My Super God QQ

Chapter 41: The blood type is not compatible

   "No, then use mine!"

  Li Qing is very authentic.

   The doctor nodded: "I mean the same. First draw some blood from your body in case you need it. You will go to test the blood type with me now."

   "Mother and son, don't you need to test?"

   "I still want it for safety!"

   Li Qing little by little, can only helplessly leave behind him.

   "Come on, stretch out your hand!" At the blood draw station, a little nurse smiled softly at Li Qing. Needless to say, it must have been Li Qingshuai's attitude to have such a good attitude.


  Li Qing enjoys this rare good attitude and reaches out his hand.

   What he meant was that he wanted to draw 400ml of blood first. However, according to the rules, the blood must be tested first, which will be notified after half an hour.

  Li Qing had to go to the operating room, and Jin Yangxian, they helped her mother push out from inside, and transferred to the intensive care unit.

   With the blessing of Jin Yangxian, he made a phone call and went to a separate good ward.


   looked at the mother lying on the bed, unconscious, pale, Li Qing whispered, tears almost fell.

   He had never seen his mother so weak. Even if he was sick before, his mother would forcefully set up a fruit stand. If not, he went to the clinic to get some medicine and rested at home for a few days. This is the first time Li Qing sees his mother so weak, but only feels so painful and uncomfortable.

   "Auntie will be fine!"

   Jin Yangxian encouraged Li Qingdao beside him.

   "Well, thank you Xiange for your help."

   If Jin Yangxian was not in the side to help with the operation and go through the hospitalization procedures or something, Li Qingzhen would be in chaos.

   "Whatever it is, it's all friends and brothers, I don't like to listen to you like that!" Jin Yangxian pretended to be angry.

   "You have also drove a long time, or you can go back to rest, here is where I look at my mother." Li Qing nodded.

   "Yes, I am also a little tired, too focused on driving the most tiring. If something happens, remember to call me."

   Watching Jin Yangxian leave, Li Qingcai felt that it was really good to have personal help in his hometown.

   "Uncle Wang, please go back and rest!" Li Qing looked at Wang Tong, who was standing aside, and shouted.

   After all, it's not good to keep people here to stay.

   "It's okay!"

   "Let's go back, there must be something at home and something in the security team..." Li Qingdao.

Wang Tong hesitated for a while, then nodded: "Then if you are in trouble, remember to call me, huh, huh, your friend is really good, the energy is quite great, if not him, I want to find a good ward in this good hospital. It's really difficult."


   sent them away, Li Qing sat by the bed and looked at her mother.

  Zhang Min is only thirty-five years old. It can be said that Li Qing was born at a very young age. According to the average person at the age of thirty-five, it is like a girl if it is well maintained.

   "But his mother looks like a person who is approaching the age of fifty..." Li Qing thought sadly, holding her mother's many wrinkled hands tightly and coldly.

  Li Qing seems to want to keep her warm, just holding it, her eyes are all red.

  He recalled that when he was a child, with his mother and younger sister, it was a very happy life until his memories were woken up by the phone.

   "Li Qing, where are you?" It was Yan Di, and his voice was a little eager.

   "Fife, I am in the Third Hospital."

   "Oh, I'll be here soon!"

  What Li Qing wanted to say, the phone had been hung up there, which made him a little confused about the situation.

  About half an hour, Yan Di was wearing a white shirt and a pair of blue jeans and rushed to the hospital with a warming pot in his hand.

   "What are you?"

   "I learned about you from the boss, and I came quickly, because you can't see it all by yourself!" Yan Di gasped a little.


   "It's nothing, but when I'm a friend?"

  Li Qing had nodded, warm in his heart.

   "Will you two, which one is the patient's family member?" A nurse came in and asked.

   Hearing the words "family", Yan Di's face suddenly turned red like an apple, and he obviously thought of something.

  Li Qing also blushed a bit, but hurry up.

   "Your blood type is not suitable. Our chief physician recommends that you contact other relatives to see if there is a suitable blood type."

   "Ah?" Li Qingmu was amazed. I didn't expect this to happen. He was surprised: "No! I am the patient's son, shouldn't the blood type be the same?"

   Isn't he biological?

  Li Qing was shocked.

