My Super God QQ

Chapter 258: Blood column comes out, 4 sides vibrate

Under the influence of this red beam of light, the clouds in the sky were shattered and disappeared.

It was like breaking through the sky, straight up to the sky of nine days, without seeing the apex.

A hundred miles away, no, thousands of miles can clearly see the appearance of this beam of light.

"Huh, isn't this the chase of death? Is it possible that the kid was killed?"

In the nearest Xinyang Bookstore in Chaoyang City, a middle-aged man in a book-growth robe was reading a book with interest. Suddenly, the movement of lifting the pages of the book stopped, and he threw the book and ran outside, surprised and authentic.

He still vaguely remembered that when the head of the Cang Guangzong had visited himself when he was in the lower realm, he gave Du Yinlong the "Chaser of Death" under the eyes of everyone.

Although there are not many treasures for chasing death, everyone is well aware of its famous and terrifying functions. This is because the leader is afraid that Du Yinlong will die in their hands.

"Could it be said which one of us shot? Shouldn't it! It stands to reason that the Cangguang Sect can do things for others, it shouldn't be so... go and see!"

Just think about it!

The next second, the middle-aged man glanced around, no one paid attention to himself, jumped up directly, stepped on the ruler, and left here very quickly.

Not only this middle-aged man, but in the same city in the distance, an old lady dressed in a burly whistle, which made many people keep secretly checking, also disappeared.

There is also an upper body man!

In the end, there were a total of four people rushing in the direction of Murong Villa in four directions.

Some are curious.

Some thought that everyone came down from the realm of truth, and they should all have good things on their bodies. I wonder if they can mix water and fish for a wave. This opportunity is rare!


Not only did these monks who came down from the realm of the realm discover that people in state institutions, but also the people also discovered this strange world vision.

"Wife, don't fight, look!"

A man was arguing with his wife in the house and was punished to kneel on the soaked surface. Suddenly he saw the pillar of heavenly light and stood up in surprise, but he was caught by his wife for a while.

"I told you to kneel, not allowed to get up, but against you!" His wife twitched his teeth and choked down, making him yell in pain.

"No, wife, look there..."

"Don't want to digress, you were fooled many times when you weren't married before, and you still want to lie to me? Impossible!"

"Really, wife, hey, don't pinch, I'm begging you, just take a look!"

In this way, her wife followed the direction of his finger and looked out of the floor-to-ceiling window.

"Did it explode?"

"How can there be a pillar of light exploding into the sky? It looks like a treasure is born!" His husband pouted, and said to the silly girls, then he rushed to the balcony.

Looking from this distance to the other side, the beam of light is really magnificent, extremely magnificent, connecting the world!

The two of them couldn't help but open their mouths. They opened so much that they couldn't close together.

And in a public security bureau...

The telephones there were exploded, and many people called to ask if there were any explosions, and whether there will be polluting gas, affecting their safety.

Some people even said that the aliens had invaded, so they quickly went to see, and the entire public security bureau was in a mess, and they ran around with the ants on the hot pot.

The army was dispatched as soon as possible and went there.

The order they received was to block the radius there. If there were not enough people, they had to go up. If there were not enough conditions, they created conditions.

All soldiers set off immediately.

Faced with this situation, they are very curious, but more nervous, very nervous.

So after the military vehicles drove out of the barracks one after another, there should have been a lot of noise, but this time it was unusual. Everyone was bored and secretly thinking, showing a heavy atmosphere.

This matter was also reported and reported to the country. Soon, the first chief received the news and asked the nearby military district to rush to support it. It must be investigated clearly.

"Chief, I think there may be a dangerous situation there, we have to be mentally prepared!"

"Well, you have to do all the preparations, head, I think it is still necessary to call the people in the special department, I always think this is unusual!" Mr. Zhu also amazedly and solemnly at the conference table.

"Let the fighters send them over directly!" a bureaucrat suggested.

"If there are people around, if there are people in special departments, let them arrive as soon as possible. Whether this situation is good or bad, it must be controlled. Otherwise, it will cause society, even international public opinion, then it will be troublesome! "

"Will Chongbao be born?"

A big official's eyes flashed greedily, licking his lips.

