My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 367: Equipment popularization and base development

Doomsday World, Huaibei No. 1 base, scientific research area.

A group of heads of scientific research groups in white coats across all ages sat together, but they were very restrained, because they were sitting in front of the highest-ranking officials of the base government affairs department, the internal security department and the military. Hui, the executives of the four departments are almost here, waiting for the arrival of the master of Huaibei base.

From the number of people, it can be seen that the meeting is dominated by the Ministry of Science and Technology, and it can also be seen that the controllers of the base attach importance to scientific research.

Until a sound of tidy and dull footsteps sounded, there was a faint metal collision, and two tall figures all covered in metal armor pushed the door open. Unlike the general individual armored forces at the base, they are all bright silver and white, the left chest is the Anzi label of the Huaibei base, and the right chest is the metal guard shield badge, marking their identity.

Everyone in the room immediately stopped, even the old researcher, who was dusky, staring at the door.

Anyang's figure appeared. He looked calm and calm, and walked into the room with a steady pace.

The whole staff stood up with a clatter, so they looked at him quietly.

This is a future man who not only endowed them with work, but also endowed their life and the entire base!

Anyang waved his hand, beckoning them all to sit down.

At the same time, he looked at the cold and handsome guard who quickly entered the room, one person every two or three meters against the wall, and enclosed the whole room. He was very satisfied.

"It seems that during my absence, your results are very good!"

Anyang ’s stay in mainland China for one year is roughly equivalent to one month in the real world, and a delay of a few days in the real world. This more than a month ’s time is roughly equivalent to the last four months in the end world. Among these four months The change in the world of the Doomsday is not a big one. At least, the plan for the expedition to the West Wind Province and the contribution of the Nano Factory that he signed when he left was already unsuccessful.

Four months ago, the research on the armor and mask of the Jagged Warrior was almost completed, and the military can be improved and manufactured at any time. The various technologies of Iron Man armor and Marvel World are ready, just waiting for the largest Central Empire in the West Wind Province. The nano factory of Huaibei came to the Huaibei base and was able to start production and commissioning immediately, and finally installed troops on a large scale.

On the way he came, he also tried the armor of the near guard, which has exceeded the strength of various alloys in the world, including the aviation titanium alloy originally used in Iron Man armor. There is no doubt that when he left, the polymer recombination technology discovered by a young scientific researcher named Yu Yongwu has also been parsed out, otherwise the end of the world does not have such high-strength steel, which is comparable to the armor of the blood warrior. .

The alloy directly produced by this technology is directly named "Yu Yongwu Alloy"!

Many researchers in the room were relieved immediately, with a sincere smile on their faces, and this sentence from the highest chief of the base was the biggest affirmation to them.

Only Yu Yongwu, who was the first to discover the polymer recombination technology, was not very good-looking. He is still the deputy leader of the "High-Strength Metal Materials Research Group", and he is still so young. The main materials for all kinds of military weapons at the base, especially the "Shadowless Fighter", "Iron-Blooded Armor", and "Fengshen No. 1 Armor", which are the most popular in the entire army and even the base, were researched by a group led by him. At the same time, he has always been proud of his research results. No one can know more about how strong the invulnerable metal after the polymer reorganization is.

But today, as soon as the guard who had enjoyed the highest technological armament of the base stepped in, he saw a scar on the armor of one of them.

As one of the youngest researchers in the research group, and often using his authority to participate in armament tests, such scars are really too clear for him. I can see at a glance that the cold weapon left! It is difficult for him to imagine what kind of weapon he can make such a mark on the special heavy armored heavy armor of the Guards that cannot be worn by large-caliber anti-material sniper rifles.

This made him feel a little lost in his heart while lamenting the power of the Supreme Chief, feeling that the pride of a technical otaku was cracked.

The Chief Executive should not be satisfied, it can be scratched by cold weapons!

If it is a standard iron-blooded armor of the ordinary military queue, such a deep trace is enough for the soldier to be seriously injured?

As a purely technical otaku, he felt that he not only failed the trust of the supreme chief, but also felt guilty about trusting the armor and relying on armor to save lives on the battlefield!

