My Super God QQ

Chapter 770: Treasure and death, 1 line of life difference

"Aren't you afraid?" Hedingtian's eyes twitched slightly: "I still want money and don't die?"

"Grandpa Crane, you don't have to worry, I'm sure to do this! I tell you, I can predict the disaster, this secret, I generally don't tell them..." Li Qing looked confident, and then mysteriously Small whisper, the intention is to let them not be nervous, because they are always on the side, ready to look at any time.

Not to mention, after picking up more than thirty exotic flowers and weeds, Li Qing has not yet been attacked, which makes them really believe that Li Qing has some wonderful ability.


A cultivator on the side saw Li Qing picking up so happily, and stooped down to pick a flower with fruit on it. It was Zhu Zangguo.

Good stuff!

If you take it out and sell it, you can definitely sell thousands of stars.

That is, when he picked it up, the mutation suddenly emerged...


The fruit exploded, and green pus spattered his face, making him scream.


The flesh on his face collapsed quickly with the pus.

This time, no one dared to pick flowers and plants on the ground at will, but instead avoided them like a viper and hid far away.

"So angry!"

Yu Che's face bulged with anger, and he wanted to pick it, but was stopped by his sister.

"He may have a certain ability..." Yu Ying said seriously.

Can't fly!


All kinds of strange flowers!

Still a weird formation!

This made no one know where to go, and some people walked past the arch, but all backed away, because there was a bottom there, and there was almost no abyss on the other side. If they could not fly, then it was a dead end.

It's really hard to escape!

Time passed by second by second, and many people began to scorch.

Some can't help it, destroying the surrounding environment, and flowers and plants!

"Hey, how can you be like this, you can't destroy it if you don't want it!" Li Qing mumbled.

"It's not yours, you say you are a mother!"

The man turned his head and shouted at Li Qing.

Li Qing narrowed his eyes, Feijian pierced his eyebrows, but was blocked.

"Bear you for a long time, and hand over all the herbs on your body, otherwise..." Speaking of which, he saw Hedingtian and Fangjitian approaching and shouted: "This guy picked up many exotic flowers and weeds , Kill him equally..."

Before he had finished speaking, Fang Jitian had already passed by, puncturing his knife like lightning and entering his throat.

In this way, Fang Ji genius glanced at the people who were tempted and angry: "Come one to kill one, don't blame me for not reminding you, it is not necessarily whether you can go out here or not, don't fight in your own nest!" He murmured to himself: "I said, all the people who entered the Silver Buddha Temple didn't move. They all came to this ghost place."

"Probably not here..."

Li Qing had a novel idea in his heart. If he had come here, how could he not see the body?

"I said to everyone, let's think about how to leave here first?" The sick man stood up and said: "This is where the evil demons left behind. We humans kill each other and make people laugh."

"Sick body, don't touch anything on us!" Evil Claw jumped out of it, unhappy.

"Humph!" Zhengling Taoist looked at him unpleasantly and snorted coldly.

Then they quarreled.

It wasn't until the flowers and plants on the ground were rioted again that seven or eight people died.

This will not work!

Li Qing knocked his head, thinking of a way.

"Let me be a gossip!"

Suddenly, a follower came out behind Moonlight Twins.

Everyone looked at him, and then, he took a few simple, dark-haired turtle shells and threw them into the air...

After groping for a while, he opened his eyes violently, and vomited and bleeds with a snorting.

"Don't destroy the flowers and plants here, it will mess up the formation, and you can crack them by collecting all the useful flowers and plants!" Then, he looked at Li Qing.

Li Qing touched his head, sorry.

"Isn't this good?"

"What's wrong, can pick up good things, and can also be their life-saving benefactor!" Fang Jitian grinned.

When everyone thought about it, it really made sense, Tamad, what a world!

Watching people picking up strange flowers and weeds, they are all slobbering, have to bear this love?

Yu Che suffocated directly!

Next, no one dared to disturb Li Qing, Li Qing also carefully distinguished.

In the end, about a hundred kinds of exotic flowers and weeds were collected, before saying to everyone: "Well! No problem!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a tremendous loud noise.

Then, the environment around them changed as if suddenly changing places.

The magnificent palace is surrounded by numerous silver Buddha statues, all of which are hung with various treasures.

Some hold bright flying swords, some hold large colored umbrellas, with colorful lights flashing on them, which are obviously very precious magic weapons...

All kinds of treasures, everything!

Li Qing saw a Buddha sitting in the middle. His eyebrows seemed to have a holy faith stone.

That's right!

He had seen the Holy Believing Stone, so he recognized it.

"Don't grab anyone with me!"

Someone rushed over and cut off the feet of the Buddha statue in order to let it fall down so as to take away the treasures on his body.

The head of the buddha image seemed to knock the ground apart.

Then, the sky collapsed...

Really, the ground went down, everyone stumbled, and they all fell a little bit unstable.

The world is dark!

It wasn't until the guys stood well that they found something that made them all feel terrified and die better than life.

The place where the courtyard was originally was this piece of land. This piece of stone was actually sunk hundreds of meters down. Then, they were in the middle of the abyss...

Why didn't it fall?

There is a gold thread on it, probably a thumb-like thread, hanging on this stone.

"Life is a thread!"

The sick man screamed almost desperately with a headache.

They can’t fly, they can’t use magic weapons, and they can’t jump where they are. Now they are no different from mortals.

In front of them, the thread is hanging, their life is not hanging on a thread, what can it be? !

This is obviously not a treasure, but a dangerous place that is constantly killing people!

Time and time again, bringing everyone to death!

Fortunately in But this...

Looking at that line, everyone's hearts are dangling.

What a difference!

Above is the treasure, but below is the Jedi.


Suddenly, someone pointed at the line and screamed.

His screaming shook the ground where all the people stood.

"What's wrong? Don't move, stupid guy! If you move again, believe me or not!" someone yelled and rushed over.

Their movement made the big rock more unbalanced and rocked more violently.

Immediately, there were two people who could not stop their bodies and rolled down the abyss with extreme fear on their faces.

"Use weapons!"

Li Qing took the opportunity to stab the ground with a flying sword, and stabilized his figure.

Many people also promised him.

Even Yu Che unwillingly took out his sword, leaned on the ground, and secretly said, "I didn't learn him!"

In this way, no one will fall.

Then, someone leaned on the ground with his weapon, slowly approaching the golden ground wire, groping for the quality of the wire.

"I touched it, the line seemed to be strong enough to go up!" The man said in surprise: "Maybe we can climb up this rope, haha, the treasure is here!"


The man on the side asked.

"OK! Look, my top magic weapon flying sword!"

With that said, he was actually screaming at several people and chopped down the line.

Not cut!

It is enough to prove that this line is really strong.

Is it just sturdy?

Do not!

Just when he was about to climb first, a lot of colorful bugs suddenly climbed down from the top, crawling down.

Densely, with tentacles similar to scissors, he kept gripping fiercely and crawling down...

(End of this chapter)

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