My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 359: I grant you a privilege

They watched "Independence Day: Comeback", which was just released. It was really because they couldn't find anything else. The pure campus love of human high school and junior high school is probably not able to attract the resonance of several female goblins. The movies of the magic category and the ability category are mainly made for mortals who desire power, and they are not very attractive to them.

The second part of the Shocking Devil is good, but unfortunately, the three female goblins in this modern style movie are not necessarily understandable, and even if they can understand it, the cool magic in the movie will not attract their attention. Only the character of ordinary people can be learned. They do n’t even need to delve into the techniques and methods that magic uses. They can achieve the same effect by using spells.

Only this sci-fi movie with good special effects can barely be watched.

Xiaoqian's prophecy is very wise, and the decision of the venue is very correct. As she thought, the three female goblins were silent except for Xiao Chan's quiet voice. Rabbit Jing and Huang Lan either yelled, or were amazed, or were all kinds of doubts and curiosities, or nervously grabbed the arms of others beside them. Basically never stopped.

Anyang couldn't help but sigh, but fortunately no one else in the movie theater!

Looking at their performance at this time, it is more exaggerated than the ordinary people who first experienced the 3d effect when the 3d movie technology was first introduced to the mainland. At this time, Xiao Chan's dexterity is reflected. No matter how shocking and realistic the picture is, she is one. Can't move, as can be seen from her concentrated expression and some pale hands because she grabbed the armrest hard. In fact, she wasn't calm inside, but she could hold back.

Until the movie was over, the three female goblins were still unsatisfied, with their eyes wide open.

As we all know, the development of 3d film technology to this stage, the 3d-max effect built by top equipment is very realistic, the huge screen is like a window, and what you see through the window is like a real world. For technical reasons, these pictures will even appear in front of people through these windows. For example, the flames of explosion, the splashed gravel and the shells that are bombarded are so real, but they ca n’t be touched. If the real world people abandoned them If you are in the habit, you will also lament the greatness and magic of technology.

After all, this is a civilization completely different from magic, and in terms of development level, it is obviously more sound than the mainland of China!

For the three female goblins, starting from the door of space today, everything they have seen and touched has been basically refreshing their world view, especially the last science fiction movie, which really shows them the technological civilization The power of

Even with this level of civilization, the earth has temporarily failed to possess it.

Walking on the road, Huang Lan lowered her head a little embarrassedly. When the shells in the movie came, the flash of the defensive spell in his hand must have been seen by them. I never expected it. I noticed the attitude of most days. By the way, he didn't lose face in the luxury mall of human beings, but came out in a large, dark and empty room.

Even if they are out, they do n’t say it. They all pretend not to see it. They seem to be very forgiving and generous, and they understand how they take care of their own ideas ... Is n’t it more embarrassing?

Anyang looked at a few goblins funny. The technological power system in this movie is not weak. It should shock the three goblins. Perhaps after that, they will never dare to do whatever they want in the real world. Maybe it ’s a good thing to let them know that the real world government and army are not as weak as the mainland of China!

When they found their car and drove back to the villa, it was almost eleven o'clock. The three nocturnal creatures who had been completely reversed their daily routines were already very sleepy. The rabbit's eyes were wide, but they were tired, Xiao Chan They even yawned quietly.

Anyang was not at ease, took them to find a room to go in a circle, tell them how to use the facilities in the room, switches, bathing, etc., at least let them spend a more comfortable tonight before returning to the room to wash Take a shower and fall on the bed holding Xiao Qian's soft body.

It feels very delicate, with a undulating body and a familiar aroma, all of which make him feel like a horse.

Anyang swallowed and touched the towering fullness with one hand, feeling that he was extremely irritable at this time, could not help but knead it up, so that the soft and delicate overflowed between the five fingers, full of full, giving a strange Satisfaction.

A slight murmur and a slightly heavy gasp quickly sounded in the room, and the spring colors gradually filled in this summer.

"Wait, they ... they are all demon and their ears are very smart, are you afraid that they will hear?"

"Don't worry, the room is well-insulated, I specifically ordered this, it's not that hard to hear it deliberately!"

"If, ah ... you tap, what if they listen to it deliberately?"

"Then they heard it when you said this ... wife Xiaoqian, I miss you so much!"


Xiaoqian has been gradually stripped into a little white sheep, and his delicate skin with jade gloss is exposed to the slightly hot air, and also exposed to the hot eyes of Anyang, allowing him to accumulate a year of anger. Out, the violent rushed up.

"Tap, tap!"