But contrary to what he thought, Anyang was very satisfied with his "Yu Yongwu Alloy". This scar looks shocking. In fact, it is already the result of his full hacking with the Everlasting Alloy Tang Sword. Such heavy armor Embark on the battlefield, and add all kinds of advanced weapons installed on the armor, that is, humanoid mini tanks, which can block the enemy's artillery to some extent.

"Before I came, I already had some understanding of the results of your efforts over the past few months. I am now concerned about the status of the military. Who will explain to me?"

As soon as the words fell, the researchers in the room looked at each other, but not because of guilty conscience, but because they were eager to try, but they were not qualified to stand up and speak.

Especially the two generals Chen Yafei and Chang Hui at the base are still there. Speaking of the military's installation, they really are not qualified to speak.

Chen Yafei and Chang Hui looked at each other, and finally Chen Yafei took the lead to stand up. This rich second generation has become more stable in the past three years of grinding.

"Sir, in the army, I mainly control cutting-edge powers and special forces. Let me start with my side."

"The first thing I talked about is of course the technologies you left behind, because the number of base troops is relatively small before the cataclysm, so the military production resources left by the original empire are abundant for us. Take the" Iron Blood Armor " For the "Aeolus armor", tens of thousands of sets have been basically installed in the army. The relatively stronger "guardian armor" has also started production last week, and it will be equipped with base defense forces in the internal guard. "

"In terms of performance, the two sets of armor are very different from the technical samples you provided at the beginning. Specifically, our researchers have combined their advantages and made optimizations and improvements. The most important It is the conversion of two pairs of armor from a more personal armor into a pure military weapon, which is more adaptable to war and has stronger attack weapons and comprehensive war performance. "

"We have retained the optical stealth equipment, environment adaptation system, high-strength metal materials of the original iron-blooded armor, and the ion cannon on the shoulder, and retained the intelligent system of the original mark armor, which can be used for intelligent analysis and fire control, automatic aiming, voice calls In many other aspects, the original Mark armored repulsive cannon and micro missiles and laser launchers have been retained. High-power hand-held weapons and high-strength cold weapons have also been added. For iron-blooded armor, we use micro thrusters as auxiliary power and emergency control. In terms of Aeolus armor, we have completely retained the original Mark armored flight system. "

"In general, the two types of armor are very different from the original technical samples. Both types of armor have developed other sub-models, mainly the standard type of large-scale equipment, the special type with more bias and The heavy equipment of the Guards. The iron-blooded armor is mainly used for frontal combat, and the firepower and armor are stronger. This can be seen from the appearance. The Fengshen armor is more mobile, but the firepower coverage and armor thickness are not as good as iron blood. Armor, and at a higher cost, is now mainly used for patrols and deterrence. After all, no large-scale war broke out. "

"In addition, our fighter formations and armored forces have all made extensive use of" Yu Yongwu Alloy ", and their combat capabilities have been greatly improved. The micro propulsion technology and vertical take-off technology you brought have greatly compensated our weakness in the Air Force. Intelligent analysis and locking of the fire control system and ion cannon technology have greatly enhanced the firepower of our army. Piston mechas and energy shields are still being studied ... "


"In terms of individual weapons, the development of electromagnetic acceleration technology needless to say. The application and improvement of ion cannon technology have enabled our army to carry out a gallop regardless of whether it is dealing with zombies or other bases. I have to mention here It is the technology of the energy block. Thanks to the energy block provided by the sir and the energy supply system of the ion gun itself, the scientific research department has been greatly inspired. This will undoubtedly greatly enhance the duration of our army ’s firepower. Solve the problem of ammunition supply, after all, the ion gun does not use physical shells. "

"The air force and armored forces are still under my control. Since you came back last time, our development has not stopped for a moment. Now we have more than 100 fighter formations, with new fighters, and improved power systems and weapon systems. The main fighter of the original empire, and thousands of improved military helicopters. Because of the miniaturization and great power of certain weapons, we are not stingy about armored forces ... "

This speech by Chen Yafei has been going on for more than an hour, and everyone on the scene listened very carefully and couldn't help showing a proud look on his face.

