My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 322: Eve against the demon

readx (); "Having lived on this mountain for almost half a year, and suddenly left, it is strange to be reluctant."

Huang Lan looked back at the top of the mountain, already hidden in the clouds.

The rabbit essence nodded hurriedly, agreeing.

Xiao Chan didn't speak, but looking at that expression was also sad.

Anyang smiled and said, "You are reluctant to be here. The monsters and small animals here have been looking forward to this day for a long time. You talk about what you don't eat. Up to the mountain wild yaks and wild horses, down to the antelope flower deer, even more shameful. It ’s because you eat squirrels and sparrows. You can talk about what can escape your poisonous hand, that is, those monsters are bullied enough by you, and they have to look for other people ’s troubles all day long, and they do n’t dare to go out! "

"It's shameful, I just want to change the taste, as if you didn't eat it. Also, that's not a sparrow, it's a goldfinch! As for monsters, I have to practice new spells and I have to practice. A sparring partner, I just find them to practice spells, how can you bully people like you said! "

"Huh, when I first met you, I didn't find your stomach ridiculous."

Huang Lan can still argue with him. In fact, she rarely talks to Anyang in this way. Most of her still maintain the necessary etiquette as a "student" and "classical woman".

Seeing that she would break through the clouds surrounding the mountain and descend to the bottom of the mountain, she couldn't help feeling melancholy.

"I don't know when I will be back next time. This cabin is still there. I knew it would be so reluctant. When I built it, I took care of it. Now it's okay, without our poor maintenance, I'm afraid it won't take long. Damaged by the wind, it would be nice to have a skeleton left. "

Heard that Anyang was also a little silent.

The wooden house itself was very casual when it was built, but the drawings were designed using bio-assist chips. This led to the small wooden house, but it was complete and delicate, especially many small humanized ones. The design and the observation deck that can protect the sun and rain have made them feel comfortable during this time, and naturally add to their fascination with it.

Who does n’t want a comfortable nest?

And the most reluctant is more than that.

Is a time spent by four people here.

Like occasionally getting up early in the morning when the weather is good, waiting for sunrise, lazy tea in the afternoon, lying on a chair at dusk to watch the sunset, counting the stars at night to roast a campfire, or simply sleeping under the stars I will also talk about the past things and the dreams of the future, and I will look forward to the appearance of each landscape wonder even if it is the little person who loves to communicate with the least.

These five months are also the seasons of warming up the feelings of several people. After all, under the same roof, every second of memory is precious.

For example, the rabbit essence is no longer afraid of Huang Lan, and occasionally runs over to sit next to Huang Lan, probably also a little related to her big brain. Huang Lan no longer regards herself as an outsider. She does everything casually. Sometimes she even seems to be more brainless than a rabbit. However, it is true that her chest is bigger than a rabbit. After all, she is a woman with exaggerated lines.

Even Xiao Chan, who doesn't like to be in touch with people, can go out hunting with Huang Lan indifferently. She also cooperates very well. She is not close to Rabbit Essence and Huang Lan, but she will not be very resistant. It belongs to the type that she regards them as teammates and can get along with each other without being unconscious and alert. Well, to say it reluctantly, it can also be said that they accepted them.

Know that this change is rare for her.

When came down the mountain, he happened to meet several Kunlun disciples holding horses waiting on the road. There were also several empty horses tethered next to them. When they came, they quickly came forward to salute.

"Fairy Master, I'm waiting to be greeted by the order of the master. I am afraid that the Fairy Master doesn't have a suitable transportation tool. I will bring a few Kunlun horses." Dudu1 ();

"No need, there are transportation tools, you can take a step first, although the horse is galloping, we will catch up immediately."

"Yes, that junior will take a step first."

The leading disciple did not hesitate, and immediately agreed to come down, beckoning the other disciples to take the reins for the tethered horse, turning over, and heading back to the horse.

The group left less than 100 meters, and just heard a muffled sound, slamming down like a heavy object.

