My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 383: Set foot

The demon general suddenly changed color, took a step forward, and suddenly stood in front of the emperor Chongjia.

"No, the flying speed of this group of gods is slowing down. Their purpose is here. Your Majesty, go back quickly, Yulin Jun, Yuqian Shiwei, escort, escort!"

A group of imperial forest troops and imperial guards immediately rushed in, including the monks who guarded the emperor.

The National Teacher glanced at them lightly, without speaking.

He knew very well that if these people were truly generals of the gods, there would be no resistance for mortals in front of God, even a monarch of a country. No, it does n’t have to be a **** general. Even if it ’s a monastic power that can fly, there are also means that come and go freely in the formation of the three armed forces. Whoever wants to take his life will take his life. Which hurt gets them.

These mortals who rely on power are sometimes arrogant, as is this reckless monster. They do not know that the army can take the lives of ordinary monsters and monks, but it is difficult to grasp the figure of a monk who is a monk. Hehe, even if he meets Tie Qi ’s lifeless charge, he is only delivering food, even when they are about to be weak, Shi Shiran can fly away.

Who can stop it?

Emperor Chongjia knew this very well, and waved his hand, indicating that the guards around the Yulin Army retreated.

"No, I have worshipped the gods for a hundred years in the Dayi Dynasty, but I have never seen a god. Since there will be a **** coming today, I will not be hostile. I and the Aiqing should deserve to worship instead of defensive postures. , So that God will mistakenly think that we disrespect it is sin. "

The civil and military officials nodded again and again, deeply convinced, and quickly bowed down with the Emperor Chongjia, posing in a posture of worship.

Because of the religious environment of the Dayi Dynasty, the theory of immortals is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The monster general pouted, but implied that the imperial army behind him was standing by.

The figure in the distance reached the top of the palace in a blink of an eye. Those gods in silver armor will stand tall, some are tall and strong, some are like giants, giant silver birds are circling in the sky, and the fierce steel monsters are also stopped. In the air, there were continuous rumbling loud noises, all of which were only a few hundred meters high from the ground, which made everyone see it clearly and shocked.

Emperor Chongjia glanced up secretly, immediately overturning his previous knowledge of the god.

He thought that the gods should be peaceful and immortal, but the gods in front were all covered with steel, and they could not even see their faces and eyes. His body exuded cold luster, metal texture, and thick At a glance, the powerful and sensuous sense of power is reminiscent of the fierce war weapons and merciless iron-blooded killing, including those of the huge **** birds.

From this bottom-up perspective, I ca n’t see clearly, but I can see the white flames from the soles of the armored soldiers and the palm thrusters. It looks like they are stepping on the **** cloud, reflecting the **** light, and they are more like steel. The giant's sky armor is light blue, and the thrusters are mainly on the soles, backs, and double ribs. It provides them with more power and looks more powerful.

Should these be the army of the gods?

As he thought about it, his hands fell down, his head lowered.

"Chongjia, the eighth monarch of the Dayi Dynasty, welcomes all the gods to drive. This is the blessing of my Dayi, and I hope that all Gods will protect me from the suffering of war."

The emperor's majesty opened his mouth, and the remaining generals of the bureaucracy quickly bowed their salutes and shouted in unison: "Congratulations to all the gods."

On the high-speed helicopter, a sitting Tibetan show and a Shushan disciple couldn't help laughing, and he hadn't had time to publicize it yet. The emperor really regarded them as a fairy.

In fact, this kind of prayer is very subtle. The Dayi dynasty is now at the time of prosperity, fighting everywhere to open up the territory and expand the territory. The emperor Chongjia only prayed not to suffer from the war, not to pray that the army was invincible. Looking back, with the current national conditions of the Dayi dynasty, praying not to suffer from war is not equivalent to praying that an army going out for battle will win every battle?

The soldiers from Doomsday also felt funny for a while, but they never expected that they would be treated as gods one day!

However, wearing such an armor that can fly freely in the air, and also equipped with a variety of powerful weapons, as you like, I feel that there is not much difference between the real and the fairy. Moreover, they came to such a primitive world with a sense of superiority, but they did not feel any discomfort. They naturally carried out the belief of the chief and regarded themselves as a heavenly soldier who transformed the world from heaven.

Heavenly soldiers from Pallans are more natural. They were originally temple creations, and their minds were born with the idea of ​​religion and war. In their eyes, their gods and adults are not much different, but only more In favor of another kind of deity. In order to save the broken world, they were fearless, and they walked lonely when they got the heart of God. They stepped out of the defensive mask alone and walked into the outside world full of mechanical creatures, and gave their voices to the war, even The defeat will never go backwards. Even if you do n’t see the dream come true in your life, will you continue to succeed? Is n’t this great and awe-inspiring?