These weapons, whether developed or modified, are basically from the hands of some of them. Moreover, the base grows under their watch and continues to grow under their hard work. This is, after all, a behemoth that provides them with survival and future. The base is stronger, they are more secure, and they may even be devoted to their hard work. Help to return to the original Taiping prosperity.

Anyang digested it with his eyes closed, and felt that although the mechanism of the base is not yet perfect, under his absolute control, the operating efficiency is still very high.

"Yes, yes, I'm very satisfied. Does anyone else have anything to add?"

After a few glances, Chang Hui stood up.

He didn't talk much, probably it was all finished by Chen Yafei, and it only lasted ten minutes, then he sat down.

Then Zhai Liying.

"Now the development of the base is getting faster and faster, not only in terms of armaments, but also in the expansion of territory and population. For example, in the current Westwind Province, half of the territory has been taken by us. The army is cooperating with the empress to expel and clean up the zombies. Here are the coveted parties, such as the Blackwater Base in the northeast and the Royal Imperial Guard in the Imperial City. Although they are now afraid of our strength, they are also shrunk by the constantly evolved zombies and mutants, but in the later period It may work together against us. There is also the issue of the constant evolution of zombies just mentioned, and it is always challenging the base ’s defensive force. "

"In view of the current population shortage of the base, I do not recommend the expansion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but I feel that with the current production capacity and military technology of the base, the Ministry of Interior can be equipped not inferior to the military, for example, we can also be equipped with high-speed flight capabilities Aeolian armor, or heavy armor similar to the Guard ... "

"Okay, okay, I'll consider what you said. Lao Zhou, let's talk about the recent internal affairs."

Anyang patted his head, feeling a headache, and quickly called Zhou Mingyuan to change the subject.

You said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is equipped with flying armor and heavy armor. What is the purpose of flying up to fight the mutant bird, or is it necessary to go in front of the mutant zombie?

This woman ...

Zhou Mingyuan stood up. He was more serious than others and took out a stack of thick documents.

Chen Yafei's face changed a little, and he intuitively told him that this meeting will last a long time!

"The first thing to say is the issue of the official system of our four main bases in Huaibei. As the base grows stronger, reforms are indispensable. This involves changes in official positions, such as the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Electricity, and the Ministry of Finance. , The Ministry of Audit, the Ministry of Development and Reform, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Urban Construction, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of Statistics, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Security, the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Culture, the Public Security Patrol New construction or reorganization and improvement of the Ministry, Family Planning and other departments! "

Sure enough ~ ~ This series of names, more than twenty departments, sounds scary!

But Zhou Mingyuan didn't even see his expression, and said to himself.

"The first is the Ministry of Education, which is the most important one. As the saying goes, education is the foundation of a country. Juveniles are strong nations, and juveniles are strong nations. Before the catastrophe, the empire attached great importance to education. There are not enough conditions. Now that the base has a population of hundreds of thousands, it is time to consider this issue. "

Anyang frowned. This question happened to be what he wanted to say.

A perfect political system is particularly important for the Doomsday World or the expeditionary mainland China, or the Pallans that will gradually develop after the removal of mechanical creatures in the future.

Especially education will be the most important part of his trip!


This matter seems to have nothing to do with others.

"You go back first, although I still have some questions in scientific research and technology, but it is too long-term, and I am not in a hurry. In particular, it needs the popularization of the education department and a series of preparations. I will solve this aspect. You will be informed of the matter. By the way, Zhai Liying stays. You are in charge of the external defense and internal security protection of the base. Some departments here need your cooperation. "

Chen Yafei and Chang Hui looked at each other and immediately stood up to say goodbye. Although the rest of the researchers were very curious about what “the long-term, scientific and technological problems that need to be popularized by the education sector and a series of preparations” in Anyang ’s mouth, but since Knowing that people such as those who do not have any rights in the base are not enough to talk to the highest power, so they have to leave.

Soon, only Anyang, Zhou Mingyuan and Zhai Liying were left.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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