The leading disciple turned his head subconsciously, and saw dust rising from the rear, and a dusty yellow metal in the middle of the dust, a large black metal box with a strange shape stopped on the ground, and there were wheels on each of the four feet, not as big as a carriage. It is far wider than the carriage wheel, the material looks very special, it should be metal in the middle, and it is not wood around, it seems to have a strong load-bearing capacity.

"what is this?"

"Yu ~"

And other people strangled the horses, their eyes gleaming strangely.

They saw the "Fairy Master" in their mouth walking to the metal box, and opened a "cabinet door", and then the Master was drilled in, and then the three women each opened a door and drilled in. They It was discovered that the iron box had four doors, two on the left, two on the right, two on the front, and two on the back, which were made strangely.

Not to mention this box, the slight movements when they pull the door can make these careful disciples feel new.

The next thing is even more surprising.

Rumble ...

A dull low roar came from the front of the iron box, and with their eyes they could see the iron box trembling slightly, as if it had suddenly come alive, it was incredible.

Until there was another bang, there was a burst of dust in the back, and the wheels of the iron box began to rotate rapidly, driving it to rush towards them like a living steel beast. Not only is it fast, they can also feel the brutality contained above. The power is absolutely more terrifying than the cavalry charge.

Several disciples quickly gave way, watching the steel beast roaring past them, the yellow sand behind them was rolled into the sky, blurring their vision.

"Cough cough cough cough cough cough!"

Several disciples coughed, but stared forward without blinking.

"Cough, Master Xian really deserves to be Master Xian. These methods are unheard of. I am afraid that only Master Xian can show it?"

"Don't guess, I heard that even our supreme masters and ancestors from Kunlun once called Senior Master Xian!"


The disciple of Kunlun, who was the pride of heaven, was full of surprise and looked at each other. dudu2 ();

"Still stunned, the fairy master is about to go away, we have not kept up!"

"Yes, yes, or Brother is right!"

Several disciples reacted and quickly drove the horse forward.

They don't have to worry about eating dust, because at the speed of the iron box, even if the horses under their crotch are strange, it is difficult to catch up with a person!

When they overcame Anyang, they were beside a pavilion on the side of the road. At this time, Anyang Zheng and Huang Lan sat in the pavilion and studied a spell named "Ten Fang Yinjun Soul Control".

The reason why is called research, not learning, is because this spell is too evil, and people in the right way can't learn it, nor can monsters! However, they do not intend to learn, but Huang Lan itself has the talent to control ghosts and ghosts. At this time, studying it may strengthen this ability.

The dust-covered iron box stopped quietly aside, as if "dead" again, without any movement.

Watching the two intently indulge in them, ignoring their proximity, and wondering how long they have studied, they inevitably have a dark face and hate that they are missing a few legs. And when he turned his eyes and saw Xiao Chan and Rabbit Jing carrying a chopstick in a wok coming from the river, their faces were even darker.

The first time I saw a car that ran faster than a horse!

Amount, this should be a car, after all, there are wheels.

The leading disciple glanced at several teachers and made a gesture, tolerating the hunger in his belly, and quietly went on the road again.

They did not dare to disturb Anyang and Huang Lan, nor did they stop and wait, after all, they also knew that this was meaningless.

For a long time, Huang Lan got on the car with a thoughtful expression, Anyang also thought, and at the same time started the off-road vehicle, roaring again and galloping across the roadside.

Xiao Chan sat steadily in the co-pilot, without being shaken by the bumps of the road, and easily found a stack of A4 paper, which was filled with text with a slender and even pen tip.

It can be seen that the author's control of the pen in the opponent is very good, line by line, word by line, and the size is almost exactly the same. It is the most commonly used font in the legend, and it can also be seen that the author made this The manual document is very attentive, the writing can not be said to be vigorous and powerful, but the pen is also very elegant and sharp, the paper is engraved with curved symbols, and there are places with intimate illustrations.

Xiaochan lowered his head and looked at it seriously.

The position of the A4 paper is raised with several large and repeated thicker handwritings. The three large characters of "Palm Thunder" written on it are very conspicuous.

That ’s right, it ’s the undisclosed secret of Kunlun Mountain, with its immense power and great reputation, it is a must-have spell for demons, demons, home travel, murder and arson, and home robbery.