Xiaoqian kept telling him, but he closed his eyes and let him do it, only a little voice from his nose echoed him.

Cars drove one after another on the road at the foot of the mountain, and the people in the room were lingering again and again.


Anyang was lying on the bed half-backed with a soft cushion against the wall, holding Xiaoqian's naked white body, and finally felt comfortable, couldn't help but bury his head in that hair, took a deep breath, and smelled familiar. The fragrance is refreshing.

Xiaoqian gave him a white look and asked, "How long have you been in that world, as for this?"

Anyang naturally could hear the temptation in her tone and said with a smile: "In a year, this year I was like a jade. I haven't vented for a whole year. Alas, I also faced a few female goblins all day. Know how I endured it! "

Xiao Qian quipped and said, "That rabbit is so beautiful, charming the sentient beings, and listens to you and understands nothing. It is estimated that if you let her do what she can, she will not eat her. Alright? "

Anyang coughed a few times, but did not expect Xiao Qian to be able to say such a straightforward word, and could not help but touch the nose and said, "How can I, without Xiao Qian's permission, how dare I mess up outside."

Xiao Qian smiled and turned her eyes, saying, "Okay, then I will grant you this privilege, do you want it?"

Anyang froze for a moment, feeling the moist heat rushing on his cheeks, as well as the rosy lips that opened and closed, his beautiful face, and he began to stand up under him again. It is up to 9.1, which is stronger than ordinary people!

Anyang stared at Xiaoqian, feeling dry, and seemed to need no scruples for her daughter-in-law, so she protruded her head and embraced the two soft, hot and moist lips. She sucked and rolled over again. Go up.

"I decided to ask you first!"

It was blooming again.

When the two lay on the bed again, they were much more restrained than before.

Xiaoqian was helpless and had to meet her body with a thousand-year-old path. If you change a normal woman, you can't help him come and go again and again. Although the exhausted cow can't plough the field, if you change the cow Becoming a prehistoric beast, then it is not necessarily!

There was a long silence in the room before someone finally spoke.

"Fujun, I think your seeing you this time seems to have improved a lot."

"Well, I practiced in that world for a year, and I also absorbed a lot of Jindan, and also left you with a few, and some demon. But that world is a bit different from your original world. Your millennium cultivation practice In that world, it is estimated to be only a few hundred years, and there may be other differences. Pay attention to this when absorbing these demon pill. "

"Oh, so to speak, husband, do you know how to spell?"

"Yes, you can't do the magic. How can you do it for thousands of years? If you quarrel in the future, you won't be embarrassed!"

"I won't fight you, am I so fierce?"

"I'm not sure. I have seen more. I was gentle and considerate at first, but after a long time, I became fierce. Who knows?"

"Nonsense, I have learned the boudoirs of the three virtues and four virtues. Although I have forgotten, if you hit me, I will definitely not fight back ..."

Anyang showed a smile in the dark and pinched Xiaoqian's somewhat fat baby face, no longer joking with her ~ ~ said: "Then I will just believe you, yes, I remember You do n’t have many spells. I ’ll find out tomorrow if there are any spells suitable for ghost cultivation, and take a few for you to learn slowly! "

Xiao Qianfei not only didn't thank you for not empathizing, but also gave him a glance: "You are a ghost."

Anyang stopped talking and stayed in a strange and magical world for a year, inevitably getting some shocks. At this time, returning to the real world, a harbor where there is a stop, there is nothing like lying on his bed and holding his own. The woman has come more comfortably, especially this woman is the only person who has witnessed the development of her own strength and influence so far!

"Husband, are you tired in a year alone in that world?"

"It's hard to talk, this time it should be very comfortable, there are not many disputes, most of the time it is leisurely, and there is a long period of time in the mountain repair, but it is a bit boring, and I miss seeing you in that world. Unreachable people. "

"Yes, Hujun has been away for a month, you should talk to someone you are familiar with, such as Uncle Auntie, Miss Weiwei, and Anyou and Xueer. If Hujun is interested, you can also call Song Hanshan Hello, I do n’t mind ... "

Xiaoqian's tone became more and more playful, with obvious ridicule.

Anyang nodded very seriously, and should be in touch with relatives and friends, but today she came back with three female elves to get acquainted with the real world, clean up the room to prepare for washing, bedding, and later went out to buy clothes to watch movies and the like , Busy till night.

It ’s not that he ca n’t find time, but he wants to make a good adjustment, adjust his state and mood to a channel suitable for the real world, and when he finds more time, talk to them. After all, he should really tell them that he is back. , A long phone call congee.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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