My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 588 The ‘Copy’ of the Alien Hunter

"Lin Fei, I saw you on TV being interviewed by a reporter as a member of the Superpower Management Bureau. I thought I was dazzled!

It's really thanks to you that you will have the best job after graduation among the students in our class. "Li Xiaomeng said with a smile.

Looking at the envious eyes of the students around him, Lin Fei smiled and explained, "Working in the Superpower Management Bureau is quite hard, and I am relatively lazy, so I am not considered a full-time employee. I am still different from what you imagine." There’s a big difference.”

Everyone laughed and chatted. Although everyone just graduated last year, most of them probably entered companies or became teachers in primary and secondary schools after graduation. There were also a few who took the postgraduate entrance examination or took the exam to work in the government.

Most of them talked about where they work, how unhappy their work is, how painful it is to work overtime, and that although the housing prices in Rongcheng have slowed down, they still don’t dare to think about buying a house... Everyone seems to be Complaining, this is the norm for students who are new to society!

Lin Fei did not go out to work, did not have to work overtime, and was not short of money. As for the house, apart from the original purchase, he had just bought an entire community a few days ago that had not yet been launched.

I usually spend most of my time at home playing games, or going out for dinner with my two good friends. Occasionally, I will be invited by them to go on a trip together. Now I have an extra spiritual world for me to explore. I feel like I am living with them. In two worlds.


The wedding ceremony soon began.

The waiters began to serve hot dishes one after another, and all the bowls, chopsticks and cups were put out. Some customers were already using their chopsticks.

Li Xiaomeng asked, "When will we start?"

Zhang Zhang opened his mouth and said, "Let's get going! We won't talk that much, so everyone should be casual."

The classmates said yes in unison.

Then everyone started to move their chopsticks, and occasionally glanced at the female host wearing Hanfu on the stage.

Not long after, the wedding ceremony finally reached a critical point, and the lights went out.

The dark environment only lasted for a few seconds. Immediately, a practitioner used supernatural powers to create a hazy light that enveloped the entire wedding scene, making the scene dreamlike. The bride and groom wearing Hanfu came on stage one after another under the attention of everyone.

Everyone stopped using their chopsticks, even left their seats, took out their mobile phones and started taking photos and videos.

Today's weddings are not as complicated as before, and there are no more noisy dramas. The most important part is that the bride's father hands the bride to the groom, and then the host asks them a few questions, and the two make speeches.

Lin Fei sat in his seat and looked at the newlyweds quietly, blessing them in his heart.

The bride's father had tears in his eyes. He looked like an honest man. When the hostess handed the microphone to his mouth, it took him a while to say a few clumsy words.

Although his words were clumsy, his feelings for his daughter must be extremely sincere, otherwise he would not be in tears all the time.

The bride was infected by her father's emotions and burst into tears.

After some effort.

Finally it was time for the bride and groom to give their speeches. Both of them had memorized the words. They must have written them themselves. Their memorization was similar to that of primary school students, but they were so moved that they almost lost control of their emotions.

This emotion seemed to have infected the guests present, especially the girls, all of whom had red eyes.

However, Lin Fei didn't react at all to this. Although he has never had a girlfriend, he has watched a lot of anime and various love shows. What kind of scenes have he not seen? He has seen many scenes like this in anime.

But in reality, it is not easy for these two people to get married from their student days.

Except for otakus like Lin Fei, how many people have never been in love while studying?

When you are in a serious relationship, most people will probably long for the scene of two people getting married and living a small life together!

But the reality is cruel, and how many people can do it?

After the bride and groom gave their speeches, according to the local custom in Rongcheng, children would go up to present flowers and blessings to them.

Several children brought flowers one after another, and the groom and bride each handed out a red envelope.

There were also parents with children who instigated their children to bring flowers to receive red envelopes. Lin Fei couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene.

After lunch, Lin Fei and his classmates went to the KTV to sing for a while. It was not until the afternoon that everyone came out of the KTV and left in their cars.


The sun sets in the west, and the bright red sunset fills the earth.

At the edge of the forest in the southern district of Rongcheng, a group of forest wolves half a meter tall and about 1.6 meters long were surrounded by several exotic beast hunters.

Just yesterday, the leader of the forest wolf came out of the winding forest in the southern district of Rongcheng with his pack of wolves and killed most of the more than 100 sheep raised by a herdsman.

The alien hunters who learned this information immediately took action. Due to the large number of this wolf pack, the number of people participating in this hunting operation must be far greater than in the past.

In the end, a team of 35 people was formed, led by several senior exotic beast hunters.

The cunning and greedy alien wolves did not disappoint the alien hunters, because they succeeded yesterday easily, so they came again the next day.

This time they were not so lucky. After the wolves entered the sheep pen, the alien hunters who had been lying in wait for a long time immediately came out from their hiding place and surrounded the twenty-one forest wolves and alien beasts.

"Xue Yitong and I are responsible for the alpha wolf in the middle stage of the second stage. You are responsible for the rest. If you really can't solve it, just hold it off until we finish taking care of the alpha wolf and be free to help you." Zhang Xiaobing, a senior hunter in the middle stage of the second stage, said.


Although the leader of the forest wolf has a low IQ, he only knows at this moment that these humans will not let them off easily today.

So the leader of the forest wolf immediately issued an attack order, hoping to tear apart the human encirclement.

The battle was about to break out. The wolves aimed at the defensive position of a high-level first-level alien hunter, hoping to use this as a breakthrough. Facing the surging wolves, this high-level first-level alien hunter did not panic because This flaw in his was something that everyone had planned to expose to the wolves on purpose.

"You hateful wolf cubs, take advantage of grandpa's flash bomb!" The first-level high-level alien hunter roared, and then the psychic energy fluctuations coming from his body suddenly increased, and then he suddenly erupted Dazzling glare.


"Oooh ooh..."

The forest wolves that rushed at the front were unprepared and were temporarily blinded by the sudden burst of bright light, and they lost their ability to resist for a while.


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