch, but an enlightened monarch who leads the country's vigorous development, and the other is a dynasty state teacher, all with political affiliation, naturally listening How clever and effective are these even a series of complicated laws and policies, even incredible. Such a sophisticated political system is undoubtedly more efficient than the system of three provinces and six ministries. There are almost no loopholes and no touches. The division of labor is clear and meticulous. All people's livelihood, politics, and even the military are under control.

Many problems are gradually solved, such as the diet of the people.

Resolving this aspect, the rest is easy to handle, and the large amount of labor vacated will quickly fill up everything, whether it is construction, business, or other restrictions, it becomes very simple.

The Chongjia emperor and the national master realized that they were not the legendary heavenly courts, and these people did not eat the fireworks of the human world. This is a highly developed empire with a complete military and political system and a very fine management structure. These people are the framework of the empire's expedition. Every step taken is not a decision of an individual, but is based on the will of one person and the overall strategy of every institution of the entire empire.

Like this aggression, they had unimaginably adequate preparations, and even made precise and perfect plans, which was beyond the reach of the Dayi dynasty.

Even the monks and monsters standing next to them are not consciously aware. Although they do not understand these mundane politics and powers, this does not affect them to feel the sophisticated size of this imperial system, and many laws The wisdom contained is something they have to admire for a hundred or two hundred years of life.

They seem to have seen the world change, another future, and the world has changed to a completely different look.

Listening to these policies and decrees, the world imagined in their minds becomes clearer and clearer. In addition to the monks who are no longer rare and high above, the picture is undoubtedly much better than now! At least people in that world live and work in peace, and the world is peaceful and peaceful under the control of strict laws and public security, judicial and other departments. Not to mention that no one will starve to death, at least people who starve to death will become very few ...

He Zhiping was a little thirsty, but he did not dare to rest, he just licked his lips and continued to say:

"Our army is still in the external battle. Agent Angel and I have negotiated with General Chen Yafei. If nothing goes wrong, the army at Huaibei base has entered the territory of the Tangge Kingdom ~ ~ A small number of troops are fighting against the Xiaoyi tribe and the northern nomadic peoples dominated by Atta. They can complete the mission at any time and go to quell the empire. At present, the Tianbing troops have advanced to the southwest of Shenzhou, and the main targets are Chunyangmen and Changgedong A holy place for spiritual practice, as well as the Taoist schools including the Blackwater School, Luoshan, and Yuanjiagu, and a small number of Taoist forces; the rest of the hunter forces are also quickly clearing the unstable factors in the area we occupy. "

"We have also sent senior government officials to approach the monastic forces who have their own schools of caves. On the one hand, they manage the constraints and complete the control. On the one hand, they also popularize our next development direction for those who think they are out of touch and do what they want. , The overall purpose and the law, and finally they are required to cooperate with the various policies of the Ministry of Government, such as the popularization of magic education in the Ministry of Education, etc ... "

These emperor Chongjia and the national master were unconscious.

Many monastic holy places and sect names have never been heard by them, but they have never heard of so many common sights. They are either hiding in the mountains or standing high, or the monks who have abandoned the red dust have been included in the generals The range of conquest in one step became part of the reign of the God King, and they felt extremely shocked.

The mentality of many monks at this time is undoubtedly complicated.

If you change ordinary people, after you have been conquered, it is estimated that you will be happy to think that other similar people have suffered the same fate, but they are people who cultivate the Tao, and the Tao is high, the age is also high, and the mood is naturally different. The holy place of monasticism that is not exposed to the dust of the world actually has this day, and the people of monasticism are also threatened by the war, so that they fall into the dust.

This is a kind of sorrow for most monks, but for a few people, they are more eager to see the bright moment of Datong!

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