My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 304: Anyang's helplessness

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The rabbit was sitting on the other side of the car, just opposite Anyang, staring at him blinking, holding a dandelion grass in his hand, occasionally shoveling it in his mouth, and slowly chewing.

Compared to eating, she is more like eating snacks.

In any case, Anyang looked shocked.

Well, after all, growing up was the first time I saw people eating grass.

After getting in the carriage, the rabbit looked at him more and more gloriously goose bumps, almost staring at him would not let go, occasionally stopped to lean his head and do not know what to think, then it will show a moving look, that looks like It seems that if you let her do anything now, she won't refuse.

The carriage curtain was blown up by the mountain breeze, vaguely showing the outline of the forest outside.

Anyang struggled for a long time before he asked the rabbit essence: "Are you going to stay in my carriage like this?"

The action on the rabbit's fine mouth stopped immediately, and looked at him with open eyes in doubt, innocent, and didn't seem to understand what was wrong with it.

Anyang didn't know what to say, his face was full of egg pain and tangle.

Rabbit Jing looked at him for a long time, as if suddenly reacted, realizing that he was going to drive himself away, his eyes widened for a while, and there was a thin layer of mist immediately inside, jumping off the seat and stepping forward, squatting In the middle of the carriage, which is in front of Anyang, his hands were pulling on his clothes corner and begging.

Anyang sighed, looked down at her pitiful face, her eyes were crystal clear like rubies, her face was pure, and her skin was white without any flaws. But sliding down her white neck slightly, you can see the two groups of soft and white greasy exposed under the collar of the loose windbreaker, which was squeezed by the squat, which seemed extraordinarily full and tempting.

Is this ... the little white rabbit's big white rabbit?

Evil, too evil.

"Do you want to follow me?"

The rabbit nodded vigorously and looked at him pitifully. The dandelion grass fell to the ground and was not found.

"But what about your home at the top of the mountain, don't you want it? But it was hard work for you to arrange it, and the flowers and plants you planted!"

The rabbit was confused in her eyes, and she did n’t seem to know how to choose, but unconsciously, her hand holding Anyang ’s clothing corner was tighter. After about half a minute, she looked at the carriage curtain unwillingly. When he looked back, he still stared at Anyang pitifully. 【△ Net WwW.】

Succeeded, the initial plan failed.

Anyang made some thoughts, and then came up with a second set of speeches.

"You also know that you are a goblin, and I am a monk, and you look so beautiful, um, do you know the word beautiful, that is, people will like you when they see you, and want to be with you, if you Follow me all the time, others will gossip, for example, I am greedy for your beauty, and I bring a beautiful female fairy or something on the way.

A bit of daze flashed in the eyes of the rabbit, and it seemed that he didn't understand what he meant to express. The only thing he understood was that he wanted to lose himself, and suddenly he begged, and he was sad, helpless, and faint. Sad, as if abandoned by others.

And the very beautiful hands that grabbed his clothes corner had begun to shake.

"Okay, actually I am a family person. I have my wife, that is, I have my own female rabbit. You see, although it is normal for men to have three wives and four concubines in this world, that is the rule. Tradition is not human nature. Do you understand human nature? It is instinct. It even surpasses reason. It is beyond the limits of rules and traditions, but sometimes it is powerless to resist. We all like to monopolize what we like, and women, too, which Women do n’t want the people they like to be single-hearted towards themselves? If you follow me, my husband ... The female rabbit will be unhappy, you have n’t been out of the mountain, you definitely do n’t know, most of the most wives in this world are good for concubines or beautiful The maids are very cruel, she will torture you, bully you, do you know? "

The rabbit essence was stunned, feeling that his head was completely out of use, his eyes were blank, and he looked at Anyang carefully.

Did n’t he say that he was not a rabbit, why did he have his own female rabbit?

What does the latter mean, aren't male rabbits always with a few female rabbits?

What's wrong with this? No female rabbit is unhappy!

It wasn't until she heard the last sentence that she shuddered suddenly, with some fear in her eyes.

Anyang only showed a satisfied smile. After changing several sets of sayings, it finally worked.

This is not a waste of my own guidance, and in order to scare her, even Xiao Qian, a gentle and virtuous person, has sold it. Fortunately, Comrade Xiao Qian can't hear it, otherwise he will certainly blame him for defamating his image.

"How are you afraid?"

Rabbit Jing didn't immediately respond to him. A man thought for fear. Then he raised his head and looked at him pitifully, and shook his head fiercely, as if to say that he was not afraid, or to drive away the fear in his mind. The look of her remains unchanged.

Anyang was stunned, and he felt helpless in his eyes.