The nurse shook his head: "Patients who have had stillbirths, stillbirths, or a history of hemolysis in their newborns can also cause this situation. Also, if the blood type of the patient is type O, and the husband is type A, type B, or type AB, the fetus There may be ABO blood group incompatibility..."

  Li Qing recovered, nodded, but he had no other relatives!

"This is how to do……"

   Watching the nurse leave, Li Qing was in a hurry.

   "Li Qing, don't know if my blood type is suitable?" Yan Di said quietly suddenly.

   "What is yours?"

   "AB type."

  Li Qing shook his head.

  He decided to go to his mother's attending physician and ask, what is the situation?

   "Didi, help me look at my mother, I'll ask."

  Li Qing looked at her and nodded, and went to the attending doctor. When the attending doctor saw Li Qing, she shook her head, indicating that there was no quick way to get blood, so Li Qing contacted other family members as soon as possible.

   "My mother has no other relatives!" Li Qing said downcast.

  He thought this was really troublesome, but he didn't want the attending physician to hear this. He was surprised for a while, and then asked: "Shouldn't you have a grandmother and grandfather? Do they die?"

   Grandma? Grandpa?

  Li Qing's eyes are dull, this is a person who has never appeared in his life.

   "They have passed away for many years, my mother said." Li Qingdao.

  He decided to ask Jin Yangxian for help, anyway, if he had more lice, he would not be afraid of biting.

However, the attending physician said again: "No, I am connected to the medical network now. It seems that your grandmother had an operation in another hospital a year ago. Because your grandmother gave birth in our hospital, we All information is archived."


  Li Qing was completely stunned, and didn't understand what was going on. But then it turned on, no matter what happened, but this symbolized that the mother was saved!

   Liu Anhuaming another village!

   "Then can you help me find out, my grandmother's contact information?"

  The attending doctor gave Li Qing a call.

   Li Qing tried to broadcast it, but no one picked it up, and I didn’t know if it was a long time or not.

   even hit ten, no one answered, Li Qing was completely disappointed.

  He decided to wait for his mother to wake up and ask what was going on.

"what happened?"

   "It's okay!"

  Li Qing shook his head, it seemed that it was not good for outsiders to know.

   "Oh, let me look at it here, you go to rest, and you come again at night?" Yan Di suggested suddenly.

  Li Qing quickly shook his head: "No, how can it make you trouble, you still have to work to make money!"


  Yan Di's family also has a bedridden father. When she comes to help here, Li Qing will never agree.

"I don't care, anyway, just like you helped me, you have difficulties now, so I should help you. Shouldn't this be a friend, do I need to do it?" Yan Di hardened once and raised his chest. Straightforward and authentic.

   "But, but I can't sleep when I go back!" Li Qing was helpless.

   "You can rest on this bed!" Yan Di said like this.

   There are two beds in this ward, a TV, three chairs, and a toilet bathroom, which is very convenient.


  Li Qing had nodded.

  Full hour passed, Zhang Min finally woke up in the chat between the two.

   "A Qing..."

   As soon as she woke up, she quickly summoned Li Qing with a weak voice, and her hand stretched out.

   Really, when Zhang Min fell down, he thought he would never see his son again, and there was a call of death calling her. However, she really can't rest assured of her son, just hold a breath.

   Now, seeing Li Qing, Zhang Min only feels that everything is worth it, just like touching his own son.


  Li Qing looked at her like this, but also felt uncomfortable. Her eyes were red. She quickly jumped off the bed and took her hand.

   In this way, Zhang Min felt the presence of his son, so he felt at ease and turned his eyes to Yan Di.

   "Xiaodi, you are here too!"

   "Yeah, auntie, what do you think?" Didi looked at them like that, and her beautiful big eyes were also red, forcing her to calmly.

   "I'm fine, but shouldn't you take care of your dad at home? Why did you kid come here!" Zhang Min blamed it.

   "My dad is okay, then I hurriedly came when I heard."

   "Mom, are you hungry or not, I'll buy you some porridge!" Li Qing looked at her mother like this and hurriedly said.

  The doctor told her that she can only drink some porridge now, and cannot eat oily things, because the gallbladder will not work and cannot break down greasy things, which may cause diarrhea.

