My Super God QQ

Chapter 348: Xian Yuan

The entire live broadcast platform was a sensation...

Immediately, in Hu Lei's live broadcast room, a lot of water friends ran to other live broadcast rooms and ran to each other, brushing "Fairy Appears with Room Number". So, in just ten minutes, the number of Hu Lei's live broadcast room rose from more than 10,000 to 200,000.

The barrage was fast enough to be invisible to the naked eye.

If at ordinary times, Hu Lei is afraid to be happy and broken, because it is rare for such a time, the popularity can reach so high. But the things in front of him attracted him more and made him completely forget his live broadcast career.

"You, are you really a fairy?"

Hu Lei asked in disbelief.

"No, it should be the person who repairs the fairy. If I were a fairy, it might not be here!" Duan Yue grinned wide and smiled with white teeth.

"Then do you want to accept me as a disciple?"

Duan Yue nodded: "Well, because your qualifications are really good, can you tell me how did this muscle come from?"

Hu Lei is probably one meter seven or seven, not high, but it is really strong, with massive muscles, which is really a good handsome guy. With short hair, the skin is darker because of the outdoor broadcast, and the wind and sun are darker, but it is more masculine.

"I don't know, and I don't exercise much. It seems that if I don't grow fat, I grow muscles!" Hu Lei said with embarrassment.

"Well, this is the so-called natural copper body!"

"Copper body?"

"Yes, one of thousands of people with this physique is rare to see. Some people have to practice for many years to achieve the copper body, and you are naturally a copper body, which shows the extraordinary qualifications."

"what do you mean?"

"Meaning, you are well suited to be a bodybuilder, a natural bodybuilder!"

"Isn't it the self-cultivator? Physical training is also included in the self-cultivator. Just ask you, don't you learn?"

"But I still have a wife and children..."

"It's okay, if you can't worry, I can pass on everything you can cultivate. Then, after the secular things are over, I will come to pick you up to the realm of truth. If you know that your natural copper body will practice again, Life is longer than mortals, so it’s okay..."

"Well, then, the master is on top, please pray to the disciples!" Hu Lei quickly knelt down and kowtowed.

"Huh, your dog looks good~"

"Master, this is Pitbull, the strongest dog in the world. It's called Xiba."

"Xiba, what do you mean?"

"Hahaha, that's Asiba, curse!"

"Well, Xiba, right? Your dog is a bit interesting, and it is expected to become a spirit beast. Then I will give you something for demon cultivation."

"Yes, Master!"


Hong Kong……

The highest land price area, in a mid-level villa...

Su Xiaoxiao seems to be a quiet fairy, her fingers are flying like fingers, playing on the piano.

As she played, an elf-like smile appeared on her face, as if she were in nature, her eyes bent like a crescent moon, as if the spirit was overflowing. With a smile, the noble look naturally revealed, making people have to marvel at the light of her elegant elegance.

Suddenly, the door was knocked.

This interruption made her a little unhappy and frowned. However, her good qualities still suppressed her anger and asked, "Who is it?"

"Miss, it's me!"

"Uncle Liu, is there something wrong?"

"Yes, didn't you let me pay attention to some of the strange things of the live broadcast? In addition to the last time you made me pay attention to the anchor and took a photo with the monster, there is another strange thing today."


"I watched the live broadcast and saw a person who claimed to be an immortal. The anchor actually worshipped him as a teacher! In addition, it seems that I saw the anchor you followed, from heaven..."

"What do you mean?"

"He stepped on a sword from the sky and skimmed the void..."

"Ah? Really fake? Where are they now?"

"No one knows, the anchor doesn't say. But, didn't Miss let me use our company's power to acquire the Panda Live Broadcasting Platform? This matter can be completed with a contract. We want to know his movements, absolutely No problem, wait for me to call and ask."

"The acquisition was successful? Well, Uncle Liu did a good job. After checking the location, come and tell me immediately!"

"Okay, miss!"

In order to know a person's movements, she actually acquired a live broadcast platform with billions of assets. She had to say that the daughter of Hong Kong's richest man was really powerful and domineering.

An hour later, a private helicopter flew out of the door.

Su Xiaoxiao took a plane and went directly to Quanzhou on the mainland.

She has a curiosity and an urge to go to Li Qing.

Because of the last live broadcast of Pi Xiu, she also saw Li Qing, but unfortunately, Li Qing had turned off the live broadcast during the reward.