"Why don't you obey, it's useless for you to follow me, I don't belong to this world, I can only stay here for a year, I can't stay forever, I will leave when the time is up, and then I I ’m not sure if I can take you away. We still have to separate. It ’s better to stay here, at least it ’s safe. It ’s nice to wait for you to practice and then play around. ”

The rabbit essence seemed to be hardly heard, and his eyes were very dim, pulling a pair of ears, and at first glance he felt extremely depressed.

And in a place where Anyang couldn't see, Xiao Chan's body was shaking with a thin curtain, a little panic and daze appeared in his eyes, and the whip raised in his hand forgot to put it down.

So close, she naturally heard it.

Anyang was helpless, reached out to touch the head of the rabbit essence, just wanted to persuade her to leave obediently and saw the pair of hands holding his clothes tightly, he immediately sighed.

Rabbit ears touch the hands and feel soft.

I heard that domestic rabbits cannot often pinch their ears, otherwise they will not stand up in the future, and I do n’t know if it is true.

Amount, why do you want this kind of problem at this time!


The carriage continued to move forward, and finally stopped at a distance from the village, and started to cook fire.

The rabbit spirit still refused to get off the car with helplessness. When Anyang came to call her, she shrank in the corner and refused to come out. Occasionally, she quietly glanced down the mountain outside the window, as if looking for her cave. A little bit reluctant, but every time I look at it, I will make a thief's guilty retreat, I am afraid that Anyang will find her and drive her away.

She is a rabbit who cares about her family.

Anyang has no way, so she can only be in the car.

However, he can often feel the gaze thrown from the carriage, sometimes over himself, sometimes parked on himself, sometimes parked not far from himself, turned his head and saw that there was a gap in the carriage curtain There was a pair of ruby-like eyes, looking at the meat hanging on the fire dumbfounded, it seemed very surprised.

Seeing him looking to this side, these eyes quickly shrank back again.

Several times in a row, she did n’t shrink her eyes any more, and pinched the corner of the curtain with her hand. When Anyang looked at it, she pulled the curtain to block the gap. When Anyang turned, she quietly opened the corner and thought that It's done seamlessly and unnoticed, and so I'm not tired of it. Every time the action of covering or opening is very serious and very cautious, I am afraid that I will be discovered.

Anyang shook his head secretly, exhaled for a long time, and dissipated all the troubles in his heart before turning to stare at the fire.

A drop of golden yellow grease began to gather and roll off, and each drop of firewood made a slight murmur.

Xiaochan kept turning the barbecue in his hand, but he was a little absent-minded.

She was still thinking about what she had just heard.

Student actually wants to leave this world?

Is it true or not, did you deliberately lie to that rabbit essence?

A very exaggerated thing, but through these three months of getting along, she vaguely feels true.

And what she can't imagine is, what should she do after the scholar leaves, and what to do?

She can be sure that according to her current practice speed and learning spells, she should not be able to talk about small achievements after one year, but at least have the ability to protect herself, or hide herself, have the ability to hunt, at least not starve to death.

But she was completely unprepared to live alone, and didn't even think about it!

For more than three months, she seems to be used to being behind the scholar, even if she looks like a maid.

Scholars provided protection for her, so no one dared to bully her, and she did n’t need to hide from Tibet, and she did n’t have to be afraid every day. Scholars go hunting, and she never worries about food. The scholar will tell her where to go, and she does n’t even have to think about herself. Although she also has to do laundry and cooking, as long as she does these things well, she can enjoy all this. Occasionally a little tired, it is quite pleasant to want to come now.

She doesn't know yet, this feeling is called dependence.

She only knew that if the scholar left, she would have to go hunting and protect herself carefully. The most important thing is to decide where she should go ~ ~ think about what she should do. Feeling very distressed, tired than washing a thousand pieces of clothes.

Thinking about it, her white brows were more wrinkled and tighter, and she felt a little melancholy.

Soon, a scorched smell came from the fire.

Xiaochan reacted, and quickly took the meat off the fire. The frown on his face disappeared, leaving only panic.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Anyang waved his hand, there was nothing to say, in fact he was also quite worried.

During Wang Tianyu came to express his apologies to him, he didn't reply much, and nodded lightly.

After eating, the carriage continued to go on the road, but instead of walking through the mud road of the small mountain village, he kept walking along the official road and passed through from behind the small mountain village. Without staying, let alone going to the small village to repair or renovate or see the old man, there were two Kunlun disciples who went to Cemachaoshan Village to think about investigating the death of the six filthy demon.

Anyang had no choice but to stop them and did not want to worry about it.

What is more helpless is that the carriage has passed the small mountain village, and the rabbit is still in the car.

She raised her head blankly, looking away to the hill, very reluctant, but when she lowered her head, the sorrow that had just been abandoned was gone in her eyes.

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