At this moment, seeing that the **** above would have no action, the steel giant still roared, the silver giant bird was still circling, and the people below could not help frowning.

Emperor Chongjia arched his hand again and said with a smile on his face: "The gods will be fortunate to come and sit down as follows, let me do the best of the landlord's friendship, even if the gods will have tasted the feast of Qiongjiangyuye and flat peach. Try a different taste for another taste, and compare it with Tiangong.

Can you see the immortals show with your own eyes, you must be the first emperor since the beginning of the dynasty? Is it really more true that such a real encounter with the **** will come than the emperor and writer recorded in the Zhi Tan invited Tianxian to be a guest, and the king and monarch's birthday was congratulated by the gods? Presumably, the history of the Qing Dynasty 100 years later will be recorded like this.

The eighth emperor of the Chongjia dynasty, the wise sage, moved the gods. In the 15th year of the first year of the Chen Dynasty, the **** will come in person to conquer Yu Yu, the queen to give birth to the dragon and phoenix, and the commercial solution fell to the joy.

Doesn't this mean that he is the most holy emperor since the beginning of the dynasty?

Shu Shan and Zang Xiu's two disciples glanced at each other, and nodded at an officer beside them. Then they closed their eyes and began to pinch their fingerprints and chant chants.

The officer opened the formation channel with one finger, and shouted: "All the land combat units listen to my orders and are ready to land."

Suddenly, the hatch of the transport plane was opened, and the hatch of the high-speed helicopter was also opened, revealing the rows of armored soldiers in the ground. They were already ready to jump.

As the two disciples opened their eyes, the divine light flashed through them, the sky's colorful glow suddenly exploded, faintly accompanied by singing, and a vision flashed in the world.

The officer shouted: "Start landing!"


The first figure in heavy armor jumped into the sky without hesitation. The heavy armor brought a faster falling speed. The hurricane passed by but was blocked by the armor, attached to the thick alloy, and even stroked There was a faint white line, but everything was normal in the armor, even the sound of the wind was blocked, and only the calm and constantly beating height data indicated that it was now falling at high speed.

He was followed by one figure after another, jumping from a high-speed helicopter, a transport plane, and falling like a meteor shower.


The Chongjia emperor and the civil and military officials on the ground opened their eyes. It turned out that these silver-white giant birds and steel monsters were mounts of heaven and earth.

Seeing so many sky soldiers coming, the glow of the sky is more impactful than the legendary picture, and they can't help but feel a little more happy.

But what they did not know is that these troops did not come to bless them, but to seize power!

At a distance of several hundred meters, the first figure dropped, but the auxiliary power and emergency control thruster were accurately activated at ten meters from the ground, and the power allocated by the main energy was strictly calculated.

I saw a strong white flame at the sole, palm and back of the armored soldier, which just extinguished in an instant, but the impact of the fall was completely offset by the exhaustion, and the erupting light also reflected his more dignified. Shenjun, like the aura of gods all over his body, made people dare not look straight.


With a muffled sound, the first armored soldier set foot on the palace of the Dayi Dynasty.

The weight of hundreds of catties and the height of ten meters ~ ~ fell vertically again, causing him to crash to the ground, stooping in a standard posture to squat down on the ground to remove the force, and the thin white jade stone plate at the foot The broken, mottled traces spread like a cobweb around the position of his feet, which shocked the civil and military officials.

This kind of shock is no longer what humans can do. Those so-called martial arts masters are really not in the same grade!

The demon general's pupils shrank, his chest undulated, and he clenched his fists tightly.

The armored soldiers stood up straight, looked up and began to scan the surroundings. The shoulder guns on their shoulders were laid flat and put away, until they stopped their eyes on the middle-aged man in the middle of the imperial robe. His movements were cold and strong.

At the same time, successive soldiers landed on the ground, smashing all the noises on the ground, and the precious white jade stone slabs were full of cracks.




Emperor Chongjia and the hundred civil and military officials did not care about this, and were shocked only by this brutal way of coming. I thought that no matter what kind of legend about the fairy is false, this piece of broken white jade stone plate can really show God will not be a posture for life, rather than as fabricated, the immortal wind bones, it sounds like a **** who will not fight even battles, and even war is nothing to know.

The National Division carefully looked at the troops that started martial law as soon as they fell. He was shocked secretly, and looked up at his eyes. Seeing that the standing figures also turned around, they flew down obliquely until they were in harsh The roar stopped in the air less than ten meters from them. But they are not separated from each other, but form a circle, each facing the outside. It does not seem to be the guest of ordinary food at the invitation of the emperor Chongjia, but like a military and military official in the middle. And Emperor Chongjia was isolated from the surrounding Imperial Forest Army.

Something is wrong with him.

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