My Super God QQ

Chapter 701: Hot business

"The boss is the boss, no matter where he is, he is so successful!"

Bai Xiaotian no longer sighed, but looked at the people pouring in the hall, the crowded head, and sighed.

Nowadays, Talent Pavilion is no longer an incomprehensible one. Instead, the guests coming in endlessly flow, and the whole hall is a little crowded.

"Oh, this is not uncomfortable right now? I tell you, as long as there are good things in the realm, then the wine will not be afraid of the alley." Li Qing proudly said, sipping the tea under his mouth.

"Boss is right!"

Bai Xiaotian is almost a five-body worship.

Can you not accept it?

Li Qing, this is a god-like ability!

Since ancient times, which self-cultivator did not die on the talent of cultivation, as long as there is a talent, life and time are not a problem at all? !

Therefore, Li Qing's ability even exceeds that of immortality.

"No, boss, a thousand stars are too cheap, at least ten thousand!" Bai Xiaotian suddenly excitedly clapped his hands on the table and said: "If you have money, there are cultivation resources. By then, boss, your progress will be sure. Can be faster and faster."

"I'm in Jindan now, isn't it fast enough?" Li Qing said with a smile.

Bai Xiaotian was speechless. Indeed, Li Qing's Jindan period was really too fast, too fast. Compared with the average person who needs to reach the age of one or two hundred years to reach the Jindan period, Li Qing is simply a metamorphosis. The speed is frenzied!

If it is spread, it will only take a few years for Li Qing to cultivate. This is how many people are going to be jealous and die!

"Boss, I served, I have nothing to say!"

Bai Xiaotian's mouth twitched, clenched his fists and joked.

The two burst out laughing.

"After we have enough funds, you have to work hard. At that time, I will buy more elixir for you to practice." Li Qingdao.

"It's a waste of money~" Bai Xiaotian was grateful, but hesitantly, he thought about Li Qing.

"Aren't you just me? Who doesn't want his men to be strong and powerful, you can just use it with confidence. Then, when your strength progresses, you can help me do more things?" Li Qing Think further, Tao.

"But, it seems that if you take too much panacea, then erysipelas will be produced in your body..." Bai Xiaotian seems to have heard such a statement.

"That doesn't exist! It is possible that erysipelas will accumulate in your Dantian, which is where Jindan will be born in the future, which will make it difficult for Jindan to succeed, but I believe you boss and I will definitely be able to help you by then. In addition, taking too many elixirs, I heard that it will also affect one's spiritual root talent, but, do you think this is a problem?" Li Qing laughed confidently.

For others, this is indeed a difficult problem, so that many rich people have no way to take the immortality to increase their strength.

However, for Li Qing, there is no problem at all.


"Hello, I'm here to ask, how much does it cost to change Linggen's qualifications~" Outside, a fat middle-aged rich businessman came in and asked.

"Huh, aren't you the owner of the animal skin firm in Dongxing City?"

The younger waiter, who was young, recognized him.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Seeing him admit, Youyou immediately angrily said: "I went to your shop the day before yesterday, you still laughed at me, laughed that our shop has no business to close down, I definitely have no money to buy those beautiful hides in your shop... Then you Talk about what you are doing today!"

Young and angry with hands in his waist.

This is it!

The day before yesterday, did she get the salary Li Qing paid first? I want to beautifully buy a good-looking animal skin garment. After painting the magic circle, some of these animal leather garments can increase the light, some can expel dust, and some can be insect-proof. It is the most used clothing material in the realm.

But just after she entered the animal skin firm, she was recognized by the boss as a talented man, so she laughed at her, thinking that she had no money, could not afford the animal skin, and took the young girl as a **** cry.

Now, he actually asked how to change the qualification of Linggen?

She was so angry that she wanted to drive him out. Fortunately, the older waitress pulled her corner and told her to pay attention to her identity.

Only then did she control her temper and sneered, "It's not impossible to change the qualifications of Linggen, but do you have so much money?"

The day before yesterday, it was the boss who looked down on her, and now, instead of looking down on her, she looked at him with contempt. This made young and young pain to the extreme, and there was a feeling of revenge and raised eyebrows.

Changed to usual, the boss of this animal skin firm let a waiter down, sure to lose his temper, what do you think... But thinking about his future, he still endured this tone and smiled.

"Uh, I also know that it is very difficult to change the spirit root talent. I don't dare to say that it will be enough. Can you tell me about the pricing? Is it possible for me to think about it?" he lost. Laughed.

At this moment...

The two waiters, no matter how they look like waiters, with their talents to change their talents, they have to talk carefully.

"How can the service attitude be like this?"

Bai Xiaotian saw the situation in it and was a little angry, so she got up and took care of it.

"Don't worry, these two little girls are in our shop, and they can't stand the little grievances. It's good to let them vent now, ha ha ha... Besides, don't you think that this group of people didn't like us before and think we are liars. The guy, bullied by these two little girls, is it fun?"

Li Qing pulled him with a smile.


"No, as long as we can change the talent root, our store doesn't have to be afraid of no business. Originally, they should be asking them for us." Li Qing comfortably leaned on the sofa.

A few days before speaking, was Li Qing not angry?

Do not!

But he firmly believes that these people will come to ask for one day.

No, they came to beg themselves!

A large number of people came in and asked, busying the two waiters.

In the end, they were probably all blocked by the high threshold, that is, two thousand stars and left an old man alone and entered the office.

He was about seventy years old, dressed in a white casual white robe, and as he stepped forward, he appeared to have the demeanor of a superior. It seems that it is likely to be an important person of a certain family or a certain sect.

Of course, Li Qing didn't care, so Bai Xiaotian went to reception.

Sure enough, he is the patriarchal father of a certain sect, and his talent is not rooted, but the son he cultivated has ambitions.

So, he was also blessed, and because his son was the master of the money, he came in and asked.

In less than three or two sentences, he settled down and said that he was allowed to send someone to send money over.

After two hours...

He walked out of the office with a cheerful expression.

"Isn't this the old Yuzong of Kong Mingzong, how is it? Has it really changed?" As soon as he came out, he was recognized and asked in a word.

"There must have been changes. I originally built the third floor of the base period. Now, I have broken through the fourth floor. Hahaha. I can’t wait to go to the test center to see what my superb golden spirit root looks like..." He laughed heartily Road.

"No, how did the owner of this shop help you change your talent, wouldn't it be a lie?" a guy looked over and asked.

Suddenly, this old man named Yu Lao changed his complexion, glaring at the guy with a thought.

"Mo Yao bullshit, there is a real power in it, he put me in the universe of all things between his hands and feet, and then, there is a divine light..." He began to talk about what happened in that illusion.

Hearing those people stunned for a moment, I didn't expect that a great **** was sitting in the office.


The Great Wall of China will never fall down. The weather is getting colder, the bosses add more clothes, especially those who do not exercise all the year round and still have catheters, hahaha

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