My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 372: Sky Soldiers and Spells

A few days later, an armed **** truck drove by on the street and sent it to the base ’s warehouse for storage.

Pedestrians on the street consciously avoided and stood still, looking at the heavy machine guns and heavy ion cannons mounted on the military trucks. The whole body standing on the top was covered with silver-grey armor soldiers, and armored vehicles accompanying the surrounding guards. Can not help but raise a deep curiosity, but dare not approach, let alone try to touch.

The transportation of these trucks is obviously an important material, and the direction is also very clear. The base military area and the scientific research area of ​​the heavy defense warehouse.

However, they certainly ca n’t imagine that these trucks will be full of printed and bound books, which are also their future monastic textbooks. Some of the knowledge carriers that can subvert their three views and can reinvent an era are also from them. A new civilization system that has never been touched.

These books are just some basic knowledge in the early stage, and do not involve advanced Taoism, but they are also clearly graded. Some can be practiced by anyone, these are temporarily transported to the warehouse of the scientific research area for storage, waiting to be opened, some are for senior government officials, some are only for special departments, and some are only for the army and defense Ministry, these are transported to the military area warehouse for strict care, to prevent leaks, when the promotion of a few top powers jointly signed a decree before they can be taken out.

Anyang adopted such a policy.

There are no restrictions on the most basic cultivation methods, which is equivalent to basic education. At present, the base has Shushan, Kunlun and Tibetan Xiuxianfu ’s secret cultivation methods, all of which are top-level cultivation methods, and more will be added later. Different ways, different effects, even good or bad also have different levels of cultivation practice, but he does not make any restrictions. It is only in this initial period that he requires the army to choose a more aggressive approach that increases physical fitness more obviously, and senior government officials must also choose a more powerful exercise that increases brain power and prolongs life.

After Taoism is fully promoted, anyone can freely choose the exercises that suit them or are interested in them. At that time, they no longer require the exercises based on their positions, but the direction of the practice and the depth of the practice. When choosing positions, such as recruiting troops, those who practice aggressive tendencies and have more obvious physical fitness are preferred.

This is a bit like a university major and diploma, but it is not specific enough.

The practice method implemented in this way is equivalent to compulsory education. There is no difference between all people, and the degree to which it can be achieved depends entirely on personal talent and effort. This is equivalent to paving the way for people in the base in addition to scientific knowledge and cultural knowledge. You can go to the peak of life through continuous learning of scientific knowledge and cultural knowledge, or you can rely on hard work to go on another path.

What Anyang really restricts is the direction of the avenue and the spell.

His experience is very clear, some avenue directions can change a person, whether it is power or mentality, some avenue directions are even more terrifying, like a Taoist cultivator, if there is a public understanding of a hundred For more than two hundred years, the practitioners of heavenly fortune-telling and the ability to predict the future are simply terrifying and undoubtedly a huge threat to the base.

Therefore, many directions can only be under his control, and can only appear in the military and political systems or special departments!

The civilians can only choose the most common ones. They can strengthen their bodies, prolong their lives, cultivate their sentiments, and help themselves. For example, Xiaoyao Dao, Changsheng Dao, Immortal Dao, Self Dao and the like ...

There is also the spell and the magic principle, which is basically equivalent to the weapon of the Taoist. Without the weapon, the Taoist system ’s already low lethality can be almost ignored.

This is the case with Anyang. He had decided to study Kunlun for several years. His talents were not bad. There were still a few years of ethics, but it was useless without spells. In addition to adding a little physical fitness, he only It can enhance its own resistance, recovery, or some auxiliary functions, but it is completely unable to cause any damage caused by manpower, and there is basically no gap between it and the body maintenance method.

So as long as the "weapons" are controlled, the security and management of the base can be guaranteed.

These are all afterwords. The most important thing now is to practice the Taoist skills. The foundation has not been laid yet, and the mana has not yet been cultivated. The magic and the direction of the avenue are too far away.

It was soon noticed that one of the transport trucks was obviously different from the other trucks. This truck had a larger load, the armor worn by the accompanying soldiers was more powerful and extraordinary, and it was a brand new silver-white armor. A little dazzling, the weapon on the armor is already in a charged state, and can attack at any time.

Anyone with knowledge knows that the inside of the base is very peaceful now, and there is no force that can challenge the authority of the army. Unless special missions are carried out, the military department decree explicitly prohibits soldiers from being on the street at any time in non-wartime conditions. Adjust the weapon to an attackable state.

People cannot help wondering!