This made her wonder, what kind of identity does Li Qing have in addition to being a live broadcast.

The speed of the helicopter is also very fast, but when flying in the blue sky, she suddenly saw a masked woman passing by from low altitude, beckoning to her.

Is she also flying?

Su Xiaoxiao looked stunned, but just after thinking of Li Qing, he hurriedly stopped the pilot who drove the helicopter.

"Brother Wang, stop below..."

"it is good!"

Su Xiaoxiao stopped the helicopter and landed on the ground. That's the case. Her fairy edge also came with Hu Lei at the same time.


If you use a plane, it takes about three hours from Quanzhou City to Kyoto, and Li Qingyujian's flight takes only two hours to reach Kyoto.

When you get here, then you need to use navigation to find the secret security department. Li Qing picked up the phone, but the navigation couldn't keep up with his speed...

Helpless, he can only reduce the speed and slowly follow the navigation.

"Hurry up, what kind of exercises are you practicing! If you don't say it, today, I won't kill you, but I'll kill you alive!"

On the top floor of a large shopping mall, Wang Lin is lying on the ground, gasping like a dead dog.

There were three people beside him, one of whom was the new deputy secretary of the Secret Security Department, and the other two were his doglegs.

At this time, the new deputy minister was sitting under a parasol, drinking juice, and watching Wang Lin leisurely.

"I said, I didn't practice any exercises!"

"How can you **** blood and improve your strength without practicing the exercises? Hmm, the dead duck is still hard, give me a fight!"

Two people from the secret security department responded, surrounded by a beating.


After screams came from Wang Lin's mouth, he hurt!

It is not the pain from the body, but the heart is very painful, actually stepped on these feet by these people and ravaged arbitrarily.

He hates!

Hateful of teeth, I wish to peel the skin of these three people.

It was already the third day. He was tied here and forced to confess for three days.

In the daytime, it is all kinds of beatings and insults. At night, it will be **** and locked in a warehouse in the mall.

Not eating for three days and three nights, plus all kinds of torture. Now, he feels that he is really dying. If there is a suffocation in his heart, he is afraid that he will find himself.

He held his breath and wanted to wait for his brother, Li Qing, to avenge him.

Will definitely come!

He believed that Li Qing's character would definitely come.

"Okay, stop, I'll ask you again, can't you tell me?"

"Don't say, wait, wait for me, wait for my brother to come, I see how you are going to die!"

"I may not know how I died, but I now know that if you don't say it, you will die immediately!"

Three days later, this vice minister was also wiped out most of his patience.

If it weren't for this kind of exercise, it would be magical. He was afraid to kill this guy directly. Sometimes this guy had no resistance, but his mouth was really cheap, so cheap that he wanted to tear his mouth.


This deputy minister was greedy for Wang Lin's exercises, thinking that as long as he sucked Wang Lin's blood, his strength would grow without limits.

At first, he thought Wang Lin was a vampire, but Wang Lin was not afraid of the sun, only such a possibility.

In addition, his two doglegs also helped this deputy minister because of this practice. Their only purpose now is to force Wang Lin to hand over the practice.

"You fart! Even if I die, you will die!" Wang Lin's two eyes were red, it was angry, almost split his eyes, and looked at the deputy minister fiercely.

"Well, it depends on who of us dies first, call me!"

Wang Lin was beaten up and down on the ground again. Now, he has been beaten up to the point of being an adult. He is afraid that his mother will not recognize him at home, but he still insists on not giving up, that is, he will not die. .

They were tired again, and they stopped.

"Deputy Minister, otherwise, let's take him back. Someone just called the department to check his whereabouts! It seems that it is likely that the guy named Li Qing is back!"

"Afraid of When he comes, I don't believe it, he can bite me! I'm now the deputy minister, he counts something, major general, major general will also be in my charge."

"But Mr. Zhu also called!"

"Master Zhu, this is a little troublesome, okay, take the dead dog, let's go back to the department."

Originally, Wang Lin on the side was already faintly comatose, but when he heard the news of Li Qing, his closed eyes suddenly burst into a ray of light again, and the whole person seemed to be hit with a strong needle. laugh it out.

"My brother is back, haha, he is back, you just wait to die!"

"Damn, shut up for me!"

Wang Lin was kicked directly in the face, blood and teeth spewed out.

Despite this, Wang Lin vomited and blew, but he laughed loudly again.

"Wash your neck and wait for my brother to kill you!"

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