In this position, they have also seen a lot of extraordinary things. These things are terrifying, and they are naturally blessed.

Naturally horrible, they dare not intervene. There are treasures of the blessed fate. Even if they can't eat meat, they can share a piece of soup.

"Yes, Feng Feng is right!"

"Hey, it must be a good thing. The red light in the photo is a symbol of good luck!"

"I think that the red light looks a bit evil, and still smells bloody."

"Okay, don’t mention it. I have sent people from the special department. At the speed of the fighter, I should be able to receive the news soon. Let’s wait for the news! In addition, I have already been in the second-level alert state of the country Release, everyone is here to wait for the news, as soon as I let the kitchen cook something, don’t go back!" Finally, the No. 1 chief set the tone, which is decided by the final word.

At the moment, the entire national institution is running quickly.

Various provinces and cities in the Northeast have even entered the first-level alert state. Police cars and helicopters have been dispatched to patrol the streets to ensure the safety of the masses.

Throughout this country, countless people lifted their hearts because of this beam of light, waiting quietly for the results.

When the red beam appeared...

In a remote village, an anchor who specializes in outdoor adventures also found the beam of light. At the moment, he looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room and let him go to see, gritt his teeth, ride a motorcycle, and bring his own dog. Running towards the red beam of light.

"Xi Ba, let's go!" He said to the puppy, gritted his teeth, urged the motorcycle, and went there.

There are anchors, and there are naturally good young people. They come together in threes or fives, or go alone on the road. They all rush there with a young, crazy adventure.

"It's exciting! Maybe there are treasures out there!"

In a certain car, a young man about 22 years old was genuinely excited.

"Make the music quieter, let's talk about it, if we encounter treasures, what should we divide..." Another young man's eyes rolled sharply.

"Ha ha ha, of course evenly divided!"

"But what if there is only one treasure?"

"I don't care. I'm here to play today, but I have an idea, otherwise we don't know if we can get there in front of others."

"Fart you, don't forget, this car is mine, I'm still driving!"

"Fuck you, no matter how you divide it, I will get a copy anyway!"

This group of young people is good. They haven't seen the treasure yet.

Fortune is moving!

There are fears, but more greed. These people, like wolves smelling flesh and blood, illuminate green sensuous light one after another, growling and rushing towards the red beam of light.


Looking up at the blood-red beam of light, Li Qinghao was away for a long time.

A terrible chill in my heart flooded the entire chest directly, and even the blood seemed to be frozen and frozen, making him a little speechless!

He knew that this big event was not good, that Du Yinlong might be telling the truth, without deceiving himself...

However, he will not sit still!

So he called up the qq system!


Li Qing suddenly remembered something.

That is qq book city!

He may enter the qq book city to escape this thing!

So, he was afraid that someone would see him and take Elder Atti's life with a sword and rush into the surrounding grass.

Just after entering the grass, he directly hid in the QQ Book City.

This is no embarrassment!

Now, he thinks that he is still young and young, which is naturally better than those old guys who have been cultivating for many years.

Temporarily evade the edge, let's talk!

However, just after Li Qing entered the qq bookstore, the light column still didn't say that he had lost his goal.

It feels as if the beam of light is rising indefinitely, and it takes time to contact the master who made the chasing charm with time.

A minute later, a person wearing a gossip Taoist suit appeared around, three miles away where the red light was.

His appearance seemed to fulfill something.

Another brawned man appeared, holding a silver giant immensely strong, with a height of two meters and five feet, just like the little giant, with blood on his body like a dragon .

Next, it was a woman wearing a cloak covering her veil, saying that it was because the hands she showed were so slim and very beautiful, just like the most exquisite works of art.

Then, the middle-aged man wearing a book-growth robe and Yue Po also appeared.

They did not dare to get too close, watching from afar, and also noticed the body of Du Yinlong.

"I don't know if he has anything good on him..."

Someone thought.

But they dare not get close, because the Death Hunter is contacting its creator, and when he is contacted, he may be treated as a murderer and attacked by the Death Hunter.

To say that this life-fighting death charm is also a lot in the cultivation realm, because it was handed down from ancient times.

Zongmen with a life-fighting death sign, even if it is weak, generally no one will provoke them, like a thorn, very weak, but it will still be stuck.

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