"Which unit is this?"

"Don't dare to ensure that the weapon is charged when patrolling the guard!"

But gradually driving, this super-large truck deviated from the direction of the large army and headed towards the military and political center.


Zhou Mingyuan was waiting in the basement of the military and political center. He cleaned up this whole vehicle of unknowing basic monastic practices, and it was still an unknown text.

But he didn't dare to ask more, just bowed, and he could vaguely guess a little.

It was not until Anyang put all these books in his personal space and opened the door of the space to step into it. He stood up and watched the hole with a faint blue light disappearing instantly.


The Silver Moon Collar has become a famous city-state in the near and far. At a glance, it is full of buildings of various styles. At the center is a huge white castle, like a military fortress in the Middle Ages of Europe. The **** straightened a white beam of light on the altar. The thorny sky swelled into a circular ripple at high altitude, and hung down to form a huge semi-circular light mask.

This has become a comprehensive city-state, and there are more buildings under construction. Once the construction is completed, it is a new human giant city.

Anyang stands at the top of the castle hundreds of meters high, a very luxurious room with huge floor-to-ceiling windows design, splendid decoration, and valuable ornaments.

This is almost the favorite location and design of all gods, because through this you can see your entire **** general, as if you can control everything, and you can also see the mechanical and biological movements in the distance, which often increases their heroic ambition. With a sense of accomplishment, and more committed to expanding their troops and territory.

However, the Silvermoon collar is different, and even if the defensive light curtain of the **** general is out, no mechanical creatures can be seen.

Anyang can only see the fort buildings interspersed in the countless residential buildings of the generals. They are a bit like small castles. At the top are the modified mecha turrets of various types, specifications and models, forming a circle and a circle. He is full of **** generals, and the outermost circle is very close to the light curtain of the **** general today, making him feel emotionally. It seems that this circle and the other circle is also a trace of the expansion of the **** general.

There was a roar in front, and a silver-white mech flew high into the air, stopping directly on the air platform just below the castle.

From the perspective of Anyang, I can see everything on the platform. The two arbitration mechas on guard have not changed, and the arbitration mecha that has just flown also turned off the power, opened the cabin door, and walked a slim figure from it. The adjudicating mech behind him was put away, crossed the two adjudicating mechs and stepped up the snow-white stairs, and walked vigorously towards the castle accommodation area.

Anyang lost that figure in his eyes, but it didn't take long for a sound of footsteps to move from far to near.

A rhythmic knock on the door sounded.

"Come in!"

When Anyang turned his head, An Qi was standing behind him with a beautiful face.

The silver sky combat uniform outlined her proud curve, showing her perfect figure, and she looked at him with a slight smile on her extremely sweet face.

It must be mentioned that next to her was a very wide bed with a deep red mantle, which made people want to lie down.

"General, you are back!"

"Well, I didn't expect to see it in just over a year. The Silver Moon collar has developed into such a big city-state ~ ~ you have worked hard."

"It's not hard work, it's all thanks to everyone working together."

An Qi said so, with a sincere and humble expression on her face, but the smile was sweet from the bottom of her heart.

Anyang smiled and waved his hand and said, "Come on, let's change a place and say something to you."

An Qi froze, then nodded without hesitation: "Yes, General!"

The two figures left the dormitory one after the other and took off from the castle's aerial platform, flying all the way to the edge of the Silver Moon collar, sitting against the fortress castle.

The two sat on the gently shallow grass, backed by the fortress made of rough stone, as if they had returned to the time when he first became the Silver Moon God general, when the **** general had nothing, he only had An Qi This Heavenly Soldier was guarding by the side, and Angel at that time didn't even have a place to stay, let alone a resting place. In her spare time, she could only sit on the grass like this ...

There was a trace of memories in both eyes.

Or Anyang first spoke: "I want to form a large-scale expedition, except for the defensive forces, I have to transfer."

An Qi was not surprised, and her expression was very indifferent. She turned to look at him and said, "I am prepared to go to the world?"

"Well." Anyang nodded and turned over to take out a book printed in the Pallans language and handed it to An Qi. "But before that, I hope you can look at this book, which records that it comes from the Shushan School I ’m not sure if your Heavenly Soldiers can practice, but I ’ve modified it according to your physical parameters. You can try it first. "

An Qi was a little surprised, reached out to take it, and nodded solemnly.

"Yes, general!"

She has been to the mainland of China, she has experienced the power of those people, some people are even stronger than the soldiers planned by the Holy Warrior!

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