The palm thunder spell is a bit like Qiankun's borrowing method, but its power is slightly less, and it is more straightforward in nature, that is, it is more biased against evil demons, and it has less lethality on mortals. The grenade exploded as powerful. This is the case. This spell is also very powerful. It is one of the few killing spells with low threshold and extraordinary power. It also has various special effects, so it is favored by young disciples in Kunlun Mountain.

Strictly speaking, taking Xiao Chan's practice as a practice, the practice of this palm thunder is very reluctant, but it's nothing but her persistence in self-preservation and the sense of crisis engraved in her bones. Anyang had to let her practice in advance and prepare carefully This is a very detailed cultivation tutorial with various attention.

At this time, she indulged in it, almost turning her eyes away, as if she was not interested in foreign matters and foreign objects. Her long, smooth hair fell like a waterfall and covered half of her body. She seemed quiet because of concentration, only one meter away from the old. The warmth of the old glass windows and a small pot of potted plants can constitute the pictures that are often depicted in modern poetry and often imagined by literary and artistic youth, um, or a nostalgic youth movie. dudu3 ();

By the way, this little loli in Chinese costume should also be replaced by a Wen Jingmei paper wearing a white school uniform.

In a short time, Huang Lan also lay behind Xiao Chan's seat from behind and read the text on the paper with amazing eyesight. This is a book to read.

She is undoubtedly more suitable for practicing this spell than Xiaochan, but Anyang only copied one copy of a spell. She can never grab it with Xiaochan, and recently her mind is in "Soul Control" and "Golden Body Technique" In the above, there is no time to relax and practice the third spell. To know that with her IQ and talents, it is already very difficult to practice these two disciplines. After all, she is not as smart as Xiao Chan.

Even if the rabbit is very bad, even if she tries hard to practice, after all, the transformation time is too short, and now she can only learn a few simple spells, which is the kind of tricks like tricks, and even under the guidance of Xiao Chan She doesn't know many words, far enough to support her reading the secret codes of monasticism, so she can only rely on Anyang, Xiao Chan or Huang Lan to teach her personally.

Often think of this, Anyang can only sigh in silence.

The magical practice of the three monsters still needs to be worked hard.

In the evening, a group of people successfully reached the foot of Kunlun Mountain, passing through Kunlun Town, and then going up the mountain directly along the trail to Yunmeng Xianding.

Is undoubtedly a kind of courtesy with the head of Kunlun and a few old-fashioned people, and their most concerned issue is probably what Anyang was looking for in the Tibetan scriptures five months ago, and found nothing like that.

Anyang would n’t naturally say that he just passed on casually. At most, he lamented that this group of old immortal has really good memory and curiosity.

As for whether the elders have a deeper purpose, he does not want to control it. Anyway, he has already seen the Taoist law secret code of Kunlun Mountain almost. There is no need to ask them any more, and when it comes to threats, there is a legion to support this card Under the circumstances, the threat of Kunlun Mountain is really not big.

Unless these clever tricks are used, it is unlikely that they will overpower him.

And this is obviously impossible.

Therefore, he was relieved.

Walking around Yunmeng Xianding and the mountain top, he obviously felt the difference of Kunlun Mountain at this time.

Not only the usual empty place has many disciples on duty patrol ~ ~ Many empty rooms are full of people, from time to time you can feel the mysterious and rich atmosphere, but it is slightly different from Kunlun, I think it is from other Xianshan Cave House A group of masters, elders or lonely monks who came to Kunlun Mountain prepared to deal with demons.

Other miscellaneous breaths, I do n’t know how many.

This was felt as early as he passed by Kunlun Town, just like when he was at the Kunlun Banquet.

Kunlun Mountain is the closest to the demon. Although this is only one of the demons, it is the first to be discovered. After all, only this demon is found, and it is also the first thing Kunlun realized that was wrong. These famous masters and hidden masters regarded Kunlun as a teacher. The location is not surprising.

Anyang doesn't care about their plans, nor does he want to participate in the discussion. He only needs to contribute in the fight against the evil demons, and he returns Kunlun's kindness.

Only three days later, the people in the right way practiced marching into the army.

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