   "I'll go, auntie, you guys talk..."

   Seeing the two of them, Yan Di escaped too, and quickly ran out of the room after taking the talk.

   On the one hand, the chicken soup in the insulated pot she brought was too greasy. When she hurried to come, she didn't have time to skim the chicken soup. On the other hand, I want to let the mother and son get along and talk alone. Also, at that moment, she really had the feeling that she seemed to be Li's wife. She was ashamed, her heart was like a deer beating, and ran out quickly.

  Li Qing happened to ask his mother and let her leave.

   "A Qing, why did you let her go, you..." Zhang Min blamed Li Qing again.

   But the next second, he was shaken by Li Qing's words.

   "Mom, where are your grandparents?"

  On this issue, Zhang Min's face changed greatly, and then her eyes closed slightly, and tears flowed out.

   "They are already dead!" Zhang Min said.

   "No, they didn't die, you lied to me, mom!" Li Qing couldn't guess anything when she saw her cry. He wouldn’t be so real if he usually said it, so he would listen to her, but it’s about his mother’s safety, he must ask.

   "Don't ask them anymore!" Zhang Min shouted angrily, maybe the injury was involved, and his face was paler.

"But now the hospital says that Mom still needs surgery, and there is no blood. My blood does not match you. Mom, don't be angry, just tell me their contact information. I must find them!" Li Qing said. Afraid that her mother was angry, she knelt directly on the ground.

  Looking at Li Qing like this, Zhang Min felt distressed and quickly got him up.

   So, she sighed deeply: "At that time, Mom ran out. They have already reported that they have broken away from my father and daughter relationship, it is useless to find them!"

   It turned out that Li Qing's mother had run out with her parents back then, because she was dissatisfied with her parents and forced to marry her to a younger brother. Later, her parents lost a lot of money and reported that she was out of relationship.

   They have not been in contact for almost two decades.

   "Mom, it's been so long, they won't be mad at you, just report their contact information to me!"

   "No, I don't want you to be insulted by them over there." Zhang Min said firmly, not afraid of 10,000, she was afraid of it. Even her daughter, who had never been home, would never admit that Li Qing, the son of her and her life, would be recognized by his parents.

  Zhang Min will not let his son be wronged.

   "Mom, just say that, I beg you!" Li Qing knelt down again, thinking of his mother's possibility that this time it would happen because of this, he was uncomfortable, and tears could not help but flow out.

   Zhang Min watched Li Qing cry and lay in bed, seeming a little overwhelmed and struggling.

About half a minute later, she didn’t go too far and said, “You can also contact them, but you promised me, if they don’t recognize you will give me back! Otherwise, you mother and I Rather die here!"

   She was really afraid that her son would be wronged. Vaguely, she still remembered that she had contacted her father once more than ten years ago, but she responded to her with a swearing, and since then, she has died. Not to mention anything else, just because of her father’s grumpy temperament, that’s just a little bit. She was really afraid that Li Qing would be wronged!

  Li Qing saw her slack and quickly agreed.

   So, Zhang Min reported the address to Li Qing and explained some circumstances.

   It turns out that Zhang Min is not a Xiamen, but a person from the neighboring city of "Zhangzhou". His parents are also considered to be Wang people and have a wealthy family. However, the unsuccessful marriage of that time had a huge impact on the parents' industry.

   "Zhang Yu Pharmaceutical?"

  Li Qing listened to Zhang Minyi, he seemed to have heard the name.

  When Yan Di came back, he immediately asked Yan Di to watch his mother and said that he would definitely come back at night and set off quickly.

   He contacted the car and went directly to the neighboring city because the distance was relatively short.

   On the way, he dialed the phone again with some hope, who thought that this time it really worked, someone answered.


   is an old voice.

  Li Qing quickly said: "Hello, is this Mr. Zhang Chayu?"

  Zhang Chayu is nominally his grandfather.

   "Yes, are you?"

   "I am Zhang Min's son. Now, my mother is seriously ill in the hospital and needs blood of the same blood type..." Li Qing hasn't finished talking yet, and it has been hung up there.

   Is this the mother's laozi?

   Seeing a dead man? Is there really such a father in this world?

  Thinking about this, Li Qing's blood was boiling all over his body, and his crown